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Started by Roph, February 19, 2014, 05:20:26 AM

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Please use this thread only for feedback / ideas / complaints / suggestions / insults and the like in regards to the pokemon system :)

If you're commenting about a specific change, please link to the post in the changelog. Helps for future reference.
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Posts in this board now have 4x the chance of spawning a pokemon  :gracie:
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Settings page doesn't work for me when picking new trainer pic. Doesn't even highlight the new pic. Tried to pick several other pics to be sure it wasn't one pic glitching, but I can't change the pic at all =/


I saw a Metapod on Roph's second post, clicked it and then it told me I'd captured a Kabutops. I was happy but confused.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


Quote from: Roph on February 19, 2014, 05:30:39 AM
Posts in this board now have 4x the chance of spawning a pokemon  :gracie:

I was about to comment that I haven't seen one all day.

Thanks Drowzee.


I haven't seen one all day. ;9



I feel foolish for saying this, I think I'm just overlooking it, but I can't...actually find these options for trainer image and such? Do I have to catch at least one pokemon first or something? Now that I think about it, I could almost swear I've never actually seen one.


But I still would assert that I don't think I've ever seen one. I have noscript, but RMRK is allowed. I have ABP, but I don't THINK I have anything blocked from RMRK itself in there... what's up with that? :O

EDITEDIT: Because apparently until today, I wasn't a trainer. I'm just...gonna be quiet now.


Quote from: Acolyte on February 19, 2014, 07:25:38 PM
I haven't seen one all day. ;9

I found a hitmonlee under this post just now, lol


Quote from: Spirit on February 19, 2014, 02:33:51 PM
Settings page doesn't work for me when picking new trainer pic. Doesn't even highlight the new pic. Tried to pick several other pics to be sure it wasn't one pic glitching, but I can't change the pic at all =/

There's an update button in the favorite 'mon box, and an update button in the trainer box.

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This is probably something you have planned, but I think it would be neat to be able to see a list of people who have a specific Pokemon. Basic example: I own Xatu, so clicking on its image displays a list of users who also own Xatu. Clicking on Pokemon you've only seen would also show users who actually own it, which would be useful for whenever you decide to implement trading.


Quote from: King HaloOfTheSun on February 19, 2014, 09:10:25 PM
This is probably something you have planned, but I think it would be neat to be able to see a list of people who have a specific Pokemon. Basic example: I own Xatu, so clicking on its image displays a list of users who also own Xatu. Clicking on Pokemon you've only seen would also show users who actually own it, which would be useful for whenever you decide to implement trading.

Almost word for word from my to-do list :O
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]




Quote from: Pac on February 19, 2014, 06:00:53 PM
I saw a Metapod on Roph's second post, clicked it and then it told me I'd captured a Kabutops. I was happy but confused.

That's.. odd. And doesn't make sense. From sighting to capture, the pokemon is stored in your session data. Whether you capture or fail to capture, the pokemon is cleared. If you take so long to capture that your session has changed or expired, it's hidden behind the "ran away!" message, as opposed to a failed capture ("escaped!").

How long did you take before viewing / capturing? I can try adding some additional checks either way.

[edit] Actually, if you had multiple tabs open and saw a metapod on one and a kabutops on the second, whichever one you saw most recently would be tried in the capturing. I can't think of any other way this would happen - when you encounter a new pokemon, your pokemon session data is explicitly cleared refreshed with the newly encountered pokemon. You can't have more than one active encounter going on. A new one overwrites an old one.
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


Since we're probably doing a reset anyway, I think it'd be cool if we got to choose starters.


Quote from: Acolyte on February 19, 2014, 09:34:58 PM
Since we're probably doing a reset anyway, I think it'd be cool if we got to choose starters.

I thought about having starters, but then after that would probably come a request for evolution, maybe even battling etc. It's a minigame, I don't want it to become that complex ._.

That's one reason the lists of pokemon are displayed like trading cards - think of them more like that  :drsword:
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


You're supposed to have battles with the cards. >:(


Well these are for collecting :mad:
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


Alright, so fyi.. The trainer section does not seem to work in IE (as in, I cannot change my trainer avatar in settings). however, the favorite pokemon section works fine. I switched to Firefox and they both work fine..


I don't even bother testing in IE lol. I'll take a look some time. Why would you use IE?
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


Believe it or not, it actually works perfectly fine for me... I see no reason not to use it. It's just as fact as the others, works on all the same sites and such.. I only switch to Firefox to make use of a downloader plugin =p


IE is the bane of web developers' lives. Sites may look and run fine in it to you, but only because the guy(s) behind them have slaved over fixing and accounting for stupid inconsistencies and errors from IE. Fuck IE.

I must concede that Microsoft has improved it a lot in recent years, but there is still no reason to use it over chrome or firefox.
[fright]bringing sexy back[/fright]


Quote from: Roph on February 20, 2014, 04:33:05 AM
IE is the bane of web developers' lives.

...I know, I actually AM a developer myself, so I know what you mean. I simply meant that it's convenient for me to use as the default. If something doesn't work for me, then yes, I swap on over to firefox and that usually fixes it =p