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Map Edge Transfer (VX-Ace) v2.3 (updated 09/21)

Started by Jester, February 06, 2013, 06:16:59 PM

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Map Edge Transfer (VX-Ace) v2.3 by Jester
special thanks:
diamondandplatinum3 for being an awesome guy. CHECK OUT HIS SCRIPTING VIDEOS!
helpful feedback:
PVGames, Chigoo, Tammsyn

Version History:
06.FEB.2013 -> 1.0 -> Initial Release
08.FEB.2013 -> 1.1 -> Bugfixes, Syntax Overhaul, 8-dir compatibility
18.FEB.2013 -> 2.0 -> More Customization and compatibility with Slide-Effect
05.MAR.2013 -> 2.1 -> Compatibility improvement
15.MAR.2013 -> 2.2 -> A Script call to manually choose the transfer coordinates  (Take a look at line 72 and below)
15.MAR.2013 -> 2.2a -> Hotfix
21.SEP.2013 -> 2.3 -> Added "Offset" Script call (Take a look at line ~100 and below)

Automatic Map-Edge-Transfer system
More realistic looking transfer

This Script allows the player to automatically transfer to the next
map when hitting the edge of the current map, using in-game variables.
It also adds a small feature to make it look like the player actually
WALKS out of the current map into the new map instead of teleporting.

This Script is NOT PLUG'N'PLAY, but relatively easy to use.
Take a look at the Customization section.
If you still have problems, try out the recent Demo before asking for help!

(no known issues)

Place this Script below any movement scripts, like 8-dir-movement
I am fine with Compatibility fix requests if you say "PLEEAASEEEE!!!"


Most recent version (Pastebin)
Demo: Map Edge Transfer v2.1a + Slide-Effect v1.3
(Link to the Slide-Effect Script in my signature)

Terms of Use:
-Free to use in uncommercial projects
-Credit me if you feel like it
-Have a nice day


Not burning out or anything of that nature, I'm just far too busy to keep up. See I was on Summer break earlier; now I've got school again (which has also increased hours due to the more advanced things we're doing. Plus I got employed recently... fancy returning to school and getting 20 hours work in the same week. On top of that, any hour I'm not sleeping I have to spend programming just to finish my 2D game and any work I'm not 100% up-to-date on (Currently I'm behind on Quaternions :-[ )
Soon enough it'll settle down and I'll have time to actual do more tuts, but I wouldn't count on it being soon. You'll probably see more Lets Plays since sometimes I need to unwind, but tutorials not so much.

A definite fine first script it is useful for people and gives a little more immersion into the sprite movement.
T'was a quick glance, but straight away I could see that the code you've rewritten/aliased in the Game_CharacterBase can be moved into the Game_Player class.
Also you use $game_player a lot in your code when you're inside of the class anyway.
Basically you have instant access to variables/methods without needing to use $game_player.something.

Also it doesn't seem to be properly idented. Some method code is still on the same x position as the method name, mostly everything else is just something like using exclamation marks on if statements rather than using == false but that's really something you start doing without thinking as you do it more often.

All in all, good first script, you've started your 'scripting career' & I think you're up to the point where you don't really need to keep listening to me telling you how to do things; I believe you're quite capable figuring them out on your own now :)
All of my scripts are totally free to use for commercial use. You don't need to ask me for permission. I'm too lazy to update every single script post I ever made with this addendum. So ignore whatever "rule" I posted there. :)

All scripts can be found at:


Hey, thanks for the feedback!

Actually, I am overhauling this Script currently. I'm trying to improve 8-dir support, the method names I have used are a bit too confusing for some part and I want to improve the structure of it a little bit and stuff like that.

Thanks for pointing the thing with Game_Player out! I'm gonna take a closer look to that.

But the bad positioning of the code is the fault of switching between NP++ and the build-in editor!! Seriously!  :yuyu:

Since I have (different from you  :drmc:) a lot of time currently and for the next ~2 weeks, I expect the overhauled script to be released tomorrow if not today and I'm gonna start with new scripts I have on my mind very soon.  :D


O.K. I have rewritten a big part of the script, rearranged stuff and added better method names and descriptions, so I hopefully reduce the hair-loss of Scripters, that are actually looking deeper into my Script.

v1.1.0 is the final version for now. Slide-Effect will be added as soon as I find a way to do so.  ^-^

Fall From Eden

Quote from: Jester on February 08, 2013, 04:36:37 PMBut the bad positioning of the code is the fault of switching between NP++ and the build-in editor!! Seriously!  :yuyu:

That's not hard to fix; the editor in Ace just uses two spaces for indentation, and that's a setting that you can apply in the Notepad++ settings for Ruby files (that's the standard convention for Ruby anyway, even outside of the RM community's use of it -- just so you know for future reference).


Quote from: Fall From Eden on February 08, 2013, 10:04:29 PM
That's not hard to fix; the editor in Ace just uses two spaces for indentation, and that's a setting that you can apply in the Notepad++ settings for Ruby files (that's the standard convention for Ruby anyway, even outside of the RM community's use of it -- just so you know for future reference).

Ahhh I was so confused by that. Now everything makes sence!!  ;8
Thanks for the clarification, I really had no idea why Notepad++ was doing that shit to my code.  ;)


? Moby's Script System - Correct Sprite Display V1.0 crashes trying to convert nothing to something when I walk off the edge. For reference, the script in question fixes issues with larger sprites and priority-enabled tiles, so it's possibly to do with the Player sprite being in an invalid area.

EDIT: Also, enabling the compatibility for Hover Alerts crashes the game when I enter a map with them. Strangely, it says the problem is with the SE block.What SE Block?

EDIT2: Here, have a demo.



...Anyone? Jester? Cozziekuns? Theo? MA?


Hey Wiimeiser. Thanks for reporting that issue. I am looking into it and I know roughly where the error comes from, but it is harder to fix than I've expected and I am a bit rusted, because I haven't touched RGSS3 for a few months.

I will give you an update as soon as I get a fix done.

Edit: Oh well I am blind; I have a quick fix for the "Correct Sprite Display" Script. Go into the Correct Sprite Display Script and add this line under Line 84:

id = id.to_i if id == nil

So it looks like this:

               id = $[x, curr_sprite.character.y, 2]
               id = id.to_i if id == nil
               flag_pos = $game_map.tileset.flags[id]

I will also look into the Hover Alert issue which sounds quite strange, tomorrow.