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The End of Mankind . . . .

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Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i highly doubt it  >:(

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Why would I care, you won't doubt anything when you are under miles of ice.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
wow, i find that kind of funny, especially when it comes from someone who wants society to crumble.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
First of all, Biohazard, you're wrong. I've told you this before though. Second, if you believe its going to be electromagnetism that kills us, where does the ice come in?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
he's probably talking about the next ice age, which wont happen soon enough.

Level 88
The ice age doesn't happen in matters of days. It happens over many years. I think we would see it coming and get ready long before it actually happens.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
unless you havent seen day after tommorow, which was scientifically proven to be true, the ice age will hit hard, theres no way of preparing for that. Not even burning library books will help. And soon we'll be forced to cross the mexican border, just for the sake of their own lives. its not easy to evacuate, unless you're living in the south. People aren't ready to prepare for times like these. They're unpredictable, an because of global warming, this has a high possiblity of happening.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
unless you havent seen day after tommorow, which was scientifically proven to be true,


Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I think you are talking about something completely different, Holk.  What I am talking about is the Earth stopping on it's axis, then spinning the other way, destroying almost all life in the process.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Oh, then no. Thats not going to happen either.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i agree with holkeye.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Ruhani, why would I care?  Really, ask yourself that, and you will realize that I could possibly care any less about what you beleive.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i already realize that, so stop wasting your time posting that.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

'Twas the Mayans, not the Incas.
Also, read about the Hopis. ~

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
I find Tiwanaku and the Toltec empire the most interesting ones, they are respectively pre-incan and pre-mayan civilizations.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Well, and no surprise here, that has nothing to do with the topic.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Well, I will find some half respectable websites that detail what I am talking about, namely the magnetic field of the earth changing, and over a 5 day period the earth stopping, both poles moving to where the randomly assigned new magnetic force is, and then righting itself, with the poles where they used to be, but the rest of the world not.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

'Twas the Mayans, not the Incas.
Also, read about the Hopis. ~

Oppps! I knew I had something wrong with that, why would the Incans have Q as their god? The Mayans and the Aztecs shared Quetzalcoatl right? (hehe, I should now this....)

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
wasn't this topic dead for a few weeks? or did i not check it in my 'show ne replies to your posts'

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
 ;D I revived it.

Mr.Bean says:

If the world does happen to come to a halting stop, bring a towel.

Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

While we may end up killing ourselves off, this I am skeptical about as well, seeing as we have been fighting ourselves since day 1 and we haven't managed to destroy ourselves yet.

There are some who argue we will run out of resources for the ever growing population, this may be true.  But as we time goes on and the human race progresses we will most likely find ways to survive.

Aliens? maybe, but until they actually make themselves blatantly know to us, more advanced and obviously hostile, I keep this possibility astronomically small. 

Apparently the sun will eventually die out billions of years from now, I see this as our most likely end but I will not be around to witness it, so its all good.
You just got Frohwned!