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RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
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RMRK Member Factfile

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( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
When can we hear drmc singing?  :yuyu:
bringing sexy back

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
bringing sexy back

Level 85
I solve practical problems.
For taking arms in the name of your breakfast.

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Best RPG Maker User - StoryProject of the Year 20142014 Queen of RMRK2011 Best Newbie2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2014 Kindest Member2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
Stealing the template from my sis ;o

Name: yuyubabe Deanna
Aliases: yuyubabe, yuyu, Deannomite, babayabu, (and all those stupid names people call me because they either can't get my name right or are lazy) Dee, Diana, Diane, Deena, etc.
Sex: Female
Race: Beorc hurrdurr
Birthdate: June 4 1992 (22nd anniversary of me is next week ;o)
Birthplace: Trenton, NJ (;9)
Location: North Texas (:D)
Height: 5'10" yea
How much do you weigh? I'm big boned, ok. ;9 (No, seriously)
Shoe Size: 9-10ish
Eye Color: Some weird shade of blue
Hair Color: Brown
What is your favorite color? Almost every shade of pink B)
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: I have a couple birthmarks that are fading away. Never had my ears (or anything) pierced because I didn't see the point.
Dating/Marital Status: Dating some weird guy named Chris Malson that writes music
Sexual Orientation: ahm straeght
What is your religion? Undecided. I follow whatever beliefs feel right to me.
Family: Dad, Mom, Older sister, other older sister, younger sister (Dr.Mc)
Pets: ... ;9
Occupation: At Best Buy I am currently a hybrid of a sales transaction assistant and a customer service specialist. Basically, I switch off between cashiering and customer service. Hurr hurr lookie at them titles.
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? Spending time with Malson, work, school, making video games, playing video games, drawing, cleaning or cooking (:mad:), probably sleeping at some point, or finding something else random to do. Oh, and I also sing in my spare time, but I only really do that when I'm driving alone in the car where no one can hear me. :V ...Which is a lot of the time.
Favorite Movie: Frozen! Also Tangled, The Princess Bride, Men in Tights, and various other movies that I'm too lazy to think about right now.
What kind of music do you like? Favorite band is probably EmpireOfTheSun. Only band I seem to consistently listen to lately, rather than just selecting one or two songs.
Favorite Video Game: Fire Emblem (Path of Radiance) and Phoenix Wright (Trials and Tribulations) are my top pick. Basically any from those series', but I listed my favorites from each. ;_;
Favorite Beverage: Errm...hmmm...tossup between cream soda and sweet tea. ;_; Nothealthy
Favourite Cartoon: Avatar: the Last Airbender (just copying my sister now)
Favorite Other Members: Uhhh...I'd try this, but then I might forget someone and they'll be like "WHHHYYY YUYU". ;9 I like all of you. Err...most of you. I'm losing my "love everybody" touch. But I certainly don't hate any of you. *_*
Preferred RPG Maker: Most certainly, definitely, positively, and assuredly VXAce.
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome!
Preferred Email Service: gmail. ...but I mostly use yahoo. It's going to take some time to switch over. ;_;
Website?: nah
Vegetarian?: uhlol
Where you've traveled: Syracuse, NY. Lynchburge, VA. (from my sister's list) San Antonio, TX. Trenton, NJ. Houston, TX. Clearwater (or whatever), FL.
What do you hate? Hmmmm...dishonesty, I guess. People who are generally awful and can't be trusted. But I guess I also hate people that are judgmental, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite. :B
What do you love? Geez. Too many things to list. Here goes: My family, friends, boyfriend, my best friend, tarot, astrology, rmrk, children and animals (I'm a cat person), disney movies lol, playing/making games, music, writing, feeling accomplished and appreciated, being in a clean environment (not easy with my family ;9), cooking fun stuff!, being creative, and uhhh...yeah. Lots more that I can't think of. :)
Useless Facts:
-I'm extremely awkward and not very social when I first meet new people. Given time, I end up the same as I appear on rmrk (for the most part!).
-I'm really into stuff like Tarot and Astrology and all that fun psychic stuff. B)
-My dreams are often way over-the-top, dramatic, and take place in a castle or manor of some form.
-I've been friends with my best friend (guin) for about...13-14 years? o.o
-I have two nephews, one was born last week! :-)
-My birthday is next week! B) For the first time in eleven years, my age will be the same number in both digits! Kinda psyched!
Spoiler for yeah:

Haven't taken any recent ones, but all my un-recent ones are on the book for faces.
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? Not much lately, but usually a LOT of time, ok. ;9
How many languages do you speak?  Which ones? English. I hope to learn Spanish because it would make life easier in Texas. ;o
Do you drink? Nah. Don't like the taste of alcohol. Don't want to get tipsy or drunk.
Do you smoke? Nah. Don't like the taste of those either. Or the smell.
Did you ever skip class? I did once to cry in a bathroom because my boyfriend at the time broke up with me and I was an emotional teenager. :baww: But I admit that I have skipped less important college class days for varying reasons. They don't really care in college.
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Hahaha...sometimes.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Too much last year.
have you ever broken a bone? Nope! I got stitches in my big toe once, though!
Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? I wear a necklace that my sister, the witch, enchanted. :-)
How do you dress? My preferred dress has become more feminine, sometimes squeezing myself in tight jeans that look a lot better than they feel and complementing them with girly shirts and possibly a small jacket when the weather isn't dancing in the third digits.
How many keys are on your keyring? Nothing. The new (used) car has a lonely looking keyring. ;9
What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? On my lazy days, I'll stay up past 2am and wake up at 11am. I've been a little worse than that lately. If I don't have work or school, that is.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Too much sometimes. Especially lately, since I've been working on another game hack. ;o
What are your goals/dreams in life? I'm thinking I want to be a teacher. That's what I'm going to school for now. But my ultimate goal is to have a happy marriage and have a couple little ones.
What got you involved in RMRK? RPG Maker. I stumbled here, nabbed a couple Modern Alg scripts, and then felt bad for not saying "thank you". That was my first post, a necro post. :]
Who do you admire? Anyone that I see as a responsible, respectable figure. But I'll include a couple shout-outs. ;_;

Spoiler for ;_;:
My dad - for everything he does for us and all the burdens he puts up with
My mom - she has her moments when she's immature, but she's endured so much and I feel like a lot of people don't appreciate her. Oftentimes, she's the one I can go crying to when life isn't fair. ;_;
Malson - damn, I can't say enough how many times he's picked me off my feet and inspired me with his crazy awesome ways. ;_;
Guin - my best friend of more than a decade. I've never met anyone as fair and just as him, honestly. Nor as easy to talk to. With guin, I can trust that what he says is what he means. :,)
LadyJ - you're always there for me. ;_; Not only that, but you're incredibly mature and capable. You're an awesome mom, and I hope that one day I can be like you. :,) And I don't just mean your awesome cooking skills! I mean your incredible levels of understanding and respect for others! :D
EvilM00s - I was unfounded on my occult interests before I met you, and you've really helped me to understand everything! I can't say how much I look up to you for both anything related to the occult, and writing!
bluntsword - Your dedication to your family is something I really admire! ;_; You're a very respectful, composed, friendly guy! And you handled the criticism from all those crazy reviewers like an expert!
So many more people, but I think I've spent a lot of time here. o.o
Are you into sports?  If so which ones? If any, I'd pick Tennis.
What is your dream job? Teaching :)
What was your first screenname? ...yuyubabe! o.o
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Righty!
What is your favorite website? rmrk~!
Do you play computer games?  If so which ones? None can be played on this bootleg machine ;o
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? Xbox360, Wii, GameCube, Xbox, Ps2 (I still do play some of the older ones ;o)
Are you married or planing to get married? Definitely want to get married someday. It's a must-have for this dramatic soul! :tpg:
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:12:04 AM by Queen yayaboo »
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member
aww,  :roph2: thanks miss, I admire you as well

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member
I haven't updated this thing in... well I don't know if I ever did ?_?   Either way, I'll jump on the update bandwagon.

Name: Julie
Aliases: Jules, jujubee, ladyj
Sex: Female
Race: lol  I don't run
Birthdate: August 12, 1974 (40 this year! ^_^)
Birthplace: SC
Location: SC
Height: 5'7"
How much do you weigh?  lol you funny
Shoe Size: 9
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Auburn - though depending on the time of year and how much sun I get it can look more brown or more red.
What is your favorite color? Blues.. beautiful shades of blueeeee
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: My ears are pierced but I very rarely wear earrings
Dating/Marital Status: Married
Sexual Orientation: Straight
What is your religion? Christian
Family: Husband, 3 children who live with me, and all of you <3
Pets: 3 chows - Riley, Champ, and Little Girl
Occupation:Director of Operations
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? Read, play games, watch TV & Movies, write stories, knit, crochet, make random crafts (refrigerator magnets, for example), draw (some, very badly)
Favorite Movie: Oh man,  so many to choose from!  I don't know if I have a favorite. I love anything Disney/Pixar. Dirty dancing, Steel Magnolias, The Green Mile.  Too many to choose ;_;
What kind of music do you like? I'm pretty open to anything except whiny country and screamo.
Favorite Video Game: Super Mario Bros :mad:
Favorite Beverage: Sweet Tea
Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated
Favorite Other Members: I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
Preferred RPG Maker: I don't use RPG Makers
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome
Preferred Email Service: I don' really have a "preferred" but I've been using Yahoo for like.. 13 years? So I guess that?
Website?: RMRK
Vegetarian?: occasionally
Where you've traveled: Ohio, West Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, NC, Washington D.C. ... that's pretty much it
What do you hate? Rude people, people who text and drive, calories :mad:
What do you love? My family, freedom, life~
Useless Facts:
  • I'm not really a huge pet person. I like animals, but I don't consider them my babies and dote on them like my children.
  • When I first came to this site I was 33 years old.
  • My favorite thing to cook is potato salad.

Pictures: Somewhere on rmrk
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? depends on the day and how busy I am
How many languages do you speak?  speak? or speak well?  If speak well then none lol I speak English, Spanish, and a splattering of German. 
Do you drink? Nope, can't stand the stuff
Do you smoke? see above
Did you ever skip class? I did, but only 1.. well 1 year I suppose I should say. They put me in a math class that I just couldn't get. I told the teacher I didn't understand it. She basically told me to suck it up buttercup. So I started skipping that class.  Every. single. day.  lol  Hey they switched me out of it =)
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? some days
Have you ever been on an airplane? Nope
have you ever broken a bone? Nope
Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? Wedding Rings
How do you dress? Comfortable
How many keys are on your keyring? 5
What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? I go to bed around 1 am. I get up anywhere from 6 am - 9 am. Depending on if I am babysitting or not.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Depends on how busy I am, if I have company, etc.
What are your goals/dreams in life? Travel, learn to draw, maybe take some cooking classes?
What got you involved in RMRK? Roph
Who do you admire? My mom ;9
Spoiler for also:
Bluntsword - you've helped me out more than you know, my brother in Christ, I appreciate you <3
Evilm00s - you're an amazing human being.  Keep being that way!
Yuyubabe - you are stronger than you know.  Stay awesome!
tSwitch – you inspire me. 
DrMC – I admire your talent.  I wish I could draw like you ;_;
Sophist – Your tenacity inspires me. No matter what life throws at you, you just keep going.  <3 

Are you into sports?  If so which ones? I play many sports in my yard. I love watching the local high school football games with my family. 
What is your dream job? I have it :)
What was your first screenname? Jujubee
Do you have any piercings? Didn't I already answer this question? :o
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Righty
Do you have any tattoos?  Uh, already answered, see far above
What is your favorite website? Already answered this too o0
Do you play computer games?  If so which ones? I love flash games.  Not too time consuming, easily beaten.  Lol  I also have a multitude of games on steam that I play when I get the chance, which isn't often :(
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? PS2 mostly now. Though we have others.
Are you married or planing to get married? Happily married for 20 years in August :ladyj:

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best Musician2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
Who do you admire? My mom ;9
Spoiler for also:
Bluntsword - you've helped me out more than you know, my brother in Christ, I appreciate you <3
Evilm00s - you're an amazing human being.  Keep being that way!
Yuyubabe - you are stronger than you know.  Stay awesome!
tSwitch – you inspire me. 
DrMC – I admire your talent.  I wish I could draw like you ;_;
Sophist – Your tenacity inspires me. No matter what life throws at you, you just keep going.  <3 

*Looks for HaloOfTheSun in vain*

Wow. Just wow. :mad:

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member
*Looks for HaloOfTheSun in vain*

Wow. Just wow. :mad:

Well I admire you. But really you don't fit in that category. You're something I couldn't live without, like air or my right thumb.  You've helped me through the worst of times and after Charlie and my kids no one holds a higher place in my life than you.  Because you've been there no matter what.  So I don't exactly admire you. I appreciate you, I need you, I am forever grateful to have found you.  You're my forever friend.  <3 

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
bringing sexy back

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best Musician2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member

Level 41
Bronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer
That game sucks

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Best RPG Maker User - StoryProject of the Year 20142014 Queen of RMRK2011 Best Newbie2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2014 Kindest Member2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o

such love

(I still don't know how to doge D:)
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
BORED Redoing.

Name: Drew
Aliases: Too many.
Gender: Female
Race: Fox Furry
Birthdate: 22nd September 1989
Birthplace: New England
Location: New England
Height: 5'6" - 5'10" I have no fucking idea and could care less
How much do you weigh? too much
Shoe Size: 9
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
What is your favorite color? Purple and Yellow
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: no/wanna/maybe
Dating/Marital Status: Poly/Open, Engaged.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
What is your religion? Deist/Pagan
Family: 3 younger brothers, Mom and Dad
Pets: :namdog:
School(s): NEIT, WPI.
Occupation: Web and Application Developer
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? Projects, Read, Listen to music, Karaoke fool, make random shitty games.
Favorite Movie: Tokyo Godfathers
What kind of music do you like? Trance, Futurepop, Industrial, Hardcore, Prog Rock, Punk Rock, Alt Rock, Heavy Metal, this could go on for hours.
Favorite Video Game: Wild Arms
Favorite Book: The Dresden Files
Favorite Food: prob'ly be easier to say what I don't like to eat ;D
Favorite Beverage: Diet coke
Favourite Cartoon: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Favorite Other Members: Whoever is a regular in the IRC I usually get along with.
Preferred RPG Maker: RMVXA
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome
Preferred Email Service: GMail
Website?: http://tswitch.us/ http://tswitch.tumblr.com/ http://twitter.com/drwSwitch
Vegetarian?: lolno
Where you've traveled: Various states of the US, I want to visit the UK sometime.
What do you hate? Hate is a waste of energy.
What do you love? Fun. My cuties.
Useless Facts: Pirates didn't wear eyepatches to cover up lost eyes, they actually wore them above deck so that when they went below deck (with very low light) they could see in the dark by removing the eyepatch.
Spoiler for:
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? I drop in and out a lot, but I'm always in IRC.
How many languages do you speak? English, with a little Spanish, and a smidgen of Japanese, tiny bit of German.
Do you drink? Socially.
Do you smoke? Yes.
Did you ever skip class? Used to.
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Depends on my nightmares.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes.
have you ever broken a bone? Nope.
Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? Necklace with a pentacle on it, a ring, sometimes my collar.
How do you dress? Jeans, Sweatshirt, T-shirts, I have a neat hat, sometimes skirts. Pretty androgynous really.
How many keys are on your keyring? Like 6.
What time do you go to bed? Midnight ish.
What time do you wake up? 7am.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Most of them.
What are your goals/dreams in life? Make some meaningful games, live comfortably. Hopefully make a difference for queer youth if I can.
What got you involved in RMRK? I used to make a lot of games, stuck around for the people.
Who do you admire? Admire is a strong word, I respect anyone who makes something I enjoy though.
Are you into sports?  If so which ones? Nope.
What is your dream job? I'm not even sure anymore.
What was your first screenname? Rockman922@aol.com
Do you have any piercings? Nope.
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Right handed
Do you have any tattoo's?  If not do you wish/plan to get one? I wanna get this circle inside a trans marker.
What is your favorite website? I dunno.
Do you play computer games?  If so which ones? A fucking lot of them.
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? A fucking lot of them. I mostly use my PS3 and Wii U though.
Are you married or planing to get married? Engaged <3

well, that's me in a nutshell

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Rep: +0/-0Level 31
RMRK Junior
Name: Anselm
Aliases: Anselm, Raven, Red Rusty Raven, Hey you in the back of the room !
Sex: Huge.
Race: French
Birthdate: May 1991
Birthplace: Somewhere in France, don't remember where exactly.
Location: Poitiers, France
Height: 176 centimeters
How much do you weigh? 67kg
Shoe Size: 41 (EU)
Eye Color: Left Blue/Green, Right Green/Brown (In French, we call that "Yeux vairons", but I'm not sure in English)
Hair Color: Dark Blond
What is your favorite color? Red
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: Tattoo in the neck.
Dating/Marital Status: In a relationship.
Sexual Orientation: Up and down, it depends the excitement.
What is your religion? Ignosticism
Family: Just a dad.
Pets: A dog, small, old without teeth and deaf.
School(s): Primary & Secondary School, + Bachelor's degree in International Law, + Bachelor's degree in English (yes, it's hard to believe), + Bachelor's degree in art and i'm still in an art school.
Occupation: Art Student => Work > Beer > Work > Internet > Beer > Work.
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK?  I'm drawing. Everytime. And I'm reading a lot about the art of animation. I also drawing a french comics.
Favorite Movie: No Idea. Too much. I can't choose only one.
What kind of music do you like? Ambient, chill, electro, OST, classical, rock, metal. It depends of my mood.
Favorite Video Game: Valkyrie Profile/Zelda (the first)/Zelda Ocarina of Time/Doom/Warcraft III, to much.
Favorite Book: Brave New World.
Favorite Food: Rosbeef, french fries.
Favorite Beverage: Red Bull
Favourite Cartoon: Daria
Favorite Other Members: I'm too new for that.
Preferred RPG Maker: RMXP
Preferred Web Browser: Both Firefox/Chrome.
Preferred Email Service: Gmail
Website? http://redrustyraven.blogspot.fr
Vegetarian? Certainly... Not.
Where you've traveled: England, Germany, Martinique
What do you hate? Nothing I think. Because, I ignore what I didn't like or made an effort to understand it. So, I hate nothing, but I didn't like somethings.
What do you love ? Spend time doing nothing without having the weight of the guilt.
Useless Facts: I like when my pictures are perfectly parallel to wall, even if the wall is not straight.
Pictures: Of what ?
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? It depends. Somedays it's 14h, some others 30 minutes.
How many languages do you speak?  Which ones? French, English and German.
Do you drink? Only with friends or classmates.
Do you smoke? Nope.
Did you ever skip class? Oh yes, and I wonder how I had all these Bachelor's degrees while I spent the majority of my time in my bed.
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Never. I'm insomniac.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes.
have you ever broken a bone? Never.
Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? Never. I loose all necklaces, rings and bracelets I tried to wear.
How do you dress? First the left leg, then the right leg and... 
How many keys are on your keyring? Four
What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? Random.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? All day. I work on my computer.
What are your goals/dreams in life? Released my game, released my comic book, be famous. Yeah, because I'm very modest.
What got you involved in RMRK? The french RPG Maker community is really restricted and all forums have the same members. So, I was searching for a new look on my work and on the RPGMaker software.
Who do you admire? My partner and my dad.
Are you into sports?  If so which ones?  Running, climbing, riding, archery.
What is your dream job? Animator for animation films.
What was your first screenname? Apocalypse.
Do you have any piercings? Yes.
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Not really.
Do you have any tattoos?  If not do you wish/plan to get one? Yes, I have one and plan one other.
What is your favorite website? Besides RMRK? le palais du making (french RM community), 9gag and Youtube.
Do you play computer games?  If so which ones? Quake, Unreal Tournament 2003, Diablo II, Loki, Age of Empire II, Empire Earth, Skyrim, Morrowind, Portal 2, Heroes of the Storm and... That's all.
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, Sega II, DS, 3DS, Playstation, Playstation 2, Wii.
Are you married or planing to get married? Hell no.

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Best RPG Maker User - StoryProject of the Year 20142014 Queen of RMRK2011 Best Newbie2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2014 Kindest Member2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
For organization purposes, I went ahead and moved the marriage/love discussion here: http://rmrk.net/index.php?topic=50256.0  :)
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

Rep: +0/-0Level 17
RMRK Junior
Name: Matt
Aliases: Orgaya
Sex: Male
Race: Argonian
Birthdate: I was too young to date then.
Birthplace: The greatest country on Earth.
Location: Still the greatest country on earth.
Height: 6 something
How much do you weigh? Not enough
Shoe Size: I have a cat named the Shoe and he is pretty big
Eye Color: Brown that dreamily fades into blue as it reaches the whites
Hair Color: Also brown but it doesn't turn blue unfortunately
What is your favorite color? Grey (not GRAY GOD DAMN IT)
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: I have a royal insignia burned into my lower back to indicate my royal lineage
Dating/Marital Status: I have a sexy lady friend
Sexual Orientation: I am so unbelievably straight except when a dick is in my mouth in which case I'll maybe consider otherwise
What is your religion? I am a staunch atheist, a requirement for being a sarcastic asshole
Family: Yes, I do have one
Pets: Two cats
School(s): I went to a pre-school, then an elementary school, then a middle school, then homeschool, then a high school, then two colleges
Occupation: I work at a Macy's
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? I write, I play games, I work incessantly on my own game, and I fuck my lady friend
Favorite Movie: Princess Mononoke, Michael Clayton, Inside Out, both Kill Bill movies, and the Planet of the Apes prequels
What kind of music do you like? Folk, experimental shit that everyone hates, some techno
Favorite Video Game: Skies of Arcadia, the Elder Scrolls series, and Rodina
Favorite Book: Lonesome Dove and Downtown Owl (both oddly about a town named after a bird)
Favorite Food: Chocolate and fruit
Favorite Beverage: Cranberry Juice
Favourite Cartoon: Fooly Cooly, unless anime is not a cartoon, in which case Avatar and Korra (shut your fucking mouth those are not anime)
Favorite Other Members: I dunno, haven't met any of you folks yet
Preferred RPG Maker: Primarily Ace, though I started with VX and dabbled a bit with MV
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome
Preferred Email Service: Gmail
Website?: Booble.com
Vegetarian?: I thought about it but sometimes the urge to eat a filthy, disgusting cheeseburger is just too strong
Where you've traveled: All over the greatest country on Earth, but never anywhere else
What do you hate? People who take things too seriously, people who don't take things seriously enough, prejudice of any kind, bullies, people who get away with doing terrible things, people who do nothing that allow people who do terrible things to get away with it, Second Life, people who let others use their question format as a template but don't offer a blank list so they don't have to keep deleting the previous answers, Macy's, coins, holidays
What do you love? My sexy lady friend, a very specific mod for Skyrim, the above favorite things, working on a story, intercrural sex engaging in topical conversation with intelligent individuals, playing Devil's advocate, going to the movies, katanas
Useless Facts: It took too long figuring this one out so I wrote this instead
Pictures: mediafile=mypenis
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? Like two minutes to see if anyone's said anything about my game which is the whole reason I'm even here
How many languages do you speak?  Which ones? I know how to speak all of them, but I can only type in English
Do you drink? Yes, without water I would be dead
Do you smoke? Only when I am on fire
Did you ever skip class? Only in college
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Nope
Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes
have you ever broken a bone? No
Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? I wear a spinny ring
How do you dress? Clothes that are sometimes torn, too big, hoodies, or my sexy jacket
How many keys are on your keyring? I have lots of keyrings on my keyring, and two separate key rings because I hate the feeling of keys banging my knee as I drive, but only like three keys shared among all
What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? Depends on if my cats feel like being fucking assholes
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Lots
What are your goals/dreams in life? I wish to become a self-reliant author living on the road with my sexy lady friend in an RV
What got you involved in RMRK? I wish to have feedback on my game
Who do you admire? George Carlin, Michael Stevens, some other people I'm forgetting until I remember them after I've posted this
Are you into sports?  If so which ones? Tennis
What is your dream job? Movie director and screenwriter
What was your first screenname? Slater
Do you have any piercings? No
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Right handed
Do you have any tattoos?  If not do you wish/plan to get one? No, but if I ever do, it will be the Mysteria on the left shoulder, answers on the right
What is your favorite website? Google.com, so fucking useful
Do you play computer games?  If so which ones? Yes.  Elder Scrolls.  And everything in my Steam Library.  And my ancient physical games.
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? Gamecube, Wii, Xbox, Gameboy
Are you married or planing to get married? No, no, and planning*

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Best RPG Maker User - StoryProject of the Year 20142014 Queen of RMRK2011 Best Newbie2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2014 Kindest Member2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
dang, your fact file gives me nostalgia. I remember doing this a few times back in the good ol' days ;__;
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

Level 57
Miiiiaf =^+^=
GIAW 14: ParticipantParticipant - GIAW 11
Aliases: Little Psycho, but these days I go by the name of CeannaGrey
Sex: Female
Race: No, thanks, I'm slow AF... Also Human.
Birthdate: August 19th, 1991
Birthplace: Belgium
Location: Belgium
Height: 1m73
How much do you weigh? Currently too much. Not counting pregnancy, I average around 65kg
Shoe Size: 41
Eye Color: Blue with a bit of grey
Hair Color: Blonde
What is your favorite color? All sorts of greens and maroon.
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: 2 tats (left upper arm and between my shoulderblades) and 4 piercings (1 tongue and 3 ear, excl. normal earrings)
Dating/Marital Status: Long term relationship
Sexual Orientation: straight
What is your religion? none. I choose to not choose, but I do believe something is out there and that it would be selfish and egocentrical of me to define what exactly it is.
Family: a son (4) and a daughter on the way.
Pets: none
School(s): Long since departed...
Occupation: Working in housecleaning
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? Taking care of my family, housecleaning and streaming
Favorite Movie: The Lion King
What kind of music do you like? Melodic and power metal mostly, but anything I feel like hearing is good...
Favorite Video Game: Currently Planet Zoo, Graveyard Keeper and Minecraft
Favorite Book: The trilogies from the Emerged Worlds by Licia Troisi
Favorite Food: Delish foods?
Favorite Beverage: Fever Tree Ginger Ale or Strongbow
Favourite Cartoon: Anything my son hasn't fully gone through for over 3 times...
Favorite Other Members: Roph, D&P3, Yuyu! and so many others
Preferred RPG Maker: VX Ace. Once I can purchase it, I'd love to get MV though.
Preferred Web Browser: Firefox
Preferred Email Service: Gmail / Thunderbird
Website?: Not yet
Vegetarian?: nop
Where you've traveled: UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy and Austria
What do you hate? Bodyshaming, momshaming, gendershaming, my depression
What do you love? Streaming, gaming, my children, my boyfriend, my community and learning new stuff
Useless Facts: Life goes on...
Pictures: somewhere
How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? Just got back so I dunno...
How many languages do you speak?  Which ones? Dutch, English, German and a little bit of French
Do you drink? Yes, at least 1,5L of fluids a day. Alcoholic beverages? Only occasionally.
Do you smoke? Nop
Did you ever skip class? Only with the teacher accompanying us or when I had classes overlap.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Nop
have you ever broken a bone? Yep, little pinkie toe TWICE
Do you wear jewelry? Yep, a necklace, my 4 piercings and sometimes earrings
How many keys are on your keyring? 4
What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? Depends on the baby. Usually awake by 8:30am though.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Too many?  ;8
What got you involved in RMRK? Needed some scripts and adive/help, found this website the most appealing, easy to use and resourceful.
Who do you admire? Myself!! No, for real, I learnt that by admiring someone else, I'll just bring myself down.
Are you into sports?  If so which ones? Horsebackriding and ice skating, though I haven't done either for a while.
What is your dream job? Full-time streamer/game dev
What was your first screenname? Kim1991
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Righty for writing, lefty for skateboarding. I guess I could do both hands if I just trained it a bit  ;D
What is your favorite website? Besides RMRK? https://twitch.tv/ceannagrey
Do you play computer games? Nooooooooo... I STREAM them :V
Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? PS4, 3DSxl, PS3
Are you married or planing to get married?Nop, but I'll have 2 kids with the boyfriend in October, does that count as being married??

As blonde as can be!!!
Doesn't mean I'm the dumb one...

Spoiler for supporting!: