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Fitness thread? Fitness thread.

Started by Djangonator, December 03, 2012, 10:12:36 PM

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Quote from: yuyu! on July 02, 2015, 04:15:02 AMIf there are any of you that haven't looked into what bone structure means for your ideal calorie intake, it really does help.

Hm, I had no idea I had a medium frame. Good to know. :P

Anyway, I'm still sticking to my regimen. I've noticed some pretty decent gains, but I've more or less plateaued. Not that I have any real problem with that. I feel a lot better, and not just physically. I'm I'm lot more confident, that's for sure.

I've also managed to quit smoking, so that's a nice bonus on top of it all. Woo~
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku


Keep that shit up, my friend! Cigarettes are poison, plain and simple. Well done!


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Woo! Congrats on being cig-free (or almost), guys!! :D

Quote from: Ryosis on July 02, 2015, 05:23:43 AM
Anyway, I'm still sticking to my regimen. I've noticed some pretty decent gains, but I've more or less plateaued. Not that I have any real problem with that. I feel a lot better, and not just physically. I'm I'm lot more confident, that's for sure.

You said "gains" and I was immediately like "Awwww sorry about that :(". Then I realized that "gains" can mean a good thing for men. That word in the context of weight has the plague amongst us ladies. ;9

Quote from: Ser EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 05:06:11 AM
I am told by my nursey wife that anything under 700 kcal a day actually throws one into starvation mode, where ANY intake is metabolized more slowly. Silly girls, no wonder you all think you're cows.

I'm so bad with this calorie stuff, so I may have been off on the numbers. :B

I was off on my numbers, too... Apparently It's more like 1600 a day, not 1200. My dad made me switch to loseit instead of myfitnesspal and by time I plugged in my numbers and did more research. This thing is also the coolest weight loss calculator ever. Use that + measuring your frame size for maximum detail. ;o

I'm done with classes after next week, so it's about time I picked up DDP Yoga again. :drsword:

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Just for the record, you're not supposed to go under 1200cal a day, but you'd have to be severely restricting your calories over a long period of time to actually go into "starvation mode".


Quote from: Acolyte on July 03, 2015, 12:00:44 AM
Just for the record, you're not supposed to go under 1200cal a day, but you'd have to be severely restricting your calories over a long period of time to actually go into "starvation mode".

Ahh, so I pretty seriously overestimated how much I needed to diet. :B It seems like my problem was really more along the lines of "watching what I eat" and not so much "XTREME DIET TYME". Paired with exercise, it might be silly for me to run that close to the edge, anyways. I'm so bad at this! ;____; Every time I've lost weight, it's been through exercise.

My dad is pretty much the only example I have to learn from as far as someone dieting in the house. He managed to starve his way down to starvation mode at one point and completely stopped losing weight. He got himself down 100+ lbs and then couldn't lose anymore and had to give up. Thankfully, he's back on his diet and isn't starving himself this time.

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I'm kind of lazy when it comes to counting calories, in the sense that I eat a lot of carbs and protein and don't bother to count them. I'm pretty sure I average out at 2000+ a day, but I don't know for sure.

I must be doing something right, though. :P I figure if I weren't, I wouldn't be maxing out at 225 on the bench. I want to go heavier, but that's my wall right now.
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku


If you lift, it doesn't really matter. In order to build muscle mass, you actually need a surplus of calories, so trying to eat fewer calories ends up hindering progress. I don't know a whole lot about it personally, but you could browse through r/lifting and find tons of info on what macros you should shoot for and all that.


It looks like I'm down by 3 lbs already? ;___; Probably that initial "OMG U JUST CUT OUT SODAS AND JUNK FOOD" spike, but it still feels great. I did (purposefully) cheat a little on the holiday, but I've been super good today and every other day. :D

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I recently hopped back on the move more bandwagon. I really do want to tackle this :mad:

I started watching my calories and just moving more. I've lost 8lbs in a month. I can now wrap my apron strings around me and tie them in front ^_^  Which is a big deal for me :) 

@Strike: the app is Monitor Your Weight


Huh. Okay.

I have to watch what I eat for medical reasons. I had my gallbladder removed so I cant eat a lot of fat or I get the runs, and since I'm on Ritalin (there, I said it) I have to make sure I take in just enough sugars.

See, my pancreas is scarred and it acts funny sometimes, so every once in a while ill get a whole glob of insulin all at once. Not a big deal unless I'm already a little low on carbs, from say, having amphetamines like the Ritalin in my system.

Besides, Ritalin suppresses one's appetite, like any amphetamine will do. Its great help with concentration and it happens to help with losing weight, I just have to make sure my sugar doesn't crash. Hasn't happened yet!

In other news I ran a 5k today. I didn't time it, I just wanted to get through. Wooo!



Quote from: Ser EvilM00s on July 09, 2015, 08:31:37 AM
Huh. Okay.

I have to watch what I eat for medical reasons. I had my gallbladder removed so I cant eat a lot of fat or I get the runs, and since I'm on Ritalin (there, I said it) I have to make sure I take in just enough sugars.

See, my pancreas is scarred and it acts funny sometimes, so every once in a while ill get a whole glob of insulin all at once. Not a big deal unless I'm already a little low on carbs, from say, having amphetamines like the Ritalin in my system.

Besides, Ritalin suppresses one's appetite, like any amphetamine will do. Its great help with concentration and it happens to help with losing weight, I just have to make sure my sugar doesn't crash. Hasn't happened yet!

In other news I ran a 5k today. I didn't time it, I just wanted to get through. Wooo!

Congrats on the 5k, M00s!!! :)

My mom also had her gallbladder removed and it seriously knocked out a ton of foods from her diet (but she's a picky eater anyways). Just recently, we found out that my older sister has gal stones. I do not envy you guys. ;9

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Thank you, Jules! I had to dig pretty deep.

And yes, gallstones suck pretty bad. I might wish it on my worst enemy, if I was feeling particularly cruel at the time. Poor kid, I hope she gets through soon.


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