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[XP] The Project Zelda Engine (aka Zelda Starter Kit)! *With Downloads & Pics!*

Started by SilentResident, February 17, 2011, 09:48:50 PM

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The Project Zelda Engine Team is proud to announce the addition of one more form to the engine! The famous Bunny Link's Form!

The Bunny Link Form, which is triggered by force as soon as 2 Conditions are met:
Conditions for transforming into a Bunny Link:[/u]
1) Enter a Dark World-classified map.
2) Moon Pearl (Accessory Item) is not in Link's Inventory.

As soon as both conditions are met, Link will forcefully transform into the Bunny Link!
Bunny Link has very restricted abilities in his possession.

Bunny Link can:[/u]
-Move/Run around
-Talk to People or Open Treasure Chests
-Interact with events.
-Read and/or perform other intelligent actions
-Lift objects, based on the level/power of his Gloves.
-Wear different clothes (Green, Blue, Red Tunics)
-Use the Magic Mirror (Non-offensive Weapon)
-Use Bottles
-Climb Stairs - Jump down the cliffs.

Bunny Link can't:[/u]
-Use any weapons, including Primary (Sword and Shield) and Secondary weapons (Bow, Bombs, etc)
-Swim in Deep Water/Sea

So, if you had any weapons in the buttons that aren't the Magic Mirror or Bottles, before Link turns into Bunny Link, they will automatically become disabled and grayed out (except their Ammo Counters for obvious reasons).

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Morning or evening, dear people! The PZE team is happy to share some info of our progress, today! :)

The Gossip Stones are implemented to Project Zelda Engine! :)

Hit them with your sword and they will shake (see picture above) and tell you the current time! Or bomb them to rocket them to the sky! Or simply wear the Mask of Truth and let those mysterious Sheikah stones reveal information that they've heard, give helpful hints, or even reveal the locations of treasure chests, to you!

Upon talking to them with the Mask of Truth equipped, the hit's or tip's message will always start with the following phrase:
"The mystical stone responds to the mask and speaks to you. ...But its words are heard in secret..."

Upon hitting them with a sword, they will say "Boing-oing!" and tell you info about the game, such as the current time of day, etc.

Various information you may get from the Gossip Stones include:

The Sword Spin Attack is now complete! :)
In PZE, now, each Sword has its own spin attack graphic and animation.
The Spin Attack also has different radius and power, per sword, based on that blade's strength and size (shortblade, blade, longblade, etc)!

The Kokiri Sword's Spin Attack animation in an artwork:

and the Kokiri Sword's Spin Attack animation in Project Zelda Engine:

Master Sword's Spin Attack in game:

The Earth Temple's Dungeon Map Layout now has been set!
Our team now makes progress at setting up the dungeon's layout, so it can feature as many weapons and items as possible, for the gamers to be able to test their weapons and their capabilities, by solving small puzzles!

The PZE's Earth Temple is using the Earth Medallion's symbol for the dungeon's map layout, and thus, respecting a tradition in the Zelda game series that started with Zelda 1's dungeons and continues to that day!
A basement and a second floor are planned too, although in this picture only the 1F is displayed for now.

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You guys have an admirable amount of dedication to this project. This looks really awesome.


Thank you for your good words ;D We work hard to finish our engine and represent it to the community for them to make their favorite games of their nostalgies
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It really is an impressive bit of work you guys have done. Zelda is one of those game series I've, sadly, never played. So I definitely can't make too many judgements. But I can tell that you are putting your everything into the project. I wish you luck with the future of it's development.
(Why do I always feel like it's the end of the world and I'm the last man standing?)


hehe, life is small, you should'nt miss a nice opportunity and enjoy the beauty hidden behind the Zelda games. They are very relaxing games, with lots of fun, funny moments, and beautiful scenery! They are Nintendo's trademark, after all ;) Hehe, Ninty does its best for the gamer's pleasure. Have a nice day, friend!
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The Project Zelda Engine 4.0 has seen a nice progress the past few weeks, which brings it even closer to its final version and release!

The HUD is complete and ready!
The HUD has been improved, configured to add the missing details and now it is as ready as ever for the release of the Project Zelda Engine 4.0!
The old HUD

The new HUD

Our team is doing pretty good progress at bringing you a real dungeon which features over 30+ weapons for you to obtain and use them to defeat enemies or solve puzzles! Each room will have one or more Big Treasure Chests, and feature puzzles based on the types of weapons you find in!
Earth Temple's new rooms

The Diving System has been added to the Project Zelda Engine!
When Link is swimming in deep water, he is now able to dive, as well. The Diving ability can be controlled by a simple switch and you can have it enabled at all times, or only after obtaining certain diving-related items such as the Diving Scale or the Zora Armor!

More features will be announced, soon. Stay tuned! :)
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I'm a big fan, i truly love your work! But i was wondering if i could have permission to start porting the tile-sets to VX Ace format for the future Makers who don't use XP. I won't however be able to do the scripts and systems, but with the tile-sets the RM world would expand to a new horizon for Makers to use. So i'm asking for your permission to start porting the Tile-sets int RMVX Ace format, if that's alright.
Final Statement: I chowder5lock am a dipshit and MA is a pretty cool dude.


Quote from: crow5derlock on January 20, 2013, 07:07:39 PM
I'm a big fan, i truly love your work! But i was wondering if i could have permission to start porting the tile-sets to VX Ace format for the future Makers who don't use XP. I won't however be able to do the scripts and systems, but with the tile-sets the RM world would expand to a new horizon for Makers to use. So i'm asking for your permission to start porting the Tile-sets int RMVX Ace format, if that's alright.

Of course! Our team never holds permission, as anything inside the Project Zelda Engine belongs to Nintendo and to the Zelda fans. It is yours, feel free to do it ;)
Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
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Can't wait for this. I'll go back to XP just to use this. I'm eagerly awaiting Pokemon Essentials to get a VX Ace version too D


This week's news are focused on the improvements our team has done to the Map Slide script.

Map Slide is the feature we see in the following Legend of Zelda titles:
A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons and Minish Cap titles.

As "map slide", we call the map-scrolling function that triggers every time Link travels from one room to another and camera moves with him.

The map slide requires the rooms to be of fixed sizes and of same tilesets, much like as in the picture bellow:

Our Team not only added the Map Slide to the Project Zelda Engine, but we also worked on it and we improved its functions by expanding its limitations, so it can connect rooms of both fixed sizes and different sizes, and of different tilesets!

This allows the people enjoy more flexibility at making their dungeons using the Project Zelda Engine.

What do you think about this new feature? We could love to hear your opinion!
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My comments :
1) it rocks, i just want to reload an old project
1) the link you provide must be changed by
3) on your forum the subscription page is corrupted : the image verification cannot load (Input error: Invalid referer)
4) there's just one thing i would ask : the Link's charset. That would be great if the TMC/FSA charset with the three colors and all the weapons would be included
See u on your forum


Quote from: lepas33 on February 06, 2013, 08:40:55 PM
My comments :
1) it rocks, i just want to reload an old project
1) the link you provide must be changed by
3) on your forum the subscription page is corrupted : the image verification cannot load (Input error: Invalid referer)
4) there's just one thing i would ask : the Link's charset. That would be great if the TMC/FSA charset with the three colors and all the weapons would be included
See u on your forum

Yeah, we apologize for the troubles, we just moved the website to a new server ^_^  My signature has the updated links.
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Hello dear people! The last 2 months, my team is not focusing on new features, but rather expand the existing tools, mechanisms and apply bug fixes to the Project Zelda Engine.

Here is a general list of what was done just in the past few weeks:

#-----------------------   DONE   ----------------------- #
---[DONE]Add the Roc's Cape. It functions exactly like the Roc's Feather (The Roc's Feather's functions as the following: jump and land back on the same tile if not walking, or jump 1 tiles forward if walking). The only difference between Roc's Cape and Roc's Feather is just it jumps 1-2 additional tiles forwards if walking.
---[DONE]Trowing Shrubs into deep water, will sink them. However, throwing rocks into water, will break them on water's surface instead of sinking them. This needs to be corrected. Rocks could sink into water much like the shrubs, instead of breaking.
---[DONE]Add the Mermaid's Suit. It functions exactly the same way as the Zora's Flippers. And, much like the Zora's Flippers, it uses the Link[7]_SWIM sprite. The only difference between Zora's Flippers and Mermaid's Suit is the speed. The Suit allows Link to swim faster in water, and more specifically, at the default (Link's walking) speed.
---[DONE]Make the Water Diving System be enabled via a Switch, in the same way the Water Swimming System is enabled/disabled via the [Switch ID 18: Swimming Active].
---[DONE]Create the new World Map that reflects the PZE's maps and their geographical locations.
---[DONE]Epona Footstep sound, as heard in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Epona's footsteps sound effect adds more realism. (Scripting or eventing knowledge needed)
---[DONE]Update the Visual Equipment so the equipment won't disappear for pretty simple sprites such as Link[7]_PUSH[2], which can not explain the equipment's disappearanc.
---[DONE]Give the Dark World and the Past World, their own World Maps. There are more than 1 world visitable in the PZE: the real world, known as Light World, where the Hero is born and lives, and 2 more worlds/dimensions: the Dark World (visitable in the title: Zelda A Link to the Past) and the Past World (visitable in the title: Zelda Oracle of Ages). The World Map Menu Screen however only displays the Light World's map at all times. And since the other worlds may not be geographically 100% the same, they need to be given their own World maps.
---[DONE]Make the Ground Roll Technique to be enabled/disabled via a simple Switch (The switch to apply only for Link's real Human form - not for Masks). Its possible that the gamers may not want the ground rolling technique in their games, at all, or, simply, they may want to have Link to be an unskilled adventurer at the beginning of his adventure and learn this cool technique later in the game.
---[DONE]Make the Sword Spin Attack/Charge Technique to be enabled/disabled via a Switch or something like that. Its possible that the gamers may not want those advanced combat techniques in their games, at all, or, simply, they may want to have Link to be an unskilled fighter at the beginning of his adventure and learn those techniques later in the game.
---[DONE]Give the Earth Temple's map a layout. Make the rooms of the dungeon be arranged in an way so the temple is shaped after a symbol of Earth.
---[DONE]The Ocarina's Soaring System needs to be disabled when Link is in Dark World and Past World.
---[DONE]Disable the Ocarina's Song of Time's Travel (a Majora's Mask feature) when Link is in Dark/Past Worlds.
---[DONE]Move the Animation ID 619 which is clearly an animation used only by Link, from Events Group to Link's Group. Also, in case the animation ID 618 is used by Link again, then, it must be moved to Link's group.
---[DONE]Add the slippery Ice Terrain to the PZE. If Link steps on ice, he could slip all the way until he is stopped by an impassable tile/event.
---[DONE]Try add the 'push' effect to the Cane of Somaria's pushable Block. In fact, a "push" is Link's _PUSH sprite which is used mostly when Link is trying to move objects and blocks in the game's world.

Soon we will post more info about the awesome Ice Slipping feature we added to the Project Zelda Engine! The player will slip in ice if he try to step onto a tile of frozen ice! This can be funny but also quite dangerous sometimes, especially if there are holes or traps in the floor!
Enjoy! :)
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Hello, i have a question about your water tiles, I'm still working on formatting the tile-sets and most rtp related works to VXA format, but the water animated tiles make no sense in their format so i'm having trouble converting it. if you wouldn't mind making a brief explanation of them i would be very grateful!
Final Statement: I chowder5lock am a dipshit and MA is a pretty cool dude.


Excellent news everyone: Our team is back to full work and our scripters have dealt with over 30+ bugs in only a matter of days. This is a stunning amount of progress that I have a long time to see.

Soon more info to be posted about the new features of PZE!
Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
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Quote from: crow5derlock on April 09, 2013, 11:39:27 PM
Hello, i have a question about your water tiles, I'm still working on formatting the tile-sets and most rtp related works to VXA format, but the water animated tiles make no sense in their format so i'm having trouble converting it. if you wouldn't mind making a brief explanation of them i would be very grateful!

The water animated tiles are in fact using the Autotile system of RPG Maker XP. That is what makes them animated when playing the game. You can read more info about what Autotiles are and how to use them.
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It's really cool to see such dedication to a project. You and your team have done a great job so far.  :D


Hello dear people!

it has been a while since the last update has been posted in the forums!

We are proud today to announce to everyone that we have done a nice amount of work lately on Project Zelda Engine and we we fixed over 45+ bugs in the engine, and we added over 10+ new features to it!. :)

I won't list all the bugs here as there are too many. I want to focus on the most exciting part of our work on the PZE: the new features!


Feature 1: The Bottle System
Dear people, the Bottle System has been finished! Now all the 6 bottles work perfectly and can carry content for you, such as liquids, potions, poisons, water, juices, fishes, fairies, mushrooms, and many other things!

Link drinking a Green Potion which refills his Magic Meter.


Feature 2: Multilingual Support
The PZE became a multilingual engine where people of different languages can play their most favorite games in their language! The Language option is designed to help the people, regardless of language!

The Language Menu can be found in the File Selection Menu of the Main Title Screen:

We added over 4 languages already which really work!

The Multi-language support has been expanded to Hermes Message Script, to allow people use advanced text formatting features in their translations. :) Also the names of the maps in the game will appear in that language set by the player (for example the English name 'Kakariko Village' will update to the German 'Dorf Kakariko', and so on)


Feature 3: Ammo Cap Variables for all Weapons!
The Ammunition Cap Variables for all the weapons and items have been added! Now, with those simple but extremely useful caps, you can define how much the ammo holding capacity increases when you receive Bomb Bags, Rupee Wallets and Arrow Quivers, etc.

The Ammo Variable caps can be found in the GAME SETUP common event.


Feature 4: Hotkey Markers & Equipment Markers!
The Hotkey Markers: When assigning an weapon or item from the Inventory, (such as the Bow or the Bomb or other items), to the A, S or D hotkeys (which are widely known as the C-Buttons in most Zelda games), a circular mark will tag it. This Hotkey Marker acts merely as a reminder so and lets the people see easier which items are hotkeyed and in which hotkey, each of them (A, S or D). The Hotkey Markers system applies to Inventory Screen and Masks Screen.

Here is a nice example of the yellow Hotkey Markers which appear under the assigned (to A, S and D hotkeys), items, masks or weapons:

The Hotkey Markers work on all items in the inventory, regardless of if they are multi-hotkeyed or not. Certain items such as the Harp of Ages, which allow to be multi-hotkeyed to more than one hotkey, will be marked accordingly, with the respective Hotkey Markers:

The Equipment Markers: The Equipment Markers only appear on the items that CANNOT be hotkeyed to A, S, D buttons, such as the Sword (which goes straight to Sword Button), the shields (Shield Button) and all other passive items such as tunics and boots, etc..

The Equipment Markers only applies to the Equipment Screen:


Feature 5: Swap Link's Sprites!
I guess many people loved the Minish Cap's Link for his smooth animations and the well-detailed spritesets we saw in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. And so, with the team we decided to add a special script - or you can call it a Switch - which allows the gamers to switching to the Link of their liking. For now, we will offer you just the option to switch between PZE Link and Minish Cap Link. But you can use this system for your own ambitions/plans, and change the spritesets to suit your game's needs (e.g make it swap between a Link wearing adventure clothes, and a Link wearing village clothes, or between an Adult Link and a young Link!)

Swapping Link's charsets with a simple click...


Feature 6: Chapter Pages!
Everyone could know by now, that the PZE features that memorable black screen with the white message about First, Second, and Final Days that was in display every 24 hours and so, in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask game. However, in PZE, we went a step ahead and decided to expand its features.

A new script extension now allows the people to print a blank screen with a chapter name and a message. This is a very useful feature for those who could like to emphasize on a role playing story in their Zelda games where the story is divided into "chapters" (e.g. Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins").

Here is a screenshot of the Chapter System:


Feature 7: Dynamic Map Slide!
This is a brand new feature we added to the PZE, in addition to the ones we already have in the engine. Unlike the old ones, this new feature allows you to connect 2 or more maps, without having to put any effort to update your maps, at all. And there is no longer a need for any events or teleport events to be added in the maps, at all.
All the map connections are handed through an external script file within PZE, known as DynamicMap.txt.

So, if in the past you tried to import maps from one game to another (PZE version update for example), you'd have noticed that all your events with map ID were wrong or broken. And to fix this, you was obliged to change all <mapslide> events, all teleport events, and so on... That is very annoying! So here we come with this very useful Dynamic Map Slide feature, which allows you to handle all map connections in your game via this simple .txt file.

The Dynamic Map Slide dynamically links a map's edge with the edges of the other maps:


Hope you liked the new features! More features to come soon! Stay tuned! :)
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Hello again! More news from our good work in the Project Zelda Engine! These improvements/additions are the final ones before we move to Enemies/Monsters development.


Feature 1: The Big Events System
Dear people do you remember those big rocks we saw in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and other titles?

Big Rocks:

Well, we added a new feature to the PZE, called the Big Events System. The Big Events System allows us to create big rocks (or statues if you want, it doesn't matter what) much like the ones we saw in those official Zelda titles! The Big Rocks can be double or triple in size than the usual 1x1 rocks and can cover a much bigger area on the overworld map that can surpass (in size) the standard 1x1 rocks! The Big Rocks can be set and be lifted with the proper gloves/braceletes too!

Big Rocks in PZE:


Feature 2: The Game Pause Screen
Everyone can pause the game by using the Item Inventory Menu (ESC key), if he, for some reason, wants a break from the game or/and has to go away from keyboard. But some people will prefer a real Pause Screen that *literally* pauses ANYTHING in the game! Even the engine's clock which counts how long have you played the entire game!

Hehe, I think the Game Pause Screen is a very useful feature for these hardcore gamers around there who could like to play a Zelda game in a speedrun (aka Speedy Playthrough)!

To pause the game, press F12 on the keyboard.


Feature 3: Improvements to Guard Detection System

There have been several improvements to the Guard Detection System which allows for easier development and use on a map! We also updated the theme of the particular example map in the PZE, from Village Prison theme to Hyrule Castle theme! I am sure people will really like to play a sneak & hide game with the guards in the castle's courtyards.


Feature 4: Better sprites for Epona, the Link's Horse!

We all loved a cute friend of Link, the female horse called Epona. Epona is faithful to her master and accompanies him in his travels. Couldn't she deserve much better sprites than the ones currently given to her? Of course yes!
The new sprites are ALTTP-styled, and have been heavily modified and rescalled to fit the Zelda starter kit. All credits will be given to the original creator!


Feature 5: Item Throw Shadow Marker!

Some of us the gamers may have been wondering how far can Link throw the stuff he is holding in his hands. Or, at least, where could the stuff exactly fall if Link throws them away. So here we come with the Item Throw Marker! This new feature shows the gamers the estimated destination for the thrown shrub, jar, rock, etc in the form of a shadow in the ground. Very useful for the gamers, so they can plan accordingly! (especially if they want to kill enemies by throwing objects at them!)


Soon we will announce our progress on enemy development! Stay tuned! :)
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Some amazing stuff here. It's cool to see people working on something this awesome.


Hello peeps! I'm happy to announce that we moved to Enemies/Monsters development. We already did 3 new monsters in PZE, with very promising results! In meantime...


Feature: The Particle Effects System

As we proceed with the enemy development, we realized something. That several of Link's magical weapons were lacking some nice visual effects.

And so, with the team, we, at same time with the monster development, worked on adding a Particle Effects System which allows for the improvement of Link's magical weapon visuals and effects! Weapons such as the Magic Arrows, the Magic Rods, and even the Pegasus Boots, now look much much more realistic, than before!
The PZE's new Particle Effects System is pretty flexible, and can be configured to suit everyone's tastes! It also allows you to add or remove certain particle effects on/from your favorite weapons! And the best of all: it doesn't affect your game's performance, at all!

The Particle Effects System is very flexible and the people can use it or ignore it in their own Zelda games! So people who don't want or don't like the particles on weapons, in their games, can simply completely ignore it.

The Particle Effects System can not only be used on Link's weapons, but also anywhere in the game's world, such as for explosions, for torches, for enemies, or whatever! The only limit, here, is your fantasy!

Enjoy and have fun!

Soon, we will post the details of the new 4 monsters with very unique behaviors and attack patterns!
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Our team is almost done with the enemy development and soon we will post news about the new regular monsters that have been added to the PZE!

In meantime, since the artists in our team aren't very busy, we decided to improve further the animations and appearance of Deku Link's sprites! Now I am sure everybody will agree that the Deku Link looks much better in -game and alot more smoothier!

Who couldn't love to play as a cute and small Deku Link? Is hard to resist him!  :)

Soon we will start the final phase of the Goron Mask's development, and soon the Goron Link's sprites will be finished!
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Hello guys, while everyone is taking up a relaxation this summer and enjoy their baths under the hot sun, I have some updates to bring to you. :)

Feature: Weapon Combinations
In Project Zelda Engine, from meow, the players can combine 2 different weapons for varying effects and results! We all remember how short the jumping distance of the Roc's feather, for example, was. But if we combine it with the Pegasus Boots, Link can jump longer distances, much like in Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening!

meow, the dashing (Pegasus Boots) before jumping (Roc's Feather or Roc's Cape) allows for jumping greater distances!

Also, as we continue our work in enemy development, we applied several improvements and bugfixes:

Fix 1: Enemy Drops Bug
The enemies are not dropping any items after they die. Any enemies you kill, drop no rupees or hearts or whatever.
But the Shrubs, the Jars, the Grass, the Rocks, etc, drop items just fine.

Fix 2: Freeze Status Bug
When hitting an enemy with a tool that applies Freeze Status, an scripting error that seems related to the enemy's movement speed, occurs.

Fix 3: Stun Status Animation
The stun animation isn't being always being displayed when enemies are stunned. with the Boomerang and the Hookshot.
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As our work keeps going on with the enemy & monster development,

here is a copy-paste of the "To Do" List - which shows what's left before PZE's final version gets released to the public, for you the people to know:

(edit: sorry if the list has any typo errors xD )

#               The General "To Do" List                         #
---Adjust the Day/Night Cycle's screen color tones. (SilentResident will do this - Mr.Wiggles made a script for easier tuning of color tones, placed in SR's User Folder)
---The Pegasus Boots get bugged if Link is dashing while mapsliding (going) to another map (Ask Baf for more details).
---Add an object which can be kept in hand from on map to another (Baffou need it for it's LA XD)
---[OPTIONAL]Waypoint system for the World Map Menu Screen. So that you dont forget where in the world you are and what way your going. It doesn't have near as much relevance being a 2d system, but its worth to try it, as it helps the gamers alot. A proposed idea is to make the Link's waypoint icon appear at least for the locations that have a map mark on World Map (those red dot marks that display the names of the places in World Map Screen, such as "Clock Town", etc.). <--- (Remind wiggles about this: lol Reminded i have a waypoint system i made a while back for a quest menu. :) its in my folder)
---Add the Magnetic Gloves. They have 2 modes. A Hookshot Mode and a Magnetic Mode. In the first mode, Hookshot mode, the gloves behave exactly like hookshots, but without the chain. After a single use, the gloves automatically switch via a switch or variable to the Magnetic mode. The second mode is in fact a Drag Event mode, which makes eligible events that are in front of the player, to move towards him.
---Rework Epona Tools and add a key to dismount her.
---Rework the Pegasus Boots Tool to allow some special feature (like dashing with sword....).
---Debug and finish configuration of the reworked (by NR) Input Module, which restored the gamepad and joystick support to the PZE. (Done by NR - configuration of buttons is needed)
---Implement the Mounted Sword Combat to Epona + make the Sprites for it.
---Add Common Impact ID Variables - 1 for each type of weapon. 1 Common ID variable for all Swords, 1 for all Boomerangs, 1 for all Bombs, 1 for all Hookshots, 1 for all harmful Spells, etc.
---The Dark and Past World maps in World Map Menu Screen are displaying map locations/place names that are belonging to the Light World (such as 'Clock Town' and 'Kakariko village'). This needs to be fixed, as the Dark & Past Worlds are different worlds, with completely different places, towns and villages, that have different names and are unexplored.
---When Link has his shield raised towards a trap, the Trap shouldn't be able to harm him as the shield which is raised between him and the trap, is supposed to absorb the damage.
---When Link is pulled by his hookshot into the abyss (usually this happens if you you use the hookshot to latch on a hookable statue, that is placed next to an abyss tile.), his fall animation will clip abit.
---When Link jumps into the abyss by using his Roc's Cape, his fall animation will clip abit.
---When Link is throwing a jar or a shrub (or any other liftable objects) onto rocks, the rocks will break. This is very unrealistic as the rocks are more durable than a jar or shrub is.
---When Link is being hit by the Trap's fireballs in [Map ID 28: Room 1-6], he is pushed forward rather than backwards, which is very unrealistic. The force of the fireball is supposed to push you backwards, not forwards from where it came.
---[OPTIONAL]Make the Bomb Flower explode when Link's harmful actions come in contact with them. If Link hits a Bomb Flower with his sword, it should explode. And if any other Bomb Flowers are within the vicinity of the explosion, they should explode too.
---Add a /lift Comment to the PZE. This can be very useful for certain events we don't want to be liftable by default, but make them liftable if/when the event's page has this comment.
---Add a /nofall Comment to the PZE. This can be very useful for certain bridge events placed on Abyss tiles which let Link pass a gap and get to the other side of the abyss. This can be very useful for certain events we don't want to let Link walk on Abyss by default, but let him walk on them if/when the event's page has this comment.
---Add the burning Lava Terrain to the PZE. It behaves like the abyss Terrain and burns Link if he falls into a lava tile.
---[WIP]Adjust the Mask positions when Link spins, swims and attacks. Baffou has updated some of them so far, but it is not done yet.
---Finish the Stair Ascending and Stair Descending Sprites/Animations for Link, when using the stairs in indoor maps (this feature was present in PZE 3 but not in PZE 4 yet). - SR will do this.
---Create or add enemies, monsters and dungeon Bosses to the Project Zelda Engine. Time for some real combat!
---Expand the Pixel Movement Script's current support of 4 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right) to all 8 directions, including diagonal movement (UpLeft, UpRight, DownLeft, DownRight).
---Sword Beam Attack. Our success in Sword Spin Attack opens the road for a Beam Attack as well. Only certain Swords may have this feature. Also, only when Link is in full health, may have his sword fire sword beams.
---A Rings system/submenu. In the style of Oracle games, or a better one. (needs to be discussed with the team first)
---[OPTIONAL]3D rotating Menus, like in OoT & MM. Make the transition from menu to menu have a 3D feeling. Gasotetsu is able to provide us the graphics for this. With a little help from a scripter, it couldn't be hard to make it work.
---[OPTIONAL]The Minish cap style of Shrinking into Minish size and back forth. (Probably SR will do this)
---Finish the Great Fairy's Fountain in North Clock Town.
---Add real Cuccos to the Kakariko Village Map. Hit a Cucco 5 times and a real herd could spawn!
---Reduce the Pegasus Boot's long Pushback by 1 or 2 tiles. (Ask SR for details).
---[WIP]Add the Twin Brother Jogglers in East Clock Town.
---Fix the Boomerang Bug - When the boomerang return when taking  more than one item ( a script error message).
---Fix the bug where more than one masks could be equipped at a time.
---Adjust the Magic Meter's magic consumption rates for all magical weapons. Also decide how much magic a Small Magic Jar and how much a Big Magic Jar should restore in Link's Magic Meter.
---When Link rolls and hit a wall, he will be knowked back 1 tile away ... (MZ suggested this). -- MZ note : More realist for me and should be easy to set (maybe you can be based on pegasus boots system)
---Unnaturally high diagonal speed for the Boomerangs in contrast to their straight (aka vertical) speed. Needs to be reduced. Perhaps it will need some scripting. - SR
---[OPTIONAL]Link's unsheating sword and holding it after he press the sword button, reverse it with the Action button (C) and force the HUD to show a text (Put Away) when he is not moving... A Common Event will be enough for doing this, conditionnal branches to manage all sword and actor (MZ's idea).
---Create a Cane of Pacci script. More info will be written soon.
---Make the real animation for all the 6 Teleportation songs from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, that will replace the current placeholder anim for these songs. (SR will do this)
---Finish the Elegy of Emptiness, a song of Ocarina that summons lifeless statue version of ourselves.
---Correct the Follower Script so it properly recognizes and plays the [7] and such stuff in character filenames that have more than 4 frames. Also the script so it displays properly the the Follower Event's Graphic Frequency.
---Currently, when Link lifts an object or item, only the first frame from Link[7]_Pickup[2].png is playing.  This, perhaps is just a mistake or a bug. We need correct this and have all the two (2) frames of this spriteset playing when Link lifts an object.
---[BUG]If the Cane of Somaria's block is summoned to Link's current tile due to tile in front of Link being impassable/occupied already by another event, the breakup of the Block into fireballs will occur on the tile next to Link, even if the block itself is on Link's tile.
---Do the Masks portraits (Baf will do that when he will be back. with SR's assistance).
---Navi follows for a short while the Magical Boomerang when Link throws it. I have not tested if this issue also occurs with with regular Boomerang but it is worth checking and applying the fix for it too, in case. (Baf will do this)
---What the hell, navi now follows Somaria Blocks as well! That shouldn't happen because we fixed it already...
---Thunder's Request - Modify 'jump_near' - The 'jump_near' is a XAS command that can be put in an enemy move route (call script). This command makes the enemy to jump to some of 4 facing directions of the player(north, south, west, east). It is commonly used to make monsters reach to the player faster, but it don't cause colision if the monster or the player don't walk against each other. As our Tektitle don't walk to follow link, there's no colision. We need to modify 'jump_near' command to make colision with the player (maybe make the monster try to go through the player, instead of just jump to the nearest tile).
---Make Dominion Rod be closer to how it was in Twilight Princess - Add EVENT.backward(7) so the event page of the Dominion rod would look like this: EVENT.forward(7), wait 4 frames, EVENT.backward(7), self.erase.
---Finish Clock Town's Mayor dialogs for the Couple Mask and for the Last Hours sequence.
---Add the Down Thrust skill (Down Thrust can be performed by pressing Roc's Feather + Sword at same time)
---Add a new feature in Quest Status Screen: the Hidden Skills Book. As Hidden Skills, we are talking about Spin Attack, Down Thrust (Sword + Roc's Cape), Sword Beam, etc. And make them to be learn by the swordmen's dojo in Clock Town
---Improve Epona's mechanism: When Link dismounts her, a dynamic event for Epona's location to be called so her position can be memorized on the map.

---------------------   FINAL CHECKLIST   ---------------------------
---[FINAL]After all weapons have been implemente/finished in PZE, make a final and complete update to all signposts in the game. (SR will do this)
---[FINAL]Make sure that all NPC events that teach Link new Ocarina songs, will have the conditional branch [Epona = OFF] so Link won't be riding Epona when talking to these NPCs.
---[FINAL]Update all game's treasure chests to final version that applies to all of them. (SR will do this)

------------------------   DONE   ------------------------------
---[DONE]Fix the broken Bombs bug - Bombs are no longer working in PZE - we need fix this bug immediatelly. (The bug was caused by the linear Damage implemented i removed the line on the bomb tool)
---[DONE]Make Mr.Wiggles big events script to work properly on PZE. We need this script for the rocks and other obstacles that are large and occupy 2, 4, or more tiles on a map.
---[DONE]Disable the Magic Beans and all the Masks from being usable when riding Epona the Horse. The rest of weapons are already disabled for when riding the horse.
---[DONE]Add the hit animation of the Light Arrows (the Ice and Fire Arrows already have a hit animation).
---[DONE]When you get an object while wearing a mask, the item appears behind the mask. Can be reproduced by opening a 20 rupies chest while wearing the bunny hood.
---[DONE]Correct the Visual Equipment for when Link is swinging Deku Sticks.
---[DONE]Add the Roc's Cape. It functions exactly like the Roc's Feather (The Roc's Feather's functions as the following: jump and land back on the same tile if not walking, or jump 1 tiles forward if walking). The only difference between Roc's Cape and Roc's Feather is just it jumps 1-2 additional tiles forwards if walking.
---[DONE]Trowing Shrubs into deep water, will sink them. However, throwing rocks into water, will break them on water's surface instead of sinking them. This needs to be corrected. Rocks could sink into water much like the shrubs, instead of breaking.
---[DONE]Add the Mermaid's Suit. It functions exactly the same way as the Zora's Flippers. And, much like the Zora's Flippers, it uses the Link[7]_SWIM sprite. The only difference between Zora's Flippers and Mermaid's Suit is the speed. The Suit allows Link to swim faster in water, and more specifically, at the default (Link's walking) speed.
---[DONE]Make the Water Diving System be enabled via a Switch, in the same way the Water Swimming System is enabled/disabled via the [Switch ID 18: Swimming Active].
---[DONE]Adjust the Sword Spin Attack's radius to reflect the Sword's size and length.
---[DONE]Create the new World Map that reflects the PZE's maps and their geographical locations.
---[DONE]Add the Rabbit form to the engine. This form to not be available by normal means (not via Equipment or Masks). Link, while in this form, he cannot perform any actions (fighting, lifting, dashing, cutting, rolling, etc) nor use weapons at all, with the pure excemption of the Magic Mirror, for obvious reasons. Rabbit form to apply by force, and only if BOTH of the 2 following conditions are met: 1) Link warps to Dark World and 2) Link doesn't carry the Moon Pearl (Armor ID: 080) with him.
---[DONE]Epona Footstep sound, as heard in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Epona's footsteps sound effect adds more realism. (Scripting or eventing knowledge needed) (This is in Mr_wiggles Folder (:  )
---[DONE]Expand the Swimming System to have a Diving mechanism.
---[DONE]Update the Visual Equipment so the equipment won't disappear for pretty simple sprites such as Link[7]_PUSH[2].
---[DONE]Give the Dark World and the Past World, their own World Maps. There are more than 1 world visitable in the PZE: the real world, known as Light World, where the Hero is born and lives, and 2 more worlds/dimensions: the Dark World (visitable in the title: Zelda A Link to the Past) and the Past World (visitable in the title: Zelda Oracle of Ages). The World Map Menu Screen however only displays the Light World's map at all times. And since the other worlds may not be geographically 100% the same, they need to be given their own World maps.
---[DONE]Make the Ground Roll Technique to be enabled/disabled via a simple Switch (The switch to apply only for Link's real Human form - not for Masks). Its possible that the gamers may not want the ground rolling technique in their games, at all, or, simply, they may want to have Link to be an unskilled adventurer at the beginning of his adventure and learn this cool technique later in the game.
---[DONE]Make the Sword Spin Attack/Charge Technique to be enabled/disabled via a Switch or something like that. Its possible that the gamers may not want those advanced combat techniques in their games, at all, or, simply, they may want to have Link to be an unskilled fighter at the beginning of his adventure and learn those techniques later in the game.
---[DONE]Give the Earth Temple's map a layout. Make the rooms of the dungeon be arranged in an way so the temple is shaped after a symbol of Earth.
---[DONE]The Ocarina's Soaring System needs to be disabled when Link is in Dark/Past Worlds.
---[DONE]Disable the Ocarina's Song of Time's Travel (a Majora's Mask feature) when Link is in Dark/Past Worlds.
---[DONE]Move the Animation ID 619 which is clearly an animation used only by Link, from Events Group to Link's Group. Also, in case the animation ID 618 is used by Link again, then, it must be moved to Link's group.
---[DONE]Add the slippery Ice Terrain to the PZE. If Link steps on ice, he could slip all the way until he is stopped by an impassable tile/event.
---[DONE]Try add the 'push' effect to the Cane of Somaria's pushable Block. In fact, when we say "push effect" we mean Link's sprite to change to _PUSH while pushing the block.
---[DONE]Add Dark World's versions of White and Black 2x2 Big Rocks.
---[DONE]Ensure all the maps of PZE are properly set as indoor or outdoor, in the script's list for Outdoor/Indoor maps (necessary, so no rainfalls fall in indoor maps in the final version of PZE). Also remove from the script's Indoor/Outdoor List any map IDs that no longer exist in PZE (as quite a few maps have been deleted or moved lately, and the Indoor/Outdoor list haven't been updated).
---[DONE]Finish Epona's new sprites. (Face down need to be animated + additional poses with bows, jump)
---[DONE]Finish the combination of Pegasus Boots tool with Roc's Feather Tool so their combined effects can result to Roc's Cape Tool (Placeholder).
---[DONE]If Deku Link is standing next to an [Enemy]-flagged event when Charging a Bubble, the Enemy event will flash red.
---[DONE]The Dog in South Clock Town is causing serious problems to Deku Link that can lead to game freezes, as the Dog is trying to attack him even when Deku Link is busy using the Deku Flower. We will need find an way so the Dog won't bother to disturb Deku Link when he's busy with the Deku Flower.
---[DONE]If Link kills himself with Bomb Flowers (a Bomb Flower explosion drains lots of hearts), he will go into a dying state but the Game Over Screen will not appear.
---[DONE]If Link picks up a Bomb Flower, then drop it, and then again pick up that same Bomb Flower, sometimes he will get stuck in a carry (object) state. Note: It seems that this bug is not always triggering.
---[DONE]Finish the combination of Pegasus Boots tool + Roc Cape.
---[DONE]Finish Deku Link's new sprites and animations.
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