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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Karo Rushe

I plan on makig it a bit more "Modern Day" since My Brain said "How can some Medieval Guys travel around Medieval Worlds? Wouldn't it be more exciting if it was like . . . Some Guy who got unlike and got in the wrong place at the Wrong Hour?" D: Sorta thing, Makig it more of a strenght point for my inspiration Towards Shakugan No Shana, Mai-HiME, Fate/Stay Night & Chaos Project. (Mostly, The Beginning would be like, the First Game I released that could never be posted here due that It exceeded Even Megaupload from the exageration of Resources >__>;;; )

Back On Topic:

If by Tomorrow, I still get a good begining & Better storyline, D: Expect a Major Clean-Up.

Code Geass

Can't wait :D

btw, I was watching the Eternity Sword 2 opening yesterday, have to say, they made the second one WAY better than the first..... :P

Karo Rushe

lol, Yeah, It's Way Better =X

Plus, I am trying to get the Calendar & the 2nd Artbook, but the Prices are Crazy >__>;;

I like the Systems they putted in the game, battles makes me drool, thou as much as I want to make it, I am no Scripter >__>;; And I suck when it comes to Animated Side View Battlers


And . . . Due to Inspirational, I'd be editig this, (Not Deleting the Thread . . . yet =X)

Code Geass

The system for the battles on the second one is cooler, but I found the graphics for the first one more pleasing, no idea why :P

probably cuz more animeish.

I have the first art book for the second one on my computer, didn't even know there was a second one XD

can't wait to read your new thread ^_^



Monica is my new hero.. this game is destined to epicwinness. Good job :)

Karo Rushe

After a full Long Hours of Debate with my Partner & Friend . . .

We Have Selected the Top 7 Main Characters (Klyron doesn't count since he obviously has to be Main):
1) Lloyd

2) Fianna

3) Shinari

4) Monica

5) Jullian

6) Hidenki

7) Belle[/spoiler]
Reason for such Post: At the beginning, we weren't sure who was going to be exactly the Main Characters >__>;;; So, here they are.

*Note: Althou Uriku appears to act in Gameplay as the "Main Character" she's just more of a Comic Relief Character and for the sake I like Puppy Luv like characters <3*

=X Done.

And, I'll see when I get this whole New Thread started, =X Kuddos, for Tomorrow might be the big day (No, not for the Demo, it still comes on July).

Code Geass

Can't wait :D

I know how you feel, some where along the line your going to have these HUGE changes becuase all of a sudden you realize theres just so much stuff wrong with it, reluctant as yo are cuz you don't want the work to go to waste, it'll only be for the better. If nothing else, make a collection of deleted scenes XD

Wish you luck on your reformation ^_^

Karo Rushe

=X I might think Deleted scenes will not be possible. Since I'd be using the same maps >.>;;;

but yeah, expect great changes in the storyline, this project had soo many changes . . . (Ugh, I wish to make a better Ilumina sprite thou, last one I have is sorta <shrugs> don't wanna mention it).

Code Geass


yeah, I had to scrap 3 very large characters, Gabby, Ross, and Sean, I have like at least 30mins in all of scenes with them, and all the work on their branches...UGH!!!

oh well, it was for teh better.

Karo Rushe

In the Game, most of the Villains has no "scene" and I'd probably try and make their Battles via Events.

Seemingly a bit boring unless I switch to Side View again. But I don't feel like Either making the battlers, nor I know Dollmage would not make them by her policies.

Either way, I am still early, so I don't worry much about the story =X

Code Geass

actually, I really really dig your battle layout.

it is very, believe me, very very rare to see a great game using the original RMXP layout. With that funky window skin, it really looks cool. I like it just the way it is, especially with the fact that alot of people suffer from not having good battlers, but in your case you have access and can use some really amazing anime battlers.

My favorite battle like that? I'd say goes to southerland, and she customized hers ALOT, but it was still the front veiw 2d system, but it is like, completely customized, dun know how she did it, looks fantastic though. Not to mention she makes these seriously wicked animations, GAH, so wish I could use them >_> Screen

My advice, don't abandon it. ^_^

just add some custom add-ons for the battle system, make it unique, it already looks like it has quite a few things going for it, so no, I don't think your battle system should be much of a problem.  :blizj:

Karo Rushe

No, I never said I was going to drop the Default Battle System =X What I meant was that the Villain's Battle would be by Events, unless I find a Way to find pictures of them to use as Battlers.

*Thou I found some that are close to what I want at least*

If there's any custom Add-oes you know of, would like to know where >__>;; I use mostly Blizzard's Scripts for effects on the Spells & Skills, Menus & some features on them *Not Include the Sim Dating Dialogue System*

=X I like the Default Battlesystem, and won't get rid of it at all, besides, I want to use it to tribute the one game I couldn't post long ago >___>;; (Even thou I admit, it makes me look at "Did I actually did those Maps?!")

So, no worries on that =X (I got the Battlers from ripping them off in photoshop from my artbook >.<;;; so I have them safe at least. But I am still lookig for a specific one >__> and I have to wait for getting Seinarukana to get that One Character I am missing. *Ilya's True Sprite & Battler*

Code Geass

a villan's battle huh?

hm.....I can't say I'm not confused x3

But I'll try and package together a few cool add ons ^_^

Karo Rushe

 :) Yes. they deserve that much Honor. *CoughSpeciallyCaroCough*

>.>;; Thou It would probably end up with the Default battle system. =X I am willing to make most of the game's sprites custom made. (At least the Characters & Such)

Code Geass

ok, heres a few I picked out that I thought would be pretty neat ^_^

Biography Screen and Battler Graphic Change

The second and third scripts on the first post seem really interesting. Since you have the resources for the biography to work nicely, I think having something like that would be really neat :D

Also, the battler changer script just makes the default battle system look a bit more animated.

Simple Individual Commands

Very very basic but simple script. Simply lets you change the names of each command of each character by the Class ID. Simple to use, and unlike Trcikster's, it dosn't have all that extra complicated stuff with advanced commands.

Conditional + Combo skills

I think southy uses this, anyways, it's a cool system. Lets your characters to have some combo skills, and even allows you to control when you can learn this combo skills with switches. I'm thinking of using it for mine game as well, as Avion becomes closer with the girls ^_^

Vesper System

hm....I don't know how to work this, or what it really is, but it sounds and looks pretty cool, so you might want to check it out.

Karo Rushe

The Command One I have a simple oe from Blizzard's Ton's of Ad-ons
& The Espers + Junction . . . I think I'd stick with CHaos Drive =X for the most.

The Biography one I like the best, thou would be cool if I could be able to adapt it to have not just the characters one has in the party, but also important characters that one meets throught the Story =X

Code Geass

glad I could help then, lol.

There are more complex ones, but they'll take more figuring out :P

Idk, if you can rip voices from Spirit Sword 2 you could add battle shouts and stuff :x

But through that, I think I'm probably going to use the union thing XD It looks pretty neat for me.

Karo Rushe

lol, Why rip a whole game?  :P I prefer been original and seek my own Voice Actors  :=:

Code Geass

lol, you make it sound easy ;D

if only...>_> I wish I had a clear microphone, I'd love to try voice acting.

Karo Rushe

 ;D Well, I do have my resources, I could get them easily.  :=:


This looks real good! Can't wait for a demo or something.

Karo Rushe

Updated ~ Storyline & The Two Main Characters, and will update when I get back home

Code Geass

awesome XD

going to try and incorporate the CG into your story more eh? It'll work nicer with some present themes, good luck :D


Wow. I'll defenatly keep an eye on this project. :) Keep up the good work.  :D