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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Karo Rushe

Title: Nocturne's Gospel
Rated: M for Mature

'Death to the oppressors and mercy to the weak.
As we sing our songs together.
We shall never be apart
We shall share our pain together
From this day on, our souls are one.'

After an afternoon's hunt, Lyle & his childhood friend, Caith found a girl by the name of Samantha, badly injured from a fall of a cliff, after being pursued by unknown forces. Upon helping her, Lyle soon becomes entangled in a series of events which changes his life forever.


Name: Lyle Razenburg
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Weapon: Double Daggers
Bio: Lyle Razenburg, along with his childhood friend Caith Alwien, is a young man that takes care of orphans to live through the dangerous world of the Altro Precepia. After saving the life of the enigmatic Samantha, Lyle finds himself entangled with a series of events that changed his life and perception of the world.


Selective Post Menu - No Wondering around lost in town? Yes, Now SR has a selective 'Post' Menu for each town & even Dungeon, for Story conveniences. There's even a rather pretty World Map coming in the way too.

New CGs, New Sprites, New RTP!? - Graphics are improved, New Palette colors, An Entire Custom RTP Characters by Caro herself, And Even New Tilesets, edited, Recolored and Add-ons from Deathlock, and among others Spriters.

A New Storyline - A New Story that breaks throu some of the Cliches and gives a Shocking for the player, One that Isn't the average 'Fairy-Tale' With Memorable Characters, Original Worlds to Explore, and Beings that surpasses the Laws of the Original.

A Brand New Battlesystem in the works? - Brand new Battle system, to which allows the player to select from Supportive & Active status to customizing their skills, and Ranks. Along with new Graphics and Enemies.

Enter the 'Masterpiece' - With rigid Puzzles, a New Visual Novel Feel, the new 'Nocturne Gospel' will prove to be worth the wait this time.

---Scripts Credits---
Blizzard - Tons of Add-Ons
Namckor - Add-On Equip Requirements
Ccoa - UMS
Charlie - FFX CBS
GuiB - Fixing up an Incompatibility (And helping out whenever I get script bugs)

---Title Logo---
Lonewolf (Also for Custom Graphics he's working for the Menu)

---Events Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe
Special: Monkeydlu (For Opening Intro)

---Mapping Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe

---Tile Sets Credits---
Malick aka, Jadak & Orae
Caro Ru Lushe/ DAS
Reives & Shadow (Their Maps gave idea for changing the colors of the RTP and making a more 'darker atmosphere')
Others I don't Remember from RPGXP.Org

---Animation Credits---

---Battlers Rip Credits---
Sithlord999 (For Ripping animations)

Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe (Only the Main Characters)
Game Rage
Strawberry Quarters
Loose Leaf

---Music Credits---
Mami Kawada - Joint ~ Opening Version
Mami Kawada - Masterpiece
Xuse - Seinarukana OST
Yuna Ito - Trust You?

---Pictures & Event CGs---
Nexus - Character Portraits & Designs
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe - Ti'll gets her Wacom-background & CGs among other slave work[/b]

---Sim Dating Dialogue System Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe
Sky Fortress (Sacred Earth) - Inspiration
Monkeydlu (Celestias Ferrum) - Inspiration

---Story Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe

---Icons Credits---
Anonimous (-.-;;)



:< Chrono Trigger CMS by Raziel, Graphics skins & window skin by Hanzo/Lonewolf[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Artwork & Fanart]Ming: Linear Klyron:
Evangel Lim's 'Thank You' Hikari:


[spoiler=Soul Reaver Opening 1 "JOINT" By Monkeydlu][/spoiler]
Caro's Note: Please know that the current video isn't the final product because of the Title change (Also, the fact I keep playing with the event every time makes it a bit, different)

Still No Demo Yet

Karo Rushe


looks cool! any pics of the hero's?

just one all teh maps the person died the EXACT same way...looks kinda weird lol
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Karo Rushe

A picture of the Heros? Probably tomorrow.  :=:Quite hard searching in the Night through the Resources Sea.

And I wanted to give that impresion with the ESRB  ;D

It's possible it could have up to 15 Characters in the Game...>.>;; But that's still not a Possibility until tomorrow, that why I would iupdate it tomorrow itself =) to see how many would there be.

Karo Rushe



So far your story look pretty well planned out. judging from scemming the whole thing, the story is pretty good. the screenies are nice. i love tinted screen color. looking forward to the demo. one pet pieve i have is that your using no window for text

Owner of ChaosDreamz© Productions.
Progress of:
Silent Dynasty©-Death Nightmare       
Storyline:  |||||||||| [62%]
Mapping:    |||||||||| [3%]
Scripting:  |||||||||| [1%]
Database:   |||||||||| [1%]
Audio:      |||||||||| [1%]
Overall:    ||||||||||[3%]
Demo:    ||||||||||[75%]

Lord Dante


maybe you are going for this effect, but it is sortof annoying.

Story sounds good and all that, just thought id drop that comment in.

Karo Rushe

Demo out. Version 0.2.

The Above screenshots won't appear due to "Glitches" & Nasty "Bugs"

Note that will; stop at the Inn, it's my bad, since I was playing around with the scripts more than finishing the Village.

(And yes, I know the Battlers are kinda....bad)

Quote from: Lord Dante on January 02, 2007, 05:04:00 AM

maybe you are going for this effect, but it is sortof annoying.

Story sounds good and all that, just thought id drop that comment in.
See above...It was a mistake when I put the two "N" it's actually Shanara (aka Shana) in corresponce to Tsukasa's Real name in the game, not because I wanted to use it in effect in an Annoying way.

Leave feedbacks & Tell me, wanna know what to fix.

Karo Rushe


Honestly I don't look at other peoples storys. But when I saw that pic using the heaven tilset that caught my attention. I'm downloading the demo now. Looks pretty good so far.


Wow, this game looks good. I'll download the demo and post my thoughts later.

Karo Rushe

Version 2.2 Will be out in a few hours...going to sleep now...when I retrun I'll post it here.


Whoot !!
it looks fun but don't have time to play now..

Karo Rushe


"protected by men who rided Creatures known as "Tomogara"

Everything looks good, but, ya it should be protected by men who rode...I relize this is minor but good spelling can count lol
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe


Grab it on the Link on the 1st Post..

Chapter 0 has been extended beyond anything I thought XDDD is already open....up to chapter One's Beginning.

::)Caster, Assasin, Lancer and Grappler KICK serious A$$!!!!!!!

Left is...Servant Berserker.

Red Eye Dragoon

Major Project : Cliche Cronicles
Total: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Story: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Resources: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Script: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Voice Overs: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%

Currently: Planning

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Red Eye Dragoon on January 29, 2007, 08:50:00 PM
Lol @ Thousand Master, you so stole that from Negima


*Gives Red Eyes Dragoon a Jar of Money*

As said, it has a lot of Anime Parodies within it...

Karo Rushe

Updated... ;D

Skull Island is still on Beta Mode...Explore aroun while it lasts  ;8

Karo Rushe

Character's Bio Updated and fdeleted The Villains.

The Stroyline will be next, the Game's Plot is taking a Different turn than the Story itself.

Nextg update, will be MOAR Screenshots, and finaly the Character's Pictures