The problem with banning guns is the same as prohibition though: you can eliminate supply, but not demand. (And to be fair, the same applies to illegal marijuana. I don't smoke that stuff, but it's another thing I think should be legal).
There's not just mass-shootings though. There's also other crime, like the stuff where someone gets murdered on the streets. As a woman, I can fairly say that I'd be fucked if some big dude tried to murder me on the streets.
Hell, even if he didn't have a gun and had a knife instead, I'd be fucked. D: My best bet would be to have something that doesn't require physical strength to wield, like a gun. (Some guns require physical strength, but many of them don't.) Not just women, all other people who are born naturally inequal in stature are fucked.
Of course, there's also those who need guns if they live near dangerous wild animals, and/or hunt for survival. There's still people like that everywhere.