All that said, I'd like to nominate The Door of Zosha by Exhydra. His work has always impressed me in the past, and this one that he's working on is no exception to that.
Hmm, I'm not sure how I missed that project. It's actually really good too, and as such, I would like to switch my nomination to DoZ instead. Hasn't been updated since August, but even still, playing the demo through was pretty fun.
As to the rest, Zylos, I will not debate you on any of those points in a thread for nominations, but if you would like to discuss the points you made, I would be happy to discuss them in a more appropriate place, or through PM. I find it rude to bash someones' project, whether warranted or not, in a topic that's supposed to be about a game that is promising (not perfected).
Dude, who the hell are you? You just come out of nowhere and think you're one of us? You're not. You'll never be. It would be best if you left now before feelings got hurt. Feelings get hurt, and people get mad. That's when we say things that we wish we hadn't.
Things we can't take back. Those are the worst things to say.
Like the fact that I love you, and always have. I thought that I could be subtle about it, but now I have to come out and say it.
I've loved you since you joined, and I've longed to be with you.
I know this may come as a shock, but I'm the one that's meant for you. I'm your soul mate.
Please, just, know that I'm saying this all out of love. None of what I say, is meant to hurt you.
If it does, I'm sorry. I couldn't let it fester any longer.