-The conversation screens look pretty cool! A little confusing, but neat!
-Oooh, very pretty menus! I see you got the Luna Engine. :]
-I do like the tileset! The dirt surrounding the grass autotile is a bit strange, though. Not really a big deal, though. In some areas, it adds character.
-On-map houses, eh? I like it!
-Good choice on the title screen song!
-Good choice for cutscene music, too!
-The engima-beast castle's background song is a little repetitive and started to hurt my ears. D:
-Nice use of TP/Rage!
-Ooh neat. What was that "S" button talk thing? I liked it!
-I like the menu, but it only shows 3/4 of my party members at a time. D:
-I think the heal should be a bit stronger. The enigma beast is doing about the same damage as I can heal. D: Also, the potion. I tried it, but it was just as bad at healing me. ...Wait? Was I supposed to die? o.o
-Terrible FPS drop on the world map screen. What's going on? I'm only getting 3-4 FPS. O_O Would seriously recommend locating the source - perhaps several parallel processes that aren't terminated? The general rule of thumb is to keep games above 30 FPS (press F2 to have FPS display on the game window). I like to keep my games above 50 FPS, 60 is basically no lag.
-A few tile bugs in the Star Temple entry map (such as the tiles around the water going over my head).
-I can't seem to find out the correct order of the switches or fires. Is it supposed to be listed somewhere? I've just been guessing!
-I can't tell who I'm commanding in battle?
-Minor grammar errors, such as missed commas.
-Some of the dialogue is a bit awkward. I think using pauses between sentences might help pace things a bit (I tend to read the text as it spills out). The pauses are these things: \.
-The scene where...ahem...so-and-so dies (no spoilers) can be a bit more dramatic. D:
Other Notes
-Sengal writes? Now, this I wasn't expecting... WAIT. About ponies? What's going on here? o_o
-Sengal is a jerk. ._. Especially to his mom.
-Pretty quick shift to the castle where I'm going to hunt the beast. Slightly awkward cutscene.
-Who are those red dragons?! I thought they were gonna fight me! D:
-Sorsha is pretty!
-The battle with Nixon takes waaaay too long.
-Might wanna be careful about the Sengal transformation picture and maybe cut it just a little higher. The picture looks to be showing some of his penis. o_o