The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.
The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:
The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.
I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!
But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.
So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.