Nope, its a true story, he got in a fight with his son, so he jumped, and fell on his son.
Its on teh news, not TEH cancer..
And what good are people getting by dieing, you get bad marks, its over after the scolding, you get good next time if you practice more.
Its just a period of 5 days or so, but think if you die ur loosing like thousands and lakhs of days!
And the fact he landed on his son explains that suicide not only kills you but others,
not necessary its landing on him.
Maybe a boy loved a girl, the girl killed herself, now the boy loved her so much, he'll like cry forever, he wont get over it soon.
Take the x-ample of a mother, her son killed himself, now wat? Didnt the son think that how the mother would feel, she loved him so much