hmmm..let's see here...
able to break a fourth metatarsal just by walking....(not quite a trait, but my friends joke about it...)
I'm very creative, but then again in a gaming community it doesn't really count, right?
Hmmm...very good at writing, especially fantasy (kinda like LoTR and Narnia stuff...but I like adding lots of swordfight scenes
Ummm...decent at spriting, probably don't have an edge on arrow though...
good driving skills
good reflexes
can do the clover-tongue
can speak "in two voices at once" (makes me sound possessed...scare my friends at sleepovers
) I'd post a recording but for some reason microphones, either computer or phone, lose the effect...
can sometimes sense presence of supernatural things around me, and sometimes their intentions...though I'm not a psychic. kinda neat in church but creepy around graveyards...don't really like to talk about it thoughcan't think of anything else...