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Valcon Sky: Eclipse Legend demo

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Art Master
Level 90

-here is a short demo of my game,it's not very long,i just want to see how people think of the beginnign and stuff,please tell me what you think

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
info please...

Art Master
Level 90
oh-ya,forgot to post the story,sorry  :lol:

700 years ago: the world lay in a state of darkness and ruin,ruled by the self proclaimed 'God of Despair' Trancetti who slaughtered any living creature which stood in his way.The emperor of a rebel army had put togeather the remains of every last kingdom and commenced the final assault on trancetti.It had taken almost all of the soldiers lives but they had finally managed to defeat trancetti and day by day after the light,slowly,but surely started to return to the world and the people settled back in and started their normal livesa once again not having to worry about the attacks on thier villages anymore now that trancetti was defeated.

18 Years ago: The seal upon which was laid on trancetti has been weakened and he was able to send a portion of his soul into the world of the living which possessed the body of a man by the name of Zeeram,a doctor who had been studying on how to produce false lifeforms.Trancetti got hold of this information that the doctor possessed and started to produce his own collection of mindless human puppets to do his bidding.Trancetti knew that if he could cause a wave of darkness and despair to sweep through the lands he could finally break the seal and be released once again to take hold of his world and no one would be able to stand against him,so using his great knowldge of magic he infused each lifeform with a demon soul which made them a half demon,resulting in a massive inhancement of power in the lifeforms body.Yet one project lifeform came to be a full demon and started to develop a mind and will of it's own so Trancetti seperated it making the one being into two seperate beings,one a human and the other a demon and banished the two into the far reaches of the continent.The demon was sent down the great Aruzumi Falls and the human was laid in the dark forest.
The demon child was found upon the shores by a beautiful woman as she took him in as her own but later was driven from her village for raising a demon child and took up in a home within the great forest where she would care for and look after the child untill he had grown.The name the woman had picked for the child had been Zeph .The human on the other hand was also founded by a couple of humans who raised him as thier own and named him Sky.

7 Years Ago:Seeing what was happening to his two creations he was sickened by the act of humans.Trancetti,while Zeph was away, slaughtered his mother and disguised himself as her and when he returned fooled him into beliving that the villagers had killed her.
While Sky was sleeping trancetti slaughtered his parents and convinced Sky that a demon had slain his parents.Doing these unforgivable acts of violence Trancetti had led each child down a path into hateing each other,Sky into hateing demons and Zeph into hateing Humans.

Level 89
How about Screen Shots?

Art Master
Level 90

a walk in the forest

the giant oak


around town


Level 89
Downloading now.


Nice work so far. Some small errors (Grammer), but good. Give you more feed back wen I play the whole demo.

Art Master
Level 90
thanks ^_^,i'm trying to fix the spelling and grammer mistakes as i play through and fix up as i make it.

I also need a good title screen,i can't make the title,i'm not very good at it.Is their anyone who could make me one?

Level 89
Quote from: Lavata
thanks ^_^,i'm trying to fix the spelling and grammer mistakes as i play through and fix up as i make it.

I also need a good title screen,i can't make the title,i'm not very good at it.Is their anyone who could make me one?

Thats how I do it, but some thoughts...

1) Next time you post Screen shots try not to keep the Editor in the Backround, people will think your being lazzy.

2) I have also found spacing errors as well.

3) Your text or Message Boxes look borring. You should spice them up with moving text. And have the name appear in the upper left corner.

Here is a demo of some cool Message Box tricks: http://home.ripway.com/2005-9/443334/Demo.zip

4) You also use the default music; not bad, but if you wish I can hook you up with some good music from the game: Legend of Dragoon.

Art Master
Level 90
thanks! that's the sorts thing i was looking for also,it also lokos alot better with the names in the boxes and all that.And i would like it if i could get some good music :P

Level 89
Quote from: Lavata
thanks! that's the sorts thing i was looking for also,it also lokos alot better with the names in the boxes and all that.And i would like it if i could get some good music :P

I'll post them in a Min.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
It cuts out half way through the beginning for me. Did you use the legal RMXP?

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
No, if it ever cuts out, its made on the P.Nights! You must install it!

Art Master
Level 90
ya it's made on P.nights,i just wanted to use that one not any other :P

Level 89
Alright here is the music. There are 27 midia files I have posted. The battle ones are cool. Note: they are Backround Music. I have set the page up so you can listen to them and then download them.

The download will be under the sound player(s)

The music is from the Playstation Game: Legend of Dragoon

Music Here (click here)

Art Master
Level 90
hehe,thanks for the music,i'm gonna use some of it in the game :D. if anyone plays my game tell me what you think of it so far,even if it is abit short >.> Oh well,it is a demon after all XD

Level 89
Quote from: Lavata
hehe,thanks for the music,i'm gonna use some of it in the game :D. if anyone plays my game tell me what you think of it so far,even if it is abit short >.> Oh well,it is a demon after all XD

No problam.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Cool thing Lavata, I

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Pretty good!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
It definantly needs more story. Years later he's still looking for the guy? Also, what happend to the woman? She just dissappears.

Art Master
Level 90
The old woman died,sky explains that when Ren joins up with him in the forest,she left the house to him because she was basically considering him her son :P

And yes,he is still looking for the same demon who almost killed him,he was just to young back then to do anything and once he started to like the old lady more,he forgot about it for a while to help her out since she was getting to old to do most things.

Level 89
Quote from: Lavata
The old woman died,sky explains that when Ren joins up with him in the forest,she left the house to him because she was basically considering him her son :P

And yes,he is still looking for the same demon who almost killed him,he was just to young back then to do anything and once he started to like the old lady more,he forgot about it for a while to help her out since she was getting to old to do most things.

I have a dumb question.

Sky is a guy right?

because I noticed you used a boy sprite for him/her as a child and then he got older and is a woman. Because the older Sky's sprite is that of one of the RTP women fighters.

Art Master
Level 90
that's a gril RTP? o-gawd,i never knew that,it seems to be getting harder to tell a gril from a guy.........-.-

I guess i'll have to change that then ^-^

Level 90
Not bad, not bad at all!

But you need more detail in houses, lots more. Coz there is just a black space of floor in the middle.

Also I would like to ask if I can use your system set for my game 'Vakkana Fantasy'
I promise your name shall be in the credits.

Level 89
Quote from: Lavata
that's a gril RTP? o-gawd,i never knew that,it seems to be getting harder to tell a gril from a guy.........-.-

I guess i'll have to change that then ^-^

Ya the best way to know if there male or female is that the females are always before the male in the RTP defualt area.

Also while looking at your game (playing it) i did not like your door (at Sky's house. It did not open. So heres a demo on Doors. Just llok at the event to see what I did.

Download Door Demo Here

Art Master
Level 90

heres the other version of the demo with the music and text changes.i think it
s alot better :D

-the door thig is also great,i'll be sure to add it in!