*Feature Spoiler*I got bored of the typical level-up system, so I killed it. :p If you wanna increase yo stats, you gotta do that through improving your equipment. B)
Since I can't get rid of the "level" display without a little scripting, I decided to put "level" to a different use. Named it "Stage" instead. Each actor can reach up to Stage 3, with every stage upgrading your learned (or starter) spells and some of your skills.
Not a complex eventing system, but took quite some time to set up for each actor. B( I decided to keep all the original spells, so they stack up (rather than the upgrades replacing the original spells). Takes up way more room, but I think the player would prefer to have the smaller spells, just in case.
Gonna be a fairly simple game. Each actor can learn whatever skill they want, whatever spell they want, and wear whatever gear they want. They all have small preset stats that determine what they are naturally good at, but whatever. If you want to make Hurl a healer...go for it. >B(
Also, using a simple revive system to make the game more challenging, in a sense. If your actors fall in battle, they won't come back until after the battle. No revival items or anything of the like.