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Simple Problem

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I've seen that many people have similar problems to this. OK, what I want to happen is for my character to walk along a road and at a point, there's a flash, his mother's corpse appears on the floor in front of him, another flash, and she's gone. I've got that far and i've added other things so it suits me just fine. My problem is that whenever I leave that map and go back onto the map where this event occurs, the same thing happens. How can I make it so that this event only occurs once? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks,
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Resident Cloud
Level 91
use varibles or switches


set the pre-conditions of the event to be varible:see mother to be equal to 0

then inside the event

varible operations
varible:see mother add 1

this will stop it from happening go to the tuorials database for a tuotorial on switches and varibles if you have no idea what im going on about :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Just to clear a few things up, by 'pre-conditions' Do you mean 'Conditions' in the edit event window? By 'inside the event' do you mean in the 'List of event commands'? And lastly, with my english version of RMXP, 'Variable operations' doesn't exist, only 'Control variables' is this correct? Having tried to follow your instructions, the mother was always on the floor and i still had it reccurring. Sorry to be a pesky little n00b.  :|
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Resident Cloud
Level 91
ahhh it might differ slightly in xp can you tell me what version your using next time i only use 2003 for my own reasons:)

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Akk, ok. Thanks anyway. Can anyone else help me out?
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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Well, try switches.
You put the flash, switch on and put the mother

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Sure, that works. I can get that far, only with what you're saying the event will occur every time you leave the area and go back in. That's what I need stopping. Cheers all the same  :)
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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Hum...hey man, I cannot explain how to do this very well, but if you gie me a copy of your game I can make the event and give to you, those things I can do i guess, so if you want, send it to me by msn, but you you don

Level 91
condition branch with a switch over the entire event
if switch= off then
-do the event
-don't do the event
(you don't really need  to actually have an else)

as simple as that
holy shit my sig was big!

Resident Cloud
Level 91
sometimes it is real hard to explain things i know how to do them but to type them into words on that page :S

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Yea, isa ok. Thanks for the help. I've moved on from that problem now so thanks for the help.
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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Not sure what you mean by "moved on from that problem" 'cause there are a few problems I've moved on from, but I wouldn't call them fixed. I think some of the above mentioned ways will work, but the simplest way for me is to use a switch like so:

Put a "switch operation" command somewhere in your event. In the details of "switch operation" make a new switch which is named descriptivly like "Mom's Corpse Appeared" and toggle it on. Then make a second event page. On this new page in the upper left side of the event box are the switch and variable triggers. Turn one of the switches on and pull open the tab to choose the switch you just named. Now don't put anything into this second page, that way if the switch "Mom's Corpse Appeared" is toggled (i.e. the event has already run once)  the switch will use the properties of the second event page which is to do nothing.

I like that way better then a conditional branch because it's cleaner.

Level 89
ramiro will tell you how to do it, it worked for me
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker

Level 91
Look up the switches tutorial, and apply that to your game.

8 times....