Huh. Okay.
I have to watch what I eat for medical reasons. I had my gallbladder removed so I cant eat a lot of fat or I get the runs, and since I'm on Ritalin (there, I said it) I have to make sure I take in just enough sugars.
See, my pancreas is scarred and it acts funny sometimes, so every once in a while ill get a whole glob of insulin all at once. Not a big deal unless I'm already a little low on carbs, from say, having amphetamines like the Ritalin in my system.
Besides, Ritalin suppresses one's appetite, like any amphetamine will do. Its great help with concentration and it happens to help with losing weight, I just have to make sure my sugar doesn't crash. Hasn't happened yet!
In other news I ran a 5k today. I didn't time it, I just wanted to get through. Wooo!