Now that the minimap is gone let's address a few things you've mentioned:
- Clashing: I'm talking about the cave interior tileset, the xp tiles. The outer cave is toned down, so it doesn't clash but the interior cave, which is just randomly took out of XP tiles without any sort of edits, should NOT be used. Celianna tiles and Xp tiles have very different color feel, that anyone would notice.
- When I say you just throw stuffs to make a map, I mean it. It doesn't matter how much time you spent outside looking at the real world, if you wanna make a nice map, like a nice drawing, you
have to know which detail should be included and which should not be. When I look at your map, I see a mixed pot of detail, in a map this small, overdetail will kill it. It's nice to look at a game's details and admire how much time the developer had spent on the map, but in a map like yours, I would just sprint through toward next map because all the trees and the plants actually hurts my eyes. It's not beautiful.
- And the pink tree, they are fine if they bring such purpose.
- One more thing I think I should address, that is your battle background, especially the battle screenshot you showcased. It ... it's just ... I don't know what to say except for "get rid of it". Games using maps as battleback only if the battle actually look like it took place on the map. A few random dudes flying on top of a mountain in a battle? I don't think so.
Or if you wanna keep as-is, at least get a battle floor. Think of Fire Emblem. Your current battleback is ridiculous
And regarding your reply to Strike, just so you know, what you know about the game is not what the player knows. You might know how to navigate through your maps, but lots of ppl might not, you can't tell for sure with so much detail. Besides, lots of bugs might popped up, which is totally out of your control.
So, a sarcasm like "I'm just the game maker what do I know" is not the smartest thing to say