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[Visual] Now Karo Rushe's Dump Art Gallery

Started by Karo Rushe, January 09, 2008, 05:08:13 AM

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Karo Rushe

Today, I spent on searching for tutorials on Paint Tool Sai to apply what I learn today, and, well, I decided to Scan a sketch and color it digitally, something I did with the 'PS3 Game' one.
Following the instructions, I received a grim remainder:

I'm not the best at cleaning up sketches or lineart and the bad erasers sure left their mark, I had been working all day to clean it up, becoming tedious, and simply making matters worse and more complicated, and I had wasted my time I could've used in making sticks & other stuff on Sai instead as practice. So, giving up on trying to fix the sketch to get a lineart, my thoughts went to tracing the lines like a vector, but, I know it wouldn't fix the main problem, those Pink Erasers are the cause as you guys have said. I decided to fix this once and for all, Find those Kneaded Erasers, whatever was left of them, in my room. Box after box, searching.

Finally found two of them in a small pouch with some old Marker/Pens of mines, and preparing to clean the sketch this time.
The Pens I found belong also to the ones I've been using;

1) TechLiner (Unnamed Pens)

1) 1 Unopened White Eraser (It kinda turned Yellow thou) 

2) 2 'Design' Kneaded Rubber 1223 (Kneaded Erasers)

"New Toy"
1) 1 "Wacom Bamboo Tablet Model MTE-450A" (It was lying around taking dust between watercolor sketchbooks)

Regarding the Tablet, I couldn't find the installation disc, frustrated after search was unsuccessful, I just went and looked for the Installation Driver Online. And, well, Yesterday's drawing that froze the computer was the result of the fun I had.

Awaiting now suggestions, criticism, more tutorials, tips and advice from you guys, I'm truly eager to learn on this medium.

Quote from: Queen yuyubabe on August 05, 2014, 12:45:49 AM
Very cool! O.O I think I saw you post that one earlier, too, I don't know why I didn't think about that. D:

You seem to do an awesome job with digital coloring, too! :-) It would be cool to see more of your digital stuff!
When I colored it, I had no idea what I was doing.

Karo Rushe

So, umm, yeah, working on this at a slow pace:

[spoiler=Just a Sketch][/spoiler]


Oooh, very cool! :-) I think the nose may need to be just a little bit longer or the mouth higher. Perhaps it's just the angle of the character. :]

Lookin' good! ^_^

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



I like it. The color variation is a nice touch on top.  :tv:
[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Karo Rushe

Been contemplating on using the Kneaded eraser, but I'm afraid of opening it, since I dunno where would I put it later so it could last longer & doesn't get all dusty & dirty and full of stuff from the room.
Quote from: Karo Rushe on August 11, 2014, 12:39:52 PM
So, umm, yeah, working on this at a slow pace:

[spoiler=Just a Sketch][/spoiler]
Regarding this sketch, is just a sketch, not the final product, thou I dunno if I'll finish it so I had decided to post it here for you guys to see, I used different colors, for each layer, each color is actually a separate layer, each layer beneath I turn them more and more transparent as I add more layers, tracing in a new layer either on it or adding more details.

Quote from: yuyu! on August 12, 2014, 03:52:11 AM
Oooh, very cool! :-) I think the nose may need to be just a little bit longer or the mouth higher. Perhaps it's just the angle of the character. :]

Lookin' good! ^_^
After looking at it, I think it's both, the Nose needs to be a bit longer & the Mouth higher, It's not really the angle I think. Thank you for pointing that out. o/

Quote from: sophist on August 12, 2014, 06:08:01 AM
I like it. The color variation is a nice touch on top.  :tv:
Thank you, thou the colors are just separate layers. Using different colors so I don't get confused while working & tracing it over, either adding or fixing.


Ok, so, I haven't really worked much since the last ones, and I have a bad habit of simply wanting to draw but won't draw at all. So, last night decided to draw on a few old school notebooks I planned to use just to practice sketching stuff (Taking Acolyte's suggestion to sketch in a separate paper/notebook), here's yesterday's result: (Sorry for it been dirty & messy)

[spoiler=Akagi from KanColl Sketch][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Akagi reference][/spoiler]

Karo Rushe

I was planning on drawing digital, but those plans changed after what happened with the Hardrive, so I continued doing it the traditional way. In doing so I've decided to branch away from the style I was trying to do and said "Screw it, I'm drawing Anime/Manga Style" and followed with passion, here's the progression of these weeks I've been missing:

[Warning-big post coming throu]

[spoiler=I-19/Iku from KanColle]

Here I decided to try using more colors, lines & shape for the background, had trouble aligning the eyes, and following the advice of Arrow & Acolyte, I changed the Pink Erasers, and started to use a White Eraser I have. It's made erasing the graphite much easier & cleaning it up better, however, I had trouble with the Pens which, I didn't notice ti'll recently.
I also started to use what I learned in Color Theory back in University, and played with the colors in making a gradient-two tone hair color, It didn't come exactly as I wanted, but nonetheless, I'd try it once again in the next one.
[spoiler=I-8/Hacchan from KanColle]

Tried to be more colorful & employ some tricks around. making larger breast isn't my forte, but I wanted to get better, the head came out too big, and the eyes were still small, and I somehow managed to screw up her glasses, I didn't notice them until I had already made the lineart & colored them. Played around with her hair color, I loved the result on this one better, and establishing a palette for Blond Hair colors . Sadly, I did the mistake I was told not to do with the Color Pencils & the Ink, and well, you can see it. Decided to changes Pens for the next ones after this, added too many elements in the Background, Sis said it reminded her of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. I notice her hand looks . . . weird, I tried fixing it but I just kept getting it worse, and any more erasing would damage the paper. This one was finished by the time I had left the Computer to my Sister's friend to re-install the hardrive.

[spoiler=Iona from Arpeggio of Blue Steel/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio]

The following days felt really dark for me. with no Computer, I didn't know where to look for my references & other stuff regarding art. I decided to use my Brother's Mac computer to connect my Old Laptop's hardrive into it, I had saved most of the references, and stuff of the computer into 2 Laptop Hardrives I had around and use to make small back-ups of the computer's stuff. However, I had little reference on the character itself, had trouble navigating throu Mac's Safari for an image and . . . ugh, horrible. Went with this picture as a reference The Pen I used was a "Faber Castell Multimark 1513 permanent black pen size 'F'" for the lineart, I had trouble with it, but it was the only pen I could trust at that moment. I believe I made progress with the eyes in this one, I tried to simplify the background this time by using Aqua & Blue colored pens & sharpie markers.

By the Time I finish this one, I had decided to 'expose' my work on the internet (besides rmrk). But didn't start until the next drawing.

[spoiler=Takao from Arpeggio of Blue Steel/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio]

My sister & her friend like this character a lot, I had trouble once again looking for references on her dress and wasn't sure on the pose. Went with something a tad bold for me. Decided to use light shades of blue as Shadows for her white dress instead of grey or purples. used Sharpies to color the background, and wanted to make a more 'bubble'-like effect. I enjoyed how she came out, and I felt proud how her eyes came out.
By this time I started to sketch more but after I got my computer back, I started to post them on Deviantart & pixiv, one drawing every two days. However, when I got to Iona, I didn't post Takao's, instead I went with this next one right away on 11/15/2014
[spoiler=Our roads crosses once more]

Quote from: From PixivI wanted to Draw Prinz Eugen ;A; Alongside Nagato & Sakawa.
Nagato, Prinz Eugen & Sakawa from KanColle done in Color Pencil & markers.
Mostly inspired by a line she says ._.

I did this one in one day . . . and posted it by night, I was tired, but proud of what I had started to achieve. The day I worked on this one, KanColle had released a new patch which included three new characters, Prinz Eugen, amongs the new ones was the motivation, and investigating real quickly, I learned the Ship she's based on, was on Operation-Crossroads, a Nuclear test in the pacific and one of the survivors of it with the other two characters been present too in the event, but didn't survive like her.

I was motivated by this information, and this is the first time that I draw three characters in the same drawing & to finish said drawing in the same day. I also gotten new skin tones, and progress on some parts, but, sadly, I think the lineart of the Pen had done damage to the drawing, the Sharpie Markers Bled throu the paper onto the next page (I was always aware they bled throu, but never like it did in this one).

[spoiler= Hipper-Class, Prinz Eugen]

Quote from: From pixivBest 'Kriegsmarine' after Bismark ;A;
Prinz Eugen from Kantai Collection, done in Acrylic & colorpencils.

So, I had been motivated since the last one, I decided to raise the stakes higher, Mixed Media, Color Pencils and Acrylic Paint, I was afraid on this one, but faced it right ahead. This was the result. I didn't enjoy the Paper Canvas's texture, it made it difficult for me to color with the Pencils.
And most recently:
[spoiler=Hier kommt die Sonne -NSFW]

Quote from: From Deviantartヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ Herren, Feuer frei!!!!

Prinz Eugen from KanColle done in Color Pencils & Sharpies.
First time using Micron/Sakura pens, trying new hair color & some digital filtering.

Dunno how the mature content stuff works here in Deviantart, so I just added the mature content tag. .__. People can be sensitive to even some pantsu shot ~
By now, I was frustrated with the Pen. So convinced my father to take me to the closes Art store to buy what my friends refer to as the 'Elusive Sakura Pens - Micron Pens', lottsa traffic, and the terrible heat of the afternoon, the car doesn't have air conditioner, when we got there, they told me they only sold them separatedly, and tried to convince me to buy another different mark of Pens, I was not in the mood to experiment and risk of having bad pens as I had since University, I went to the counter and picked them up, They only had size 005, 01, 05 & 08, took a pair of 005, 01 & 05 . . . went home & made the Lineart. Decided to change the palette of the Blond Hair, and added Orange, I got too much into the background, and this was the result. One of the Pens started to act like it's ink was dried, good thing I bought them on pairs, I applied too much white & gave a smudge effect on the lineart (Grrr). Nevertheless, I love the result & the colors, and I feel I have made more progress with this one, even thou I learned later that I screwed up the proportions, specially her bottom. .__.

Currently have two more sketches, but I wanted to post these here.


Hey, good job! The erasers look like they help a lot.  :D

Karo Rushe

Stuff done lately:

[spoiler=Kongou from KanColle][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Hibiky/Verniy from KanColle][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Work in progress - Akizuki from KanColle][/spoiler]

2 pages left on sketchbook.

Karo Rushe

Finished tonight ~
[spoiler=Akizuki from kanColle][/spoiler]

Karo Rushe

[spoiler=Kriegsmarine wishes you a merry christmas][/spoiler]

And that's the last page of my sketchbook. now to get another one. (Photoshop decided to call it quits on me tonight.)

Gaming Princess Luna

Your art is amazing. <3
How long do you draw for now?
I wish you a merry christmas too. :) (\s/)

Off Topic:
Are you from germany, because of the many words like Kriegsmarine, Herren, feuer frei? :D /)


I believe that's just because they throw those words around a lot in kantai collection.

Karo Rushe

Guten Morgen o/

Quote from: Trixie Lulamoon on December 24, 2014, 03:26:50 AM
Your art is amazing. <3
Thank you, thou I still have a long way to go. ^^;;

Quote from: Trixie Lulamoon on December 24, 2014, 03:26:50 AM
How long do you draw for now?
This question is actually tricky.

I had been drawing for a long while, never took it seriously, mostly for making time pass in classes.
Started on doing pixel arts (specifically spriting in XP) around highschool when I got interested in rpg maker, a certain person in this forums told me to stop requesting and to be productive.
After I graduated from Highschool, studied 'Graphic Art & Paintings' as a Major in University.
After graduating, I simply painted but I started to get serious about it around August of this year after participating in a drawing contest at a local ComiCon.

Quote from: Trixie Lulamoon on December 24, 2014, 03:26:50 AM
I wish you a merry christmas too. :) (\s/)
Thank you, thou it's still not Christmas where I am.
Quote from: Trixie Lulamoon on December 24, 2014, 03:26:50 AM
Off Topic:
Are you from germany, because of the many words like Kriegsmarine, Herren, feuer frei? :D /)
No, I'm not from Germany.

Quote from: strike on December 24, 2014, 05:11:20 AM
I believe that's just because they throw those words around a lot in kantai collection.

Actually . . . I used Babelfish for most of them, there's less german words thrown in randomly. >__>;;


Karo Rushe


how long has the first post had dead images?

Karo Rushe

Quote from: strike on December 27, 2014, 05:06:37 AM
how long has the first post had dead images?

May 25, 2012? I can just update it with the latest ones from the third page.

Karo Rushe

Just finished this one 30 minutes ago:

[spoiler=Satori Komeiji from Touhou][/spoiler]

Not really my cup of tea, but it'll get some watchers.

modern algebra

These are really great Karo. Good job!


Quote from: Karo Rushe on January 11, 2015, 05:24:55 PM
[spoiler=Satori Komeiji from Touhou][/spoiler]

I don't think I'll ever understand the weirdness of anime (referring to the eyeball over her chest), but nicely drawn! The hand is just a little big, and the pencil throws me off a bit. Colored pencils might work well, too. Especially if you use a darker version of each color for the outlines. :)

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]


Karo Rushe

Quote from: yuyu! on January 12, 2015, 03:17:00 AM
Quote from: Karo Rushe on January 11, 2015, 05:24:55 PM
[spoiler=Satori Komeiji from Touhou][/spoiler]

I don't think I'll ever understand the weirdness of anime (referring to the eyeball over her chest), but nicely drawn! The hand is just a little big, and the pencil throws me off a bit. Colored pencils might work well, too. Especially if you use a darker version of each color for the outlines. :)
I'm curious, on what you mean with the pencil, specifically what throws you off?

I'm not confident using color pencil for the outlines, I kinda have a bad habit of doings things messy. But I'll give it a try.

I think on the hands, it's mostly the fingers, I keep messing up the fingers. I'm aware I'm bad at them, but I'll always keep making them,I know someday I'll get them right . . . eventually . . . some day. .__.

Quote from: yuyu! on January 12, 2015, 03:17:00 AMI don't think I'll ever understand the weirdness of anime (referring to the eyeball over her chest), but nicely drawn!
Well, I, umm, I just don't wanna sound rude or anything, I guess it's could be  since it's a strange & foreign concept to you, It is strange indeed I guess from your perspective, and at first, well, I'll admit it was strange for me too at the time. I could explain about the character, but, the only question I ask myself is, if you want to know. . . Don't want to sound too nerdy nor offend you in any way at all. Umm, I could tell the girl is not from an Anime, more like from a Indie Game. .__. Other people I know would've lost their marbles from reading that and act like pricks. And that's no fun.
I'll keep it short,, and Thanks.


It's touhou. I've saved you an explanation.  :V


Quote from: Karo Rushe on January 12, 2015, 10:43:53 AM
I'm curious, on what you mean with the pencil, specifically what throws you off?

The pencil isn't really all that big of a deal and doesn't take away from the picture. ;o My only two qualms about drawing with pencils is that the outlines might tend to smudge sometimes, and the grayish pencil color (instead of a darker colored outline or a black outline). From what it looks like, you've minimized the smudges and that's gnar-gnar!

Quote from: Karo Rushe on January 12, 2015, 10:43:53 AMWell, I, umm, I just don't wanna sound rude or anything, I guess it's could be  since it's a strange & foreign concept to you, It is strange indeed I guess from your perspective, and at first, well, I'll admit it was strange for me too at the time. I could explain about the character, but, the only question I ask myself is, if you want to know. . . Don't want to sound too nerdy nor offend you in any way at all. Umm, I could tell the girl is not from an Anime, more like from a Indie Game. .__. Other people I know would've lost their marbles from reading that and act like pricks. And that's no fun.
I'll keep it short,, and Thanks.

Huh? Oh, it's really no big deal! It didn't bother me, I was just saying that anime (the art style) is strange indeed.  :P I appreciate the art style, but anime has always been very a creative way! "Weird" isn't a bad thing in my mind. ;o

Quote from: Acolyte on January 12, 2015, 04:31:13 PM
It's touhou. I've saved you an explanation.  :V

OH! I totally missed that it was a Touhou character, actually. ;-; (but I barely know what touhou is, so I missed the joke. Sorrrrrryyy ;-;)

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]


Karo Rushe

:> Nothing to worry about.
I seem to have issue then with the smudge of the ink. .  . .

Anyways; work in progress:
[spoiler= Akame from Akame Ga Kill]

So, I played with markers on the new sketch book . . . but the Ink bleeds to the next page. [/spoiler]

Karo Rushe

*Ahem*, So, umm, yeah, I had been in the mood lately. I ordered 26 new color pencils I needed, I couldn't find them in the local art store nor in the farthest one from town in the South, Had to order them online instead, which costed me some $43.29 plus $10 bucks to get new white erasers since the one I had did it's job. (I spend it well lately). They work great and I'm satisfied with it.

To clear it up, the colorpencils I use are Prismacolors. And their quite old, (Around when I was finishing Elementary school), and I had been collecting colors since then, and now lately I've putten them to use in all drawings from past to present. They're expensive, and I have been told I can get cheaper ones, but, I simply like to work with these.

Now then, for some new drawings and sketches:

Finished the Akame Ga Kill fanart:
[spoiler=Akame Ga Kill][/spoiler]

And more Kantai Collection. This one inspired from Episode 4 of the anime:
[spoiler=Fubuki and Kongou Ep4][/spoiler]