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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Karo Rushe

Well, Expect a lot of Present + Medieval + Sci-Fi Reference =X

To make the story more in between >3

Karo Rushe

Expecting to add a bit of more "Audio" and effects on this.

And I have finally finished some of the sprites, so I can get back to working on the demo to release.

<shrugs> now I had been exploring some Seinarukana on Youtube, some of the scenes will be d*mn hard to do @__@ I think I might start learning Eventing with pictures.

Code Geass

are you going to try and remake Seinarukana's storyline?

oh well, I've no quarrels, I never played it anyways XD *wonders if there will be H scenes...*

Karo Rushe

Quote from: monkeydlu on February 26, 2008, 01:58:34 AM
are you going to try and remake Seinarukana's storyline?

oh well, I've no quarrels, I never played it anyways XD *wonders if there will be H scenes...*
Dear lord, no, xD I would have to even make the Tile Sets & . . . well, even the battlers, so, no @___@ I like mines anyways (Thou a good suggestion, but I am not gona kill myself cracking my disc up :P )

Code Geass

XD I wish I could rip sprites, I'd love to rip some GBA games, especially SRW, I love the super robot wars seriese <)M I've always wanted to make an fan game of it >_<

Karo Rushe

I was thinking of your idea of "Making Seinarukana" For RPG Maker XP.

. . . But the lack of Sprites on Google & Yahoo on either language made me think twice, but Finally, I was able to find this:

I just wished the Quality was better . . . a picture of her is a Pain in the arsses, but with this, I am halfway completed. (Ugh, it's soooo gonna look ugly).

Edit: Also,would put up soon those "Support" Signatures >___>;;; once I finish getting those Templates <shrugs>

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Yeah, but expect to be up by Tomorrow Noon in here.

Since I failed extracting while Playing Around >__>;;;

Karo Rushe

The sigis are up, thou I wish to know why the code acts in a very, weird way . .


Code Geass

Yay! More siggy work XD

Where do you get those templates anyways? lol, I jsut made mine from basically a black frame :P

Karo Rushe

 :P lol, & 'cause I rule, I make myself my own with the Two Best Characters in the Game (Non-playable xD)

Despite this, productions is going slow -.- just making sprites gets a bit tiring.


Looking great overall - the only concern I have it that some of the overlays seem a bit too heavy. :p Nice usage of picture studded cut-scenes.

Karo Rushe

Overlay? A bit confuse here.

would like to know what exactly is to fix, =X since I still got time to fix it before the release date.

=< & 'course thanks for the feedback.


Oh, I just mean the lighting/fog etc. Of course, it kinda comes down to preference, so it's your call; just giving an opinion. :)

Karo Rushe

 :=: I do agree, the fogs sorta make it a pain for me in gameplay and adding them, so I just prefered using them in certain scenes. (Thou, a low opacity).

=/ Just that I had bee wondering where you got the shadow effects in Quintessence in some scenes that make me try it out >.>;;

Would take consideration ad updates some of the news ones and take down the olds ones. =X since I find it a bit too shiy for my own eyes >__>;;

Karo Rushe

The poroyect would be delayed by technical difficulties with my computer ;-;

Mostly the Keyboard.

Code Geass

poroyect sounds cool when you say it out loud XD

thats a shame to hear, hope you get it fixed soon. How'd it get messed up?

Karo Rushe

My laptop is 5 Years old, so I am not surprise it is dying already  :=:

I'd probably buy a new one, and this one use it up to the bitter end of her death. =/

*Time to save the files as Back-Ups*


This looks awesome.

But one things is strange. Why has it got an A rating? Isn't that a bit extreme?


Code Geass


I never really noticed that, but I think the description only qualifies for something along the lines of Teen or OlderTeen...



Ahh, I see, but wouldn't it be M rating?

Anyway, this looks awesome, I can't wait for the demo!

Karo Rushe

I would consider an A for some "explicit material" but I'd change for the Beta Versions (Once I get my new Computer).

Ahem, yes, I am not dead yet, I upated with a new section, some art made by myself, mostly of the two of my favorite couple & Antagonists <3

Code Geass

lol, chibis!!! XD

And well, no comments for the other idea x.x I thought about it a little too, and not even considering the fact that...well, I'm underage so technically it would've been illegal, dispite that though, I just thought it would be devaluing my work and also harder to distribute, lol.


So you will be using those...scenes then? I guess I will have to play it without my brother here. :tpg:


Whoa, adult scenes in this game 0.0


We should know when they're coming up though, I don't want to play the game only when my family's gone.