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Adventures in RMRKMon....

Started by Jules, June 05, 2014, 03:12:01 AM

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This isn't a contest, per se. But it is a way for you all to earn free pokemon.  We're going to tell a story as only RMRKers can.  I'll post a picture and a few sentences that KaroRushe was kind enough to draw/write up.  Then the next person draws a picture and writes a few sentences to continue the story. 

The Rules
1) You may use any medium for your drawing.  ANY medium, it's a free-for-all. 
2) Your drawing must continue the story in some way. Get creative, let's have some fun! (let's keep this PG rated please, no penis/vagina jokes/stories)

It's that simple!  Now maybe you're asking yourself, what do I get out of this? 

- Every picture/ sentence combo that continues the story earns 1 Pokemon with  a >30% capture rate.
- You can earn a total of 5! Pokemon. 

Let's get started:

Today is the beginning of my journey, with my Partner, Eve. Together we head out to the outside, firmly following my dream to become a Pokemon Trainer. I held my partner in the air, and smile. "Today is the day, Eve." Eve smiles black. I say my farewells to my parents, and walk off, not looking black, my journey begins....

[Thanks KaroRushe for kicking us off!]
RMRKMon staff will be participating in this as well, however we will not be receiving any rewards this time. This is all about you guys, so jump in and have fun!

Ps. In order to keep this thread as orderly as possible I'll be pming you to find out which pokemon you would like

LordStark - Butterfree
NekoBucket - Haunter
Sophist - Haunter
LordStark - Beedrill
Lord Stark - Kakuna
NekoBucket - Sableye
Lord Stark - Azurill
Lord Stark (max reached) - Azumarill
AteOneZero - Croconaw
BaronVonPacman -  Delibird
NekoBucket -
Brady - Haunter

-Karo edit-
Pokemon Move set
This part will be kept updated as the story progresses
Pokemons are linked to Bulbapedia, if you want to use other movesets, use those linked for suggestion on what to use

"Shaggy's" Pokemon:

-Eve's Moves-
1) Quick Attack
2) Sand Attack
3) Covet
4) Charm

Random Girl's Pokemon:


-Snuru's Moves-
1) Bite
2) Scary Face
3) Headbutt
4) Protect

Black Market Doctor's Pokemon:


Happy nurseman's Pokemon:



I'm pretty sure that I have the least amount of artistic skill on these forums, 30 minutes in paint churned out this masterpiece:

Eve and I had only been gone from home for a short while, but we were already looking much worse than when we left. Still we pressed on, adventure waited just ahead....



We had barley set foot into town, when a man approached us.
"What are ya buyin?" he asked, displaying three odd stones.


"Are you talking to me?" he asked, looking down and frowning, and then looking up, taking a peek into the jacket the man had open.


The strange man cackles and says, "Got some rare things on sale, stranger."

You don't have any money, but one of them is free...
[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


You happily chime, because you love free stuff, "Ok, dude. Gimme the circle-thing."
You don't know what it does, but free is free, right? Right.

(our hero is named "shaggy" now :mad:)

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



You got... something? You're not sure what it does, other than be round.



WHAT IS THIS?!  You exclaim, searching frantically for the man who has seemingly disappeared.

The lengths I'll go to embarrass myself for you people ;_;


Well, you guess that that weird round thing doesn't really matter that much. You stow it away in your unconventionally large pockets, hopefully it doesn't get lost in there and become a plot point later on...

You decide you've derped around enough, you need to have your first battle.


"Hey kid! Let's battle!" a random chick yelled as she approached our hero.



Karo Rushe


"Who-where did you come from?!" You questioned the girl, as she replies:
"There's no time for expositions, prepare yourself!!!" - she replies quickly.
"Snuru, go!!!" - Random Pigtail Chick sends out a Snubbull

"Snuru, that sounds familiar, alright Eve, let's show them what we got!" - You replied, as Eve takes the stage.

*Eve is now awaiting commands*

-Eve's Moves-
1) Quick Attack
2) Sand Attack
3) Covet
4) Charm

(and just in case; Here's Snuru's moves)

-Snuru's Moves-
1) Bite
2) Scary Face
3) Headbutt
4) Protect

(1st Post has been updated)


Okay, don't choke. Tell Eve what attack to use.
"Eve, use hyper beam!" you yell.
Eve seems confused. I don't think they know that move.


But Eve looks like she's gonna do it anyways!




Snuru tried to retaliate with Scary Face, but it ended up being Freakishly Intense Eric Cartman Impression!

it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


Eve is frightened into submission by the snubbull's Cartman impression.

All hope seems lost until our good buddy what's-his-name reappears.

He offers you your choice of three more mysterious items, each able to be used on eve. They're all free, but you may only choose one.

>Choose :
>The Umbrella of Mysteries?
>The Celery of Fortune?
>The Scarf of Destiny?


did....did I kill the story .__.



I'm going to post one soon. I think the idea of a story was a really cool one, but we just don't have enough people.


I tried to do another, but my skills are far too lacking lol

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Lord Stark on July 02, 2014, 06:17:07 AM

I'm going to post one soon. I think the idea of a story was a really cool one, but we just don't have enough people.

Lord Stark, where is the next piece to this story? I'm waiting with Antici . . . . Pation.

Quote from: Princess Acolyte on July 02, 2014, 05:24:18 AM
did....did I kill the story .__.
No you didn't, but the choice of those three items and what effects may cause to the world, it makes one think, one must choose carefully D:

Quote from: Baroness Jules on July 02, 2014, 12:53:45 PM
I tried to do another, but my skills are far too lacking lol
Wether your skills are lacking or not, not doing anything is worst than not doing it as nobody starts great the first times.

:I I await in anticipation, if nothing comes up, I'll post something up.



You choose the Scarf of Destiny!

You've heard stories of powerful monks. They would cover theirs eyes, their other senses would be heightened.

You're sure this will work.

You cover eve's eyes, but it doesn't seem right, you'll still be able to see.

You decide to cover your eyes as well.



I wonder how the battle is going.
If you could see the battle, you wouldn't be happy.
You can't see him, but the black market doctor doesn't look pleased.





That's okay, here at the pokemon center we'll restore your tired pokemon to full health.

After being placed on the strange bed, eve is revived!


The nurse thanks you for your business, and asks that you return in the future.

On his merry way out the door, our naive hero is blind to the true nature of the clinic he had entered...

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



(I think I ruined our innocent main character by making him look like a stoner...and shaggy from scooby doo. Same thing, pretty much. ._.)

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



You've had a long day. It's be nice to get some rest.

Not long after laying your head down, you begin to dream.

You're standing in front of a mirror, on the other side... is that you? No, they look different.

What does it mean? Why is this dream so horrible looking? Maybe you should be careful what you eat before bed.



alt universe you is stealing your boobs

quick, get a pushup bra


You wake up the next morning with a horrified look on your face. That dream was weird. Weirder than usual, at least. You stare at nothing for a while, pondering your existence.


It looks like who ever owns this INN really likes pokemon...

Like, a lot.

Maybe too much?

Well, I guess there isn't anything wrong with being passionate about pokemon... wait.

That picture...

Yeah, we better get the heck out of here.

Oh, of course.

The door is locked.


"Would you like one of my famous Muffin Surprises!?!"

You turn around and see an old hag standing there, brandishing a platter with a suspicious looking muffin on it. How she snuck up on you is a mystery.

"I make them with my favourite thing in the world!"


[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



I wonder if eve would like some.


Where's eve?

Karo Rushe

As you ponder where Eve is, the muffin fall off your tongue, it's juice left a terrible after-taste, one your too well familiar enough, The one Taste that made your dad choke on a PIE one day working at SilphScope . . . .


Pokeberries. They're fine for pokemon to eat, but it's said that it's best for humans to avoid them...

It's said they can make you go a little, crazy. That would explain the dream. You did eat dinner that she prepared...

"Yes, my secret ingredient is pokeberries."

That would explain a lot of things (except for her apparent ability to read your mind.)... but still, where is eve?

"He's fine, I would never hurt a pokemon, what, do you think I'm some kind of maniac? No, I only kidnap people and force them to test all of my baked goods." she says, continuing to read your mind. You wish she'd stop doing that, she's already creepy enough without that.

"Hey, watch your tongue... brain. Watch your brain."


Having not made his escape, he lost all hope.



[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]



[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]


Karo Rushe

Little Psycho

Let's revive this...


What the old hag didn't know was that the person standing in front of her wasn't really you. Even though she promised to never hurt a pokémon, she actually did!
She killed a random wild Ditto that happened to have seen and liked you.

You did escape, thanks to a random wild ditto that happened to have seen you. It liked you so much that it sacrificed itself for you.
She's now wondering where the hell you are if you were actually a Ditto.

As blonde as can be!!!
Doesn't mean I'm the dumb one...
