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End Of The Road For RMRK

Started by Roph, June 25, 2021, 11:02:24 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


It's been a long trip, but it's time for RMRK to retire. This has involved a cost reducing server move, and if you're reading this then you're seeing RMRK at its new home.

For now you may still login and post, though eventually the forum will be put into a read-only mode. will go offline in the next few days; I don't control the domain and so can't point it to the new server. Nor was it ever really visited anyway.

I recognise that while RMRK itself is now essentially dead when it comes to activity, it has a legacy and continues to receive notable traffic to this day to the wealth of scripts, tutorials, resources etc that remain here. So for the forseeable future, RMRK will still remain online.
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



When I joined RMRK, I was just a stupid teenager. I've done a lot of growing since then, and I'm proud to say that over the years, with many of you by my side, I've become a stupid adult. Thanks for everything RMRK.


Logged in just to say a last goodbye to a real one. I joined this place what, 11 years ago? Good times 🥺🙏 RIP RMRK


Quote from: Irock on June 26, 2021, 01:23:15 AM
When I joined RMRK, I was just a stupid teenager. I've done a lot of growing since then, and I'm proud to say that over the years, with many of you by my side, I've become a stupid adult. Thanks for everything RMRK.

We've all grown so much, but matured so little  ;8

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



I just wanted to stop in and say good bye.

I never could have imagined something I created when I was a teenager would go on to grow into such an amazing community.

It's all of you who really made RMRK what it was. Thank you Roph for continuing to host RMRK all these years.

So long and thanks for all the fish  :)

Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3


Thank you for giving us life, crankeye <3 ;_;

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



I came over with Kefka Palazzo and Mooseyfate from #kefkastower to troll IRC one day and ended up sticking around, Aco and I have been together 10 years as of may 10th 2021.

I only ended up on kefkastower because #FFShrine creeped me out, literally because of Sarah

Cory didn't even remember me but i knew exactly who he was since he'd troll kefkastower all the time in IRC.

I think the first IRC Channel i joined was the Bigger Than Cheeses webcomic IRC, which happened to be on the same server as ffshrine (I Think?).

i joined #BTC in like 2002 at the latest.

basically butterfly effecting my way back to how I ended up here is kinda wild. how different everything would be without it...


i work in the game industry because of this place and met lifelong friends. lifelong nemesis' too, but it is what it is.

thank you rmrk, rest in peace and in piss sweet prince.


End of an era. I remember joining here 16 years ago back when I was in high school, after finding and playing with RPG Maker 2003. I learned a lot here and, even though I was never able to finish any of my (ambitious!) projects, the amazing community and overall feel of the forum will always have a place in my heart.

Rest in peace RMRK - "No Slogan, No Polls, Just Resources"


Behold, the days of our lives.

The passing of time is to be experienced, and your life moves on from there. Everything you do, everything you say, accumulates to who you are now. May this be a marker of memory for as long as it stays standing.

Please take this time to reflect on HaloOfTheSun's dropped lasagna, and the rest of our fallen heroes such as animefan, pacman, and jormargamecenter.

Thank you for the memories,

[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


Quote from: Sophist on July 02, 2021, 04:25:34 AM
Behold, the days of our lives.

The passing of time is to be experienced, and your life moves on from there. Everything you do, everything you say, accumulates to who you are now. May this be a marker of memory for as long as it stays standing.

Please take this time to reflect on HaloOfTheSun's dropped lasagna, and the rest of our fallen heroes such as animefan, pacman, and jormargamecenter.

Thank you for the memories,

don't be a stranger you can come back to discord any time. ;9


this is my oc sams uddertalls, this place helped me learn that I have a skelsona, I'm a skelly
if anybody wants to share their skelsona with me and maybe even do some clattering


RIP rmrk and crankeye

I still feel like there was so much more we could do...
Heretic's Vehicles XP (Boat and Magic Carpet)

Heretic's Collection XP Ver 2.3 - Updated to include Dynamic Lighting, Moving Platforms, Vehicles, and much much more!



I really appreciated my time here and the fun this place and you all let me have.


Karo Rushe

Since this is the end of the road...I want to say thank you. Thank you for all the fun memories and for all the people I've met, both the good, the bad, and the cringe.

It's been fun...and I enjoy popping in every once in a while in discord.

I wanna come out and say it:

I joined afraid of been bullied, and been told my game sucks, so I pretended to be  a girl...I never planned to even keep it that long as I didn't think I'd stick around.
Ya'll freaking scare the crap out of Teenage me...and realize you aren't the scary bad mouth sailors others bragged about. The experience here also help me get so far, And I still have RPG Maker Xp to play around with it every now and then. And I always have a place to return to that won't bann me for using it.

Also....We're all family, and Family sticks together. I hope we can still stay in contact for a long time.

I am not Delicious Saucy also...(And I never know why that guy said that), but thank you all. o/ Karo Out, good night sweet dark themed forum.


Thank you for the many fun times and long-standing platform of hug deliveries.
RMRK finally going into a peaceful sleep happens the same time I finally will leave RPG Maker XP

Hope you all will do well wherever you end up~

- Zeriab


Suddenly felt like checking up on this site, I'm glad that I can leave a message before it goes.

RMRK meant a lot to me growing up, and it helped me find confidence in pursuing game development. I have a lot of great memories connected to this purple place so it's nice to know that it will be archived.

I wish you all the best.


Oh just found out about it, glad I can still post tho


I haven't touched RPG Maker in like 7+ years but I've lurked this forum longer than I can remember. This was and always will be my favourite hub for RPG Maker resources and my only regret is not being more active in the community. So long, RMRK!


Dang, I came by to see if this place finally died and I guess it's really going to happen now.

Every now and then I think about some dumbass thing that happened here and it makes me smile. Even if I was the thing in which the dumbass... was... uh...

Well, it's probably fitting that these will be my last words on this site: I'm a dumbass.


Quote from: haloOfTheSun on December 20, 2021, 05:34:40 AM
Dang, I came by to see if this place finally died and I guess it's really going to happen now.

Every now and then I think about some dumbass thing that happened here and it makes me smile.

Not sure why I suddenly came by but I think this is what sums up things.

Every now and then something will just remind me of this place and I'll come by just to stare for a few moments... close my eyes and just let the reminiscing commence.

I do hope y'all have kept safe the last few years, given how crazy they've been, and that you continue to be safe.

I've updated my email settings and made it available... on the off-chance anyone feels they want to be in touch.

Otherwise, be well everyone!
(Why do I always feel like it's the end of the world and I'm the last man standing?)


I know a lot of you already found your way there, but don't forget we have a Discord channel! It's relatively active and an easy way to stay in touch. :)

Link (stolen from the old thread - looks like it still works lol):

YOU could be our 100th member! ;D

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



Huh, I guess I never posted anything in here. Well, it doesn't really feel like goodbye. RMRK has simply taken a new form. I do miss the old forum days, but Asgard RMRK isn't a place, it's a people. And we'll continue to be a people until we're all either sick of each other, or shuffle off this mortal coil.

It'd take me a fortnite to get into every facet of why I love this place so much. We've had so many good and bad times together. I met my soon-to-be husband here. I met my best friends here. The entire trajectory of my life was changed because of this place. And even though some of us no longer talk, or are no longer with us (R.I.P. evilM00s  ;9) I love each and every single one of you, even Animefan.
:yuyu: :drsword: :drmc: :ladyj: :gracie: :aco: :strike2: :firerain: :holk: :irock2:  :ma: :pacman: :roph2: :boe: :halo: :malson2:


Quote from: Acolyte on May 10, 2022, 12:56:06 AM
Huh, I guess I never posted anything in here. Well, it doesn't really feel like goodbye. RMRK has simply taken a new form. I do miss the old forum days, but Asgard RMRK isn't a place, it's a people. And we'll continue to be a people until we're all either sick of each other, or shuffle off this mortal coil.

It'd take me a fortnite to get into every facet of why I love this place so much. We've had so many good and bad times together. I met my soon-to-be husband here. I met my best friends here. The entire trajectory of my life was changed because of this place. And even though some of us no longer talk, or are no longer with us (R.I.P. evilM00s  ;9) I love each and every single one of you, even Animefan.
:yuyu: :drsword: :drmc: :ladyj: :gracie: :aco: :strike2: :firerain: :holk: :irock2:  :ma: :pacman: :roph2: :boe: :halo: :malson2:



I literally grew up here. It was here I realized that blood comes out of your butt.
And I hardly visit anymore but, I know that its there. Just for a sprinkle of nostalgia. Knowing that I may lose that as well soon...

Thank you everyone.
I am certain RMRK will be in all our hearts, memories and loins forever.
Arlen is hot.



Glad to see names I still remember here wild.



Thank you all for the good times I learned so much here and am grateful the resources and demos are still available. Much love and wish you all the best.


Everybody came back to say goodbye huh?


RMRK had a server upgrade which also meant a new PHP version which required an update to SMF 2.1.x, which is why the forum looks different now. The plan is the same though, it'll just stay up as an archive since for whatever reason it still gets a lot of traffic for the wealth of tutorials etc  :)
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]