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[Visual] JAP's 100 Themes Art Challenge

Started by JAP, December 03, 2007, 05:34:58 AM

0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.


heh, this is cool, I'm working on one for "Out of Reach"
will have it up later tonight

edit: or not, eraser's gone :tpg:

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
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Jappy, let me join the party too! All I need to do is make a list like this, right?

Complete :   3/100

The Themes:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Love
4. Friendship
5. Music
6. Paper
7. Flowers
8. Sky
9. Beautiful
10. Tears
11. Smile
12. Blood
13. Hand in Hand
14. Cute
15. Sorrow
16. Agony
17. Family
18. Light  Done
19. Dark
20. Solitude
21. Suffer
22. Death
23. Pain
24. Forsaken
25. Sick
26. Bored
27. Wrath
28. Breathe
29. Awake
30. Asleep
31. Daybreak
32. Dusk
33. Oblivion
34. Embrace
35. Simplicity
36. Sea
37. Forest
38. Longing
39. Redemption
40. Rejection
41. Understanding
42. Misunderstanding  Done
43. Food
44. Illusion
45. Sweet
46. Rain
47. Hot
48. Insanity
49. Tough Luck
50. Creation
51. Universe
52. Royal
53. Time
54. Dreams
55. Unreachable
56. Path
57. Memories
58. Chains
59. Numbers
60. School-life
61. Bittersweet
62. Happiness
63. Obsession
64. Will
65. Night
66. Sunset
67. Tropical
68. Words
69. Killing
70. Unrequited
71. Reunion
72. Red
73. Impossible
74. Laughter
75. Locked
76. Sacrifice
77. Hearts
78. Listen
79. Moon and Stars
80. Sun and Clouds
81. Imperfection
82. Personality
83. The Past and the Future
84. Decision
85. Hold
86. Unspoken
87. 666
88. Prayer
89. Life
90. Pride
91. Desire
92. Eyes  Done
93. Wish
94. Freedom
95. Lies
96. Truths
97. Bonds
98. Soul
99. Lost
100. Thanks

Well...this thread sure is challenging....


Precisely! Thanks for joining, emidy! ^_^


Count me in.

The Themes:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Love
4. Friendship
5. Music
6. Paper
7. Flowers
8. Sky
9. Beautiful
10. Tears
11. Smile
12. Blood
13. Hand in Hand
14. Cute
15. Sorrow
16. Agony
17. Family
18. Light
19. Dark
20. Solitude
21. Suffer
22. Death
23. Pain
24. Forsaken
25. Sick
26. Bored
27. Wrath
28. Breathe
29. Awake
30. Asleep
31. Daybreak
32. Dusk
33. Oblivion
34. Embrace
35. Simplicity
36. Sea
37. Forest
38. Longing
39. Redemption
40. Rejection
41. Understanding
42. Misunderstanding
43. Food
44. Illusion
45. Sweet
46. Rain
47. Hot
48. Insanity
49. Tough Luck
50. Creation
51. Universe
52. Royal
53. Time
54. Dreams
55. Unreachable
56. Path
57. Memories
58. Chains
59. Numbers
60. School-life
61. Bittersweet
62. Happiness
63. Obsession
64. Will
65. Night
66. Sunset
67. Tropical
68. Words
69. Killing
70. Unrequited
71. Reunion
72. Red
73. Impossible
74. Laughter
75. Locked
76. Sacrifice
77. Hearts
78. Listen
79. Moon and Stars
80. Sun and Clouds
81. Imperfection
82. Personality
83. The Past and the Future
84. Decision
85. Hold
86. Unspoken
87. 666
88. Prayer
89. Life
90. Pride
91. Desire
92. Eyes
93. Wish
94. Freedom
95. Lies
96. Truths
97. Bonds
98. Soul
99. Lost
100. Thanks



I love you all!

I might had to make one website for this. XD


Just had some fun combining different animal skeletons together.  I think it would probably be impossible for these creatures to exist in real life.

Pen on paper.



Some concept sketches I did for a school project.  These are for the purpose of character and environment creation so I figured it would fit under the "Creation" theme.



I'm joining but since i don't have i scanner i shall use paint.

or maybe flash
Arlen is hot.


Flash is the easier of the two to use.  Photoshop is great too.


I have photoshop (my mom knows it :O) but it's not installed and I don't know it ;-;
Arlen is hot.



I guess i'll take some tutorial or something

Also: Is it necessary that they are still pictures? I've learned a lot in Flash since the RMRK movies and thought if animation is possible too
(not heavy animation, like a bird flying lol)

for fun.
Arlen is hot.


Yeah I assume animation is allowed.  I'm actually considering uploading one of my animations for the challenge.


okay I have way to much to do but drawing is relaxing expect my list to be slow :D

currently these are old bits an peices ill be doing a few

The Themes:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Love
4. Friendship
5. Music - here
6. Paper
7. Flowers
8. Sky
9. Beautiful
10. Tears
11. Smile
12. Blood
13. Hand in Hand
14. Cute
15. Sorrow
16. Agony
17. Family
18. Light
19. Dark
20. Solitude
21. Suffer
22. Death
23. Pain
24. Forsaken
25. Sick
26. Bored
27. Wrath
28. Breathe
29. Awake
30. Asleep
31. Daybreak
32. Dusk
33. Oblivion
34. Embrace
35. Simplicity
36. Sea
37. Forest
38. Longing
39. Redemption
40. Rejection
41. Understanding
42. Misunderstanding
43. Food
44. Illusion
45. Sweet
46. Rain
47. Hot
48. Insanity
49. Tough Luck
50. Creation
51. Universe - here
52. Royal
53. Time
54. Dreams
55. Unreachable
56. Path
57. Memories
58. Chains
59. Numbers
60. School-life
61. Bittersweet
62. Happiness
63. Obsession
64. Will
65. Night
66. Sunset
67. Tropical
68. Words
69. Killing
70. Unrequited
71. Reunion
72. Red - here
73. Impossible
74. Laughter
75. Locked
76. Sacrifice
77. Hearts
78. Listen
79. Moon and Stars
80. Sun and Clouds
81. Imperfection
82. Personality
83. The Past and the Future
84. Decision
85. Hold
86. Unspoken
87. 666
88. Prayer
89. Life
90. Pride
91. Desire
92. Eyes
93. Wish
94. Freedom
95. Lies
96. Truths
97. Bonds
98. Soul
99. Lost
100. Thanks


I'm tempted to do this challenge with 100 pieces of music.


Arlen is hot.


Painted these two as practice, referencing photos I found on the Internet.




Whew, glad this hasn't die yet.

So coooool!!


Alvin seemed to finish the most compared to the others.


I'd like to draw too, but I had an art block right now. ;__;


Wow Jap, where have you been?  Anyways, it seems most of the others have given up.  I'm currently working on my 25th submission for the challenge. =)


Sorry, been really distracted and having a heavy art block. I find myself drawing stuff manually and I'm afraid I can't submit any yet. However, I like the fact that you still working on the drawings, and I have to admit that your works are getting better and better. Aww, you deserve your title, really! XD


I have not given up.

also, my avatar (which i kinda made) is a sum up of comedy, magic and superpowa.
Arlen is hot.


im not actively trying to complete this its gonna be a passive HEY that doodle looks cool which is what the bear was based on


Quote from: JAP on May 13, 2008, 12:31:17 PM
Sorry, been really distracted and having a heavy art block. I find myself drawing stuff manually and I'm afraid I can't submit any yet. However, I like the fact that you still working on the drawings, and I have to admit that your works are getting better and better. Aww, you deserve your title, really! XD

That's okay, every one has down times.

And just so you know, that title was actually given to me by a mod.  I do not believe myself to be a god of any kind.