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Should any country in the world be spending money on Space Exploration?

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Level 88
I'm back :P
lol i know. thats why i say it might be passed our life times if it ever happens. and yeah the whole world will probably end up killing itself. so thats why im christian and believe theres something after all of that lol. but hopefully they'll think up something smart to prevent from being killed off completely. or hopefully im dead before anything comes to that. lol then i wont have to worry about it.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Oh no, you got me wrong! I wasn't talking about colonizing the planet, I was looking at a bigger picture! ;D Discovery of our own development through the beginnings of other possibly intelligent life forms, that's what I meant.

...unless you weren't referring to me?

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
It makes me sick how misanthropic people can be. Have a little goddamned faith in human beings. Just a little. Sure, we kill other human beings, other animals kill other animals- but out of all the animals, we're the only ones that feel remorse when we do it.

I mean, we're retiring the space shuttle in a few years (like, six or seven, I think, I could be wrong). The latest date set forward by NASA to travel to Mars is 2030. I'd say that was some fruits of labor, wouldn't you, Fu? Traveling to Mars in a little less than 25 years? Who says we wouldn't be able to establish some sort of colonies there in at least 100, and do you really think that in just a short span of 100 years, the human race would have wiped itself out completely?

We're not even at the pinnacle of human knowledge, not even close, and science is proving that every day. RIght now, something like terraforming may be "pure science fiction", but who says it will be the same in even ten years?
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
Oh no, you got me wrong! I wasn't talking about colonizing the planet, I was looking at a bigger picture! ;D Discovery of our own development through the beginnings of other possibly intelligent life forms, that's what I meant.

...unless you weren't referring to me?
Also, we could be witnessing the close of life on Mars, which could give us clues as to how our planet will be :P


-If we colonize Mars demons will take over our colonies and kill everybody.

in all seriousness though, you have a point. technology is advancing at an astounding rate. However, in ten years, as Fu said...well, we could ALL be gone.

But, if we arent, then its all jolly good.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
It makes me sick how misanthropic people can be. Have a little goddamned faith in human beings. Just a little. Sure, we kill other human beings, other animals kill other animals- but out of all the animals, we're the only ones that feel remorse when we do it.

I mean, we're retiring the space shuttle in a few years (like, six or seven, I think, I could be wrong). The latest date set forward by NASA to travel to Mars is 2030. I'd say that was some fruits of labor, wouldn't you, Fu? Traveling to Mars in a little less than 25 years? Who says we wouldn't be able to establish some sort of colonies there in at least 100, and do you really think that in just a short span of 100 years, the human race would have wiped itself out completely?

We're not even at the pinnacle of human knowledge, not even close, and science is proving that every day. RIght now, something like terraforming may be "pure science fiction", but who says it will be the same in even ten years?

I'm actually surprised here, considering you usually find humanity as annoying as I do.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Yeah, but I draw the line at "idiotically misanthropic"
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 88
However, in ten years, as Fu said...well, we could ALL be gone.

Humanity has secured its survival in the short term. We won't die in a single fell swoop as is portrayed in numerous works of fiction. Extinction, though inevitable in the long run, will not occur within our lifetime or (god forbid) our children's lifetimes.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
While I would very much like to believe this, I can't without some sort of back-up. Can you provide some information that supports your point?

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Back-up what? we are not going to destroy ourselves in a span of ten goddamn years.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I don't think whether we will kill ourselves sooner rather than later can be proven. Although I do belive we will blast our asses back to the stone age, it can't be proven either way whether or not it'll happen.

Level 88
That's what I actually look like, for real. Ugly.
All I know is, whether we're going to live in space, or whether we're living here, we better think of something, FAST.
*various flatulence*

Level 91
God of Dicks
Living in space is still a very distant goal. The human body is adapted for earth. It will take alot of work to find a way for humans to live in a different environment.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Don't forget the odds we'll blast our asses back to the stone age before that adapting can happen.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Fu, be intelligent about this thread or don't post in it. We're already adapting for space- look at the Orion. Even if we're taking small steps towards better space travel, they're still much larger than the steps we're taking towards self-destruction.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Actually I am being intellegent. If I wasnt i'd be doing the whole highlander thing. But you seem to forget how stupid the average human is. I find your niave optimism in humanity cute, but every one knows deep down inside we're going to continue to do stupid things untill it leads to our downfall.

Level 91
Should any country in the world be spending money on Space Exploration?

I feel that Space Exploration is not needed, and money that is used on it could really be going to other things.

AHHHH!!! You insane man!!! WE SHOULD BE ON MARS BY NOW!!!! Damn you anti-spacites!!!

And yes FuMannChu, I agree. Stupid Mortals, unless I stop them now they WILL destroy my planet....

Level 88
HAHAHAHA! You children are naive! Who said that we will live for 10 more years, 5 more years, GOD DAMN IT we might all just die tomorrow. Remember, you yourselves have no absolute assurance that you live today or tomorrow. NEVER and I mean NEVER say that humanity has an insured time of life. At any given moment, a asteroid can come crashing, splitting the earth in half. We could be invaded by hostile aliens or the sun's solar flares wipe all electrical equipment on earth sending into utter chaos. Maybe Iran or South Korea will nuke us, causing a massive chain reaction that mortally wound or destroy the earth. It takes only 23 high-powered nukes to destroy this planet.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Way to gravedig.

And flame.

*shakes head*

And you call us children.

Resource Maker
Level 91
HAHAHAHA! You children are naive! Who said that we will live for 10 more years, 5 more years, GOD DAMN IT we might all just die tomorrow. Remember, you yourselves have no absolute assurance that you live today or tomorrow. NEVER and I mean NEVER say that humanity has an insured time of life. At any given moment, a asteroid can come crashing, splitting the earth in half. We could be invaded by hostile aliens or the sun's solar flares wipe all electrical equipment on earth sending into utter chaos. Maybe Iran or South Korea will nuke us, causing a massive chain reaction that mortally wound or destroy the earth. It takes only 23 high-powered nukes to destroy this planet.

Ok.. there is a fair amount of rubbish in this post, but if worded differently he has one or two good points... so I am gunna break it down.

Who said that we will live for 10 more years, 5 more years, GOD DAMN IT we might all just die tomorrow.

Fair point... (the only one really)

I mean who's to say Aids doesn't find the two missing elements it needs to go air born and infects us like the flu... Only the richest of people would get the medication, It could kill off the Human race as we know it within 200 years.

Many countries are making Bio Weapons, many have not been disclosed on what they can do... but look up gentic rabit virus:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxomatosis Now if a country has made some thing like that but for humans and this a conflict breaks out over oil or the far east soon, who's to say some thing like this couldn't fast become a reality.

At any given moment, a asteroid can come crashing, splitting the earth in half.

Any Astariod capable of such approaching Earth would be spotted long before hand... And I am sure we would have some idea's into stopping it... But your right, some thing like that could happen and may be we wont be able to stop it !

We could be invaded by hostile aliens

Errr... I guess we could, but we could KICK their butts, may be... or breed with them and live happily ever after.

the sun's solar flares wipe all electrical equipment on earth sending into utter chaos.

Not really a world ending event then ?

Maybe Iran or South Korea will nuke us, causing a massive chain reaction that mortally wound or destroy the earth. It takes only 23 high-powered nukes to destroy this planet.

Iran doesn't have Nukes, or hasn't declaired having them, if they did they would have fired one at Israel ages ago... and South Korea's was such a small Weld a Party popper would do more damage.

I would be more worried about the USA firing their's at Iran and Israel following suite, then China and other middle Eastern countries fighting back... World War 3 breaking out etc...

But even that shouldn't end Man all together !
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 12:58:08 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
What he said would have been more useful to the topic if it hadn;t all ready been said a thousand times before. At this point I'd say we need some lockage.

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
Dont waste money on it just use the money to make it better on earth first

Level 88
This is what i am trying to say, the human race should advance more faster. All the  problems can be solved if we put our resources and effort to find solutions. The future is determined by what we do in the present. Spend money now, stop violence, racsim, and become a uniting earth. Only then can we have super planes, cloning, and wat not.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Spend money now, stop violence, racsim, and become a uniting earth. Only then can we have super planes, cloning, and wat not.

Come on, the odds of that happening are less than nil. History has proven mankind is brutish and stupid. We'll continue being brutish and stupid, and theres not really any way to stop it. Actually, theres is a way to stop it but thats killing off all of humanity, which will eventually happen because guess what? We're too stupid and violent for our own good.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
This is what i am trying to say, the human race should advance more faster. All the  problems can be solved if we put our resources and effort to find solutions. The future is determined by what we do in the present. Spend money now, stop violence, racsim, and become a uniting earth. Only then can we have super planes, cloning, and wat not.

Why should we limit scientific research in one field because of problems in another? What good would rocket scientists or geneticists be at ending racism or "uniting the world"?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 05:19:01 AM by Saladin »

Level 88
Simple. When we learn to accept each other, then we listen to each other. Maybe a Iraqi or Iran scientist will know how to cure the common cold. If we continue to fight with Iraqi's, we would never or ,not right now, find that cure. Remember two hands are better than one. More minds working means more answers. Stopping wars and other harmful and useless things means more money being spent on meaning full things. That means more research, more space bases around the world, more eyes watching the sky. And about that comment on human nature being violent, we can change. In our more primitive lives (cave men) we would constantly fight over little things and never get along. But through out history, we have learned to become friends and say no to war. That is why we have NATO, the United Nations, public schools fill of people with different races studying under one roof. It is possible and we can do that. It is just a matter of time when we understand that. Will it be today, the day before doomsday or maybe never.