i dont know if this has been done before, but if it has be free to delete, or move, or whatever.
Well if you're new and looking where to upload your game without the hassle of registering a domain, or subdomain, heres some sites:
www.megaupload.com -> can force people downloading your game to download the megaupload toolbar after x amount of (thanks arwym for the tipper
www.filefront.comhttp://rapidshare.de/http://rapidshare.com/http://www.wikiupload.com/http://www.phanxgames.comI don't know which one is necessarily the best, really depends on your preference.
Now for website hosting the one that i love is
www.freehostia.com for many reasons, so here's some things i like that you should also consider when finding a host:
No ads -what so ever
It has a mysql database - if you plan on hosting your own forum without a hoster like invisionfree
It has ftp
An easy to follow interface - no confusion
You can get multiple subdomains under one account
Good Faq
Multiple file upload - I hate 1 file at a time uploads
Lots of disk space - 250 mb which is a very large amount compared to the hosts listed below
Monthly bandwith of 5 GB
And many other features I like
But theres other ones out there if freehostia isnt for you, such as:
www.freewebs.com - this ones okay, the uploading is ridiculous though, but it has a good interface, and if you like extra features such as a chat room its nice. but its very restrictive on what codes you can use on it. It doesnt like a lot of javascript.
http://www.freewebspace.com/ - searched this one on google, it looked okay, you can try it out
www.50megs.com -obviously it has 50megs for space, which is good if you have a fairly large game, you can host it right on your site. Only problem, is it has ads, and no ftp. but it has a good interface and easy to use.
http://www.free-webhosts.com/ -lists tons more of free hosts for you to check out.
Hosts you should avoidThis is from my personal preference, so you don't have to necessarily follow my advice until you try it for yourself
www.geocities.com - yahoo used to be good, because it had multiple file upload, and its interface was simple and easy to follow. Then they got a ridiculously limited bandwith. Now if you get a free website you can probably visit a webpage 20 times then its down from exceeding bandwith, with a limit of 4.2 mb an hour, and only 15 mb of diskspace I find yahoo a waste of registering time, I only like yahoo for my email.
www.bravenet.com -it has fun site add-ons but the ads are very annoying, and the restriction of not allowing images to be seen off the site is also very annoying. Unless you like the safety of that. Other than that, and hardly no disk space bravenet is okay at best.
www.angelfire.com - lol fuman has this to host his site, but he should find something better. the space is okay, but the ads are too much, and the interface could be better.
www.fortunecity.com -just eww. they have huge ads, and as a whole are very un-reliable. i laugh because i found this:
it says no pop up ads, so you click the image to register and...
wow they lied.
So I guess that's my quick suggestion to all project makers. You can also post sites you use n junk, that I forgot about. Or dish how I'm wrong.