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Your Favorite Glitch

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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Sometimes it corrupts or deletes data, other times its AWESOME.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
It's like super high risk. What happens if it doesn't crash/corrupt/delete data?

Crew Slut
Level 93
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nothing...you just have an awesome pokemon.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Mew is an awesome pokemon and he's half-legal. :D He has uber stats. GO MEW! What does MissingNo. look like? Just the same dots?

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
its a bunch of random dots, and his one move duplicates items in the 6th slot I think.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
He looks like a bar code from like packages except missing a portion in its top right corner. Kinda odd. lol
Sig by MacGravel

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

If you catch it, and you DON'T destroy your data, it turns into a different poke'mon, still called Missing No. It usually turned into a flying Kanghaskan for me. Also knows Surf.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
its a bunch of random dots, and his one move duplicates items in the 6th slot I think.
It's just safer to do the old man cheat. XP Also, isn't Kangaskahn for the ones that aren't MissingNo.s but they're still the dots?

Crew Slut
Level 93
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The old man cheat is missingno

I never knew it turned into pokemon, but I once caught a level 125 Golbat and a level 170 Golduck I think. Not the same pokemon as M, but still is a glitch.

Level 88
The dumbest was while I was playing four player co-op Teen Titians on the GC. We going down this elevator and the elevator just stopped. We spent 10 mins trying to figure out what happened but I knew we encountered a glitch. My cousin restarted and said we can't attack anyone. We did that and crazy enough, we never got hit once! And we still glitched! Teen Titans the games sucks!

Crew Slut
Level 93
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So is the show.

I never really found glitches in games, I think I found one in MP, but, I found a really cool glitch in Gunz, it was really cool! It also saved me from getting killed. I was playing in the factory map, and in the little hall way to the other side of the building, someone slashed me with his sword, not the upper-cut, but it went like black for a second, and then I was up on top of the building! It saved me form getting killed, and I also was right by the health.  ;)

Level 88
Mmmmmmmm...Gunz. Good times, good times. I remember one where you stand on some in the dungeon lvl, near the pillars, and the bottom person becomes like an elevator and it takes you all the way to the top. :lol

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I don't know which map you're talking about...mansion? Only one I can think of that has pillars aside form the arena map, but I don't think that would be called pillars, just pillar.

Level 88
The dungeon lvl, don't you noe that. I think maybe you don't noe because you have to be 20+ to go there. It unlocks with castle.

Level 87
My favourite glitch has to be... in ES4 Oblivion on the PS3, if you kill one of the Mage's Guild members in Bravil or Leyawiin, I think... I may be wrong... they have an item on their corpse called [Missing Name.] If you take it and drop it, a huge yellow circle appears, with a red exclamation mark... or was it the other way round. It's like part of the scenery, you can walk through it, but you can't pick it up.

Level 88
wrath of winter
In Metroid Prime, the Metroids ALWAYS explode if you carry them through a doorway...dunno if it's a glitch but it's cool...a real glitch though is bombing them off you so that they get lodged in a wall, then when they try to swoop at you again they explode.  Hard to line it up, though, but it's worth it.

Another glitch...in Star Wars Battlefront I was fighting my friend in Cloud City over Bespin (I think it's Bespin Platforms or something), I fell over the edge into the sky but i landed on some little glitch area, and I sniped everyone.  My friend unloaded his ammo on me but it passed right through my character's model, and I headshotted him.  Then I fell off that area into the real sky and died trying to walk around...apparently the place was only under the actual platforms, like a cutout or something.

Another glitch that I exploit often when extremely bored is what I call the "Beetle-Lag Glitch" in Minish Cap.  GO dig around areas with holes that you can hop into (ones that you fire the Cane of Pacci at) and lead the beetles that pop out of the ground to the holes and have them hop onto you.  Fall into the hole and try to get them stuck between the hole and a wall (they stay on the hole and can't move unless you grab them by touching them).  Hop out and continue, bringing or luring them to the hole.  After an hour or so you should have enough to start lagging.  Assuming you're successful at getting each one to jump off you into that area between the hole and the wall, you'll have a nice collection of bugs.  Pull out a bomb, pick it up, and without throwing it jump into the hole.  Detonate it or let it go off.  Link takes no damage though he's under the bomb, and half the beetles die.  Kinda fun to watch those many little smoke-clouds...and a waste of a few hours.  You can get your game to freeze if you have too many.

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Level 87
Mine would be the flying glitch in jak 3 where you can fall thrugh the buidings and ground and in Legend of zelda Links Awakening when you press start right when you enter a new map. It made you into place you weren't suppose to. And there were so many glitches on game cube I can't remember.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2007, 11:18:31 PM by DarkHero »

Rise From The Ashes!
Level 91
"Time to bring the Law!"
Project of the Month winner for September 2009

Not exactly a glitch, but tried and tested. Nintendo were too lazy to take it out after testing the Z-Targeting.

Level 89
Let's attack agressively.
Super Mario 64 DS glitches, very fun to do!  ;D

Level 87
nintendo games always have glitches like in SM Sunshine. The game isso glitched up. In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, you can do th glitch to reuse items for your chao and make sonic fy in normal garde. You can alsomake the truck at the end of the first level bounce up and fall into some weird hole.  Another glitched up ame on the Gamecube.

I'm the mother-fucking muffin KING, bitch.
Level 88
Fuck You.
The first pokemon one is right up there, but i mean i was playing gears of war once, i chainsawed a guy, and he flopped around everywhere for like five minutes, like he was a body getting dragged by the grav-gun in half life.

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Level 88
wrath of winter
W...T...F...how does that happen?!

Want a personal sig like this? Ask Firerain:

Level 89
No Cake For you!
Either Missingno or PSO episode 1&2 item clone glitch :D

Level 88
wrath of winter
Ah! can't forget the item glitch of G/S.  Also the "all starters" cloning glitch.

Want a personal sig like this? Ask Firerain:

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Just to let you guys who love the original pokemon game glitch know, if you do that glitch too much, it will permanently eliminate your ability to save.

I, and many others over did the missing number trick, and now our pokemon games are gone for good. My red version suffered, so I need to find a new one that can save to complete my collection once again.

Did you know that if you capture a missing number, and try to trade it to gold or silver version through timecapsule, that it will show up as a remoraid, and give you the message "your friends remoraid is abnormal!" It's true. I have a feeling that the programmers of silver and gold forsaw people trying to do that, and prepared ahead of time by adding the abnormal message.

As for other glitches, there was this one in bugdom during the big one where you fly dragonflys at the giant bee hive and attack it, and if you land with the back of the thing facing the wall, with you still on it, you can get outside of the game boundaries, and into the red zone outside the area cell data limits. It's interesting that I remember that glitch after it's been SO many years since I last played that game.

Then in lemmings paintball, if you jump on a certain trampoline square on a certain level in a certain angle, you can get outside the game cell limits, eternally running across endless squares of terrain.

But those are less well known games that I experienced only a handful of times in my childhood. Let's get on to the extreme stuff!

So in rayman 2: the great escape, if you play it on just the right kind of old computer, then it might produce a glitch in the beginning of the first level, where a duplicate of Rayman runs eternally forward up against the wall, and another glitch, where if you play it off of the right kind of old computer, you can jump into the waterfall, and come out swimming in the air.

Then there's the glitch where you can control areas outside of your influence ring in the original Black & White. I'm not even sure how to make it happen.

Then there's the nice glitch, which I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not, in Battlefield Vietnam, where if you ride in a transport helicopter, but just jump into the back and dont actually sit down, then the helicopter gets shot down and turns all black and charred from the explosion, you might actually survive the explosion, and the crash landing.

But my #1 favorite is still the missing number glitch, which I grew up with, and did all sorts of cool experiments with, even if it did kill my red version.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 10:33:04 PM by Animefan »