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The End of Mankind . . . .

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I am still going with the Exploading Fridge Idea... I mean if it was covered in magnetic letters imagine the Carnage !!!... CARNAGE I tell ya !!!

(To find out WTF I am on about see page one of this thread)

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Crew Slut
Level 93
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I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

While we may end up killing ourselves off, this I am skeptical about as well, seeing as we have been fighting ourselves since day 1 and we haven't managed to destroy ourselves yet.

There are some who argue we will run out of resources for the ever growing population, this may be true.  But as we time goes on and the human race progresses we will most likely find ways to survive.

Aliens? maybe, but until they actually make themselves blatantly know to us, more advanced and obviously hostile, I keep this possibility astronomically small. 

Apparently the sun will eventually die out billions of years from now, I see this as our most likely end but I will not be around to witness it, so its all good.

Hmmmm....I have to agree with some of that.

Bull that the sun will ever die out, I remember a long time ago on art bell, some guy as on saying how he works for the government and it's his job to keep the sun from dying out.
I think that's a load of bull. (what the guest said)

I agree that e will survive incase we do run out of resources, but I think, eventually, it'll all come back, and it'll keep repeating over and over again...

Maybe Chuck Norris will save us....hah.

But what if we find another earth? That would be sweet!

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

the movie is as about as factual as anything. Al Gore, says it completely relevates to his theories, which are true. You need to see the movie (The Inconvenient Truth: a documentary by al gore). It has alot facts, and truths about global warming, its just that the government tries to hide all facts about global warming. The movie explains all, no need for further talking.

and we did indeed find another earth, but their sun is huge compared to ours.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Yeah, I don't really listen to the news, so heard it on Colbert last night. Just googled it to find a story. 


Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...

Al Gore, says it completely relevates to his theories, which are true.

You just got Frohwned!

Level 88
We reach the stars or actually be able to travel space with afortable prices and what not, the human race would probably exist forever. :zoid:

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I hope that doesn't happen. 

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Hmmm...I sort of have to agree with you.

But the end of man kind, does this mean what? I bring up a very very good point:

By this, does it mean the end of everything that is, was and is going to be? Or just of Earth? Nobody can answer, and I don't think anyone has the liberty too either.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
The end of the human race.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Hmm...no one can say for sure, and I don't think the media has the liberty to say, because, even we don't know if it's true.

I have no opinion other than I don't know. But I guess it would have to fall in the end of the human race, also. But even if we go to this other earth, how could that help? Because if it's the end of humans, there's no stopping us from dying.

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
Well there aren't a lot of ways to end human life forever. Like the dinosaurs it's going to take more than a little climate change to destroy 6,000,000,000+ people. Since humans are basically everywhere we have to take into account the probabilities of surviving the many situations that are presented to us.

Global warming, highly doubtful that will do anything. What better way to have fun away from the sun than to repopulate the world.

Nuclear warfare, anyone living anywhere has a good chance of surviving. It's like walking in a swamp full of man eating crocodiles. Chances are your going to live to see the next day, of course you may lose some friends on the way but that's basically the chance of survival.

I'm going to guess mankind will end in evolution, like the extinction of some animals. We'll probably evolve to a much less intelligent life form. Even if all of mankind were to become extinct, something else is going to take our place. Either that or a crazy virus that instantly kills you. Of course this is only a theory, but it's my opinion anyways. Mankind exists to fill the world, and if we don't do our job something else will.

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Have ta agree with ya there.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
We'll probably evolve to a much less intelligent life form.
Paradoxical, wouldn't that be devolving?  And why would we need to do that?

Level 88
I imagine that the only way we would all be wiped out, is if a huge void swallowed us all. This would be a black hole, large enough that we wouldn't be able to escape it, that is now.

If man-kind were to be wiped out, women would be very happy, but would most likely turn into lesbians and find a way to reproduce without them.

If humankind were wiped out in the future, I would think that it would be due to a more intelligent, more advanced life form with weapons that we could hold no candle to without it being extinguished.

There are some who think we devolved from a far more important civilization, and lost our innate abilities, this might be so in the future but I doubt it. Perhaps we will just be killed via civil war because one person thinks something different from another.
Kinsei kazoku no mottoo .

Seigi no mae no haamonii
heiwa no mae no barannsu
saigo no ha no mae no junjo ha kudaru


Kinsei Family Motto

Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before the last leaf falls

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
If the human race die out, meh, im still waiting for some Dumb fuck to say lets shoot garbage into space, no offense to anyone here but i think the human race has left its stink on the earth,

well apart from the people who use there heads, people who recycle ect.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
find a way to reproduce without them.
Yeah, like there are any girl scientists  ::)

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Nina Byers, Margaret Fountaine, Linda B. Buck; I know you were being sarcastic, but I just had to.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
I world full of lesbians...mmmmmmmm...are these girl hot by any chance? If so can I some directions. ;D

Crew Slut
Level 93
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I world full of lesbians...mmmmmmmm...are these girl hot by any chance? If so can I some directions. ;D

You're strange....

Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Nina Byers, Margaret Fountaine, Linda B. Buck; I know you were being sarcastic, but I just had to.

And that's it, compared to the....male scientists....
I Doubt the human race will ever become apes, and I doubt we ever were. Darwin, sorry buddy, but there are waaaay too many flaws in Evolution.

Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
You're strange....

ummm, no he isn't? perfectly sensible
You just got Frohwned!

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
I Doubt the human race will ever become apes, and I doubt we ever were. Darwin, sorry buddy, but there are waaaay too many flaws in Evolution.

Can you name a few flaws? Besides the lack of god's involvement?
I don't think humans will become apes, rather just more stupid. And if global change is in effect, then we will adapt. Too cold? We'll probably glow more hair, too warm? less hair. If you hadn't notice we've grown much bigger over the past years. 100 years ago the tallest person would probably be only 6'0". We adapted to our environment, like racial distribution across the world, and I believe that won't change anytime soon. So if the human race would die, it would have to happen in a short period of time.

And in a world full of lesbians, I'm sure at least 1/10 of them would be a transsexual.

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
2. What created apes?
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
4. What evolved to apes
5. Species can't evolve into other species

100 years ago the tallest person would probably be only 6'0". We adapted to our environment,

You know the skeleton they found in Africa was a lot bigger than any modern body builds.

You're strange....

ummm, no he isn't? perfectly sensible

How did it get from end of the world onto lesbian planet?

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
Actually that's where most people have their mistakes. We weren't apes >.>
We were "like" apes, but just a different form.
2. What created apes?
Carbon and other random stuff.
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
If big bang was a sex orgy then I doubt it too. Apparently thats not the case. the big bang was just a theory in which spinning gas was compressed by gravity and eventually exploded into solid forms.
4. What evolved to apes
An earlier form of apes?
5. Species can't evolve into other species
No shit

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
Actually that's where most people have their mistakes. We weren't apes >.>
We were "like" apes, but just a different form.
2. What created apes?
Carbon and other random stuff.
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
If big bang was a sex orgy then I doubt it too. Apparently thats not the case. the big bang was just a theory in which spinning gas was compressed by gravity and eventually exploded into solid forms.
4. What evolved to apes
An earlier form of apes?
5. Species can't evolve into other species
No shit

Rethink your sentence if you want to argue about Darwin's theory.
Because it comes off as if you are agreeing with Darwin's theory being wrong.

Again, the bing bang, what cause the gas and gravity? How did that get there, evolved?

1. If we were Ape Like, then we weren't actually apes, and just an old fashioned human.
So Darwin wasn't right about evolution...

2. What created the carbon and other random stuff?

4. An earlier form  of apes. Need I say more?

5. No shit is right, you just said the magic word, how is Darwin's theory correct than?

Back to subject

If the humans died, is it just because earth has become toxic? Hmmm...
And could we move to a different planet to stop that?

Level 91
@Mexneto: LOL
@Mr Moo: You have some idea on how to debate, but you should learn more on what you believe before doing so.

I didn't even see this, certainly hope I'm not too late. =o

1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?

Well as said, we where never apes. We where in a similar family as them and at one stage we where as one, or very close. One group of our ancestors would have separated to different lands (possibly for food, or water) and due to the different environment, different evolutionary changes would have occurred.

2. What created apes?

This is a beautiful religious answer used; "If science doesn't know all the answers, then it's wrong!!". Well, you believed that your god always existed and that there's no predecessor, why can't I say the same for this question? =o

Well I won't, because unlike religion I can answer, at least to what you meant in your question. "If we came from apes, or something similar to them, then what was before that?", right? You seem to know very little on natural selection, while I wont go in-depth on the matter, I'm happy to tell you a little.

Natural Selection: The basic idea (as MrMoo has already said) is small changes due to surrounding or need. The changes are not directly caused with what's around the animal, but rather mutation. As you know when parents have children, they're not an exact copy of mum and dad, they will always have a slight variable. If that change is better it will spread out.
Spoiler for Example Explanation of N.S.:
A species of birds finds itself in a new home, and the major source of food is little worms/bugs within tree branches, and they have to struggle to get the worms by placing their beaks within gaps of the branch to retrieve the worm. Well along comes an offspring (or three) and due to natural genetic mutation, their beak is a little longer, well that means they can grab the worms with slight more ease and therefor have more nutrients for breeding, and a larger supply of food for their offspring. Meaning that slowly the long-beaks will become dominant in that species bird. The process repeats and repeats until you have a new animal very well suited for that environment.

So in short, the ape was something else before it was an ape all the way back until the original source of life.

3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?

We don't know with any certainty of what caused the big bang, what we do know how ever that it did indeed occur.  A theory doesn't need to explain everything in order to be correct. The big bang states that it was an explosion that created the universe and shows enough evidence for it to be labeled a scientific fact. If you had any clue as to the actual work and heavy debate a theory undergoes before it is labeled that you would appreciate what that means, I sadly doubt you do.

There are many thoughts as to what  started off the big bang, but no person of science would state them, or present them because unlike religion science will not say it knows the explanation without proper backings.

4. What evolved to apes


5. Species can't evolve into other species

Going by your lack of understanding of evolution I'm surprised you can even pronounce the word, Mexineto. You know what about it, besides what your church has told you..? Well going by the layout of your sentence, 'Species can't evolve into other species' that would say what then? That you believe animals can evolve?? You said "into another species" you didn't say "They don't evolve". So now you do  believe in evolution of some form??

Well if you believe in natural selection as the form of evolution's occurrence, then you believe in both 'micro' and 'macro' evolution (both words which are now heavily outdated). The method of N.S. explains evolution in one whole, saying you believe in micro (small change between an animal) yet you don't believe in macro (large changes of an animal turning into another) is like say "I believe I can take a step forward yet not cross the street!". The evolutionary steps is identical between large and small changes, it's just a different amount of time in which it has taken effect.