Four rivals converge on a hallowed treasure, never suspecting that their fates would be entwined.
Their journey would take them far from home, yet closer to the menace that threatened to undo them.
All the while, a plot to unravel a once peaceful land becomes fatefully linked to the four who must become companions or watch their world burn.
PaladinA young man who wants to follow in the foot steps of his father.
ArcherA woman who's not afraid of a fight and will do nearly anything for a coin.
HealerA stoic student of the magical arts. He doesn't mess around.
WitchA very gifted, but quite vacant, magic student from the Capital.
Coming Soon.
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7/21/15 - Paladin's story part one is finished. Enjoy!
7/22/15 - Archer's story part one is finished.
7/24/15 - Witch and Healer's part one is done. Have a ball.
Known fixes to make:
Monsters face the wrong way and are too big. Sorry. - FIXED
Guard to Raider Tower not switched off. - FIXED