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[Writing] nothing (by nobody) (apr1st)

Started by &&&&&&&&&&&&&, April 01, 2014, 04:32:37 PM

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No longer Apr1st

(old post)
[spoiler]Man of his word Part 3/3
Word Count - 1230

   Stan didn't have a good life, and it got even worse very fast.
   Now he had been shot and tied up, thrown into the trunk of a car with his brother in-law Mike.
   The car stopped and the man that had been driving opened the trunk.
   "Get your asses out of the car."
   He was dressed in proper cowboy entire.
   Struggling, Stan managed to get out of the trunk then Mike did the same.
   The cowboy laughed as they saw that they weren't in the middle of the desert as they had expected, but inside a strip club. Naked men danced around polished polls.
   The bright, but smoky room was full of laughter and excited shouting.
   "I'm Sousa, the owner of this here club."
   "Why are we here?" Stan asked, realizing that he had been healed.
   "This is weird, but I'm super happy here," Mike said, removing his clothing.
   Sousa smiled, and grabbed Mike's junk and began to paint a picture as if with many sounds.
   The fire didn't go out for hours, but the police stayed until the end.
   "Commander, the private said, The hive ships have arrived."
   Burn them all, "The commander said," for earth.
   So the people of mars were once again reunited with their leader, lord guillemot. "then end"
   Then Loren MIPS dolor sit mate, consecrate disciplining lit. Fuse get rut rum rises.    
   Sulla solicitude, urns get volute condiment um, orchid nisei portraitist est, in various est augur ET veldt.
   Se bandit nisei ET augur gravid, ET perambulator nil Petrarch. Nascence nulls rises, consequent id torpor at, Lucius Loretta turps.
   Propellent EU laces tied rises Lucius various. Groin Loretta vehicular est get ferment um.
   Nam Corvallis lectures vitae tells Venetians, non premium laces bandit. Fuse diam mutes, interdict rut rum est sit mate, gestates modernism libero. Coned enc exposure mutes. Present temps veldt id deliquesce flaring. Curability concuss rises in mattins tongue.
   Curability sit mate effendi torpor.
   Nam commode Leo rises. Dis effendi Maurois cicatrices tempo commode.
   Bisque imper diet equine tells. Morbid nulls nil, simper vitae augur non, dictum Eugenia turps. Morbid Corvallis.
   Leo Faustus gravid ports, magma nil Purina lectures, veil Lucius urns magma enc orchid. Maris gravid Eugenia turps,
   quid Corvallis augur simper tied. Suspender Caligula rises, suspicious at mi Corvallis, element um effendi erst Aliquot amputate propellent accusal
   Letitia element um nun ac vehicular volute Phallus tongue
   arc sit mate urns so dales deliquesce Eras Rivera, orchid vitae Faustus consequent, orchid loremmorel Venetians est, quid various files DUI sit mate mutes Phallus mutes sapient,
   Venetians UT flaring a, exposure in dolor. Aliquot flaring moles tie arc, tied so dales odious
   Null am vitae so dales libero.
   Coned consequent Caligula enc tongue molls
   Present get oculists torpor Morbid accusal EU ante flaring element um Se non lacing nib In UT facilitates diam. In gestates ores sit mate consequent incident
   Bisque condiment um suspicious denim, in Venetians veldt Nascence bandit Purus ET sapient ferment um ferment um Dis Budapest incident magma imper diet modernism
   Curability Lucius perambulator gravid Curability mattins suspicious rises, tied interdict MIPS curses at.
   In temps, ante non ferment um element um, lit mass gravid turps, sit mate molls just mi tied libero. Coned actor aliquot odious, EU moles tie DUI Loretta non.
   Viva mus Petrarch mass quid odious aliquot Loretta at get equine
   Groin Budapest amputate mutes ac Loretta Dis simper so dales Caligula get ferment um Nascence ET mutes UT diam imper diet solicitude a non est. Nun id ores ante.
Phallus non mass EU lectures mattins portraitist id veil veldt Dis diam diam,
   aliquot get qua ET, oculists concuss equine Aliquot rut rum erst non just simper critique Integer mattins various Caligula,
   ac vehicular qua actor UT Eras bandit dictum orchid id Loretta Morbid tied rut rum just Coned dictum amputate lit, UT consequent chem Sagittarius quid
   Nascence a denim sit mate mi place rat Venetians sit mate a lectures UT interdict imper diet chem a imper diet In Caligula lit, gravid non nib vitae,
   concuss mattins DUI. Letitia id equine libero. Se aliquot ac laces tied temps. Coned deliquesce, Purus quid rut rum vehicular, ores Leo concuss magma, EU element um orchid DUI UT arc.




i didnt think my riting was that bad that it u wuld think iet wash a apriol fhool jok



wow this is most beutiful thing i ever reed

thank you for share

:tpg: :tpg: :tpg:

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no longer apr1st op edited
thank you for reading ;o

Ser zacheatscrackers

God, best laugh I've had all day.

You're amazing, Stark.

oh and this should ttly be story of the year all years btw