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Problem with YEA Steal Item and Enemy Death Transform

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Level 77
RMRK Junior
Apparently they changed the default scripts around and somehow broke whatever it is that all of Yanfly's luck-based scripts require (such as Steal Item and Enemy Death Transform), and yes, I did try a blank project.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 11:42:56 AM by modern algebra »

Furry Philosopher
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I think it's been known for a while that VX scripts aren't going to work with VXA, so it's no wonder that Yanfly's stuff is broken. That's why there's a whole new category strictly for VXA scripts and such.

Level 97
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I think it's been known for a while that VX scripts aren't going to work with VXA, so it's no wonder that Yanfly's stuff is broken. That's why there's a whole new category strictly for VXA scripts and such.

I suspect he means that Yanfly's VXA scripts, written for the Japanese version, do not work with the English translation.

If that is the case, it would very likely be a simple enough fix. Upload a project with the error(s) and I will take a look.

Level 77
RMRK Junior

It's really just those two scripts and anything to do with percentages like that, Skill Steal works because there's no chance involved

Level 77
RMRK Junior
No help?

Code: [Select]
  # new method: calc_steal_ratio
  def calc_steal_ratio(user, item, stealable_item)
    rate = stealable_item.rate
    rate += item.steal_rate[0]
    rate += item.steal_rate[stealable_item.kind]
    rate += eval(YEA::STEAL::STEAL_BONUS_RATE)
    rate += user.bonus_steal_rate(0)
    rate += user.bonus_steal_rate(stealable_item.kind)
    rate += enemy.steal_rate
    max_rate = YEA::STEAL::MAXIMUM_RATE
    min_rate = YEA::STEAL::MINIMUM_RATE
    return [[max_rate, rate].min, min_rate].max

Code: [Select]
    return [[max_rate, rate].min, min_rate].max
Something here looks fishy. I set the minimum steal rate to 1 but that still didn't work. Above is the part of the script that determines the steal ratio, but I can't make sense of it. Does anyone know?

Code: [Select]
    for i in 0...8

...what? I don't get it...

« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 12:34:15 AM by Wiimeiser »

Level 97
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I asked you to share a demo of the error. You did not do so, therefore I did not help.

What has led you to the conclusion that it did work for the Japanese version but doesn't for the English version? Did you have it working in the Japanese version, set it up the same way in the English version, then seen it not work? Or are you assuming that something about the translation messed it up solely because you have the English version and it does not appear to be working?

I ask because I have not noticed any differences in the English translation, and I don't see what would cause the error from a brief scan of the Steal script. My inclination is to think that the script is not setup correctly, which is why I asked for a demo with the error and not just the blank scripts.

I am not ruling out that it could be an error with the script, but if it is a user error then I would need to abstractly consider every possible thing in the script or configuration that could cause your error, and I would prefer to be able to see the demo as then I could tell you what is causing the error. Plus, it takes a lot less time on my end if you share the demo. So, please, share a demo or blank project with the error recreated and I will take a look. Otherwise, I will not.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 12:54:35 AM by modern algebra »

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
MA's grammar blows my mind.

Level 77
RMRK Junior
It's so small I didn't need Mediafire


The scripts included are Steal Item, Enemy Death Transform and Follow-up Skill;

The latter works if you use the "always follow up" version, but not with the percentage versions;

I just realised I forgot to add ??? to the party so you can test those skills;

I also included my windowskin and iconset, just because;

I didn't include anything else.

Level 97
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I didn't receive any error (and I'm using the English version of RMVXA):

I attached the demo - I didn't change anything in the script; all I did was add an erase event command to the parallel process event, give ??? the ??? class (he had been set to Soldier), and put ??? in the party.

Then I battled slimes and used the 1. ability. I got a potion the first time I tried to steal. I got 78K the next time. The slime then has nothing left to steal.

As far as I can tell, the demo is set up correctly and the script works.

Level 77
RMRK Junior
Then it's a problem specific to my system? Like my PC's security is denying access to the RNG for some reason?
all I did was add an erase event command to the parallel process event, give ??? the ??? class (he had been set to Soldier), and put ??? in the party.
Yeah, I kinda forgot to do all that >_>

Level 77
RMRK Junior
Now even Victory Aftermath is messing up!
I have this in the notebox as a test:
<win quotes>
</win quotes>

<win quotes>
</win quotes>
<level quotes>
</level quotes>
<drops quotes>
</drops quotes>

When the win quote plays, it plays either the second quote or BOTH quotes at once, and never the first on its own. This happens wether or not the New Quote line is used. And when I use the New Quote line between the <win quotes></win quotes> any after the first are blank. Does this script only allow one of each quote per actor? Because it seems that way.

Level 97
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Download the demo that I attached to the post where I tested your setup, fight a Slimex2 and tell me if it works. I sincerely doubt that it has anything to do with your PC security.

With Victory Aftermath, you can have more than one quote, but that's not the way they are set up. Instead of:

Code: [Select]
<win quotes>
</win quotes>

<win quotes>
</win quotes>

It should be:
Code: [Select]
<win quotes>
[new quote]
</win quotes>

Remember that each script has a detailed tutorial, and that is made clear in the tutorial for Victory Aftermath: http://yanflychannel.wordpress.com/rmvxa/battle-scripts/victory-aftermath/

Level 77
RMRK Junior
The stealing and consecutive attacks work with that project, but not the enemy transformation.

EDIT: It's a conflict with your Monster Catalogue script; Placing Steal Item above it causes the game to crash or freeze upon a stealing skill being selected (And if it crashes it's to do with refreshing something). Simply removing the script seems to fix it. But that still doesn't solve enemy transformations...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 01:47:28 PM by Wiimeiser »

Level 97
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Alright, go to line 149 of the Enemy Death Transform script and change:

Code: [Select]
    return rand > enemy.death_transform_rate


Code: [Select]
    return rand < enemy.death_transform_rate

I will look into the Monster Catalogue incompatility.


It has nothing to do with the Monster Catalogue. I tried it both above and below the Steal Item script and there was no error. See attached demo.

Although there is an issue with transforming enemies, since the monster catalogue will only count the enemy it transformed into as defeated.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 02:25:10 PM by modern algebra »

Level 77
RMRK Junior
Is there any way I could make a dump of exactly what's going through the project's code when this happens? Because this is what it's coming to...

EDIT: I copied data from the project with the problem, then copied the old data back; turns out it's a problem with System.rvdata2, I'll need to look into this...

EDIT2: Maybe not...

EDIT3: Scripts.rvdata2; could be a meta problem

EDIT4: <ade backups and looked at the backups in a hex editor, came up with nothing. maybe it's just a corrupted file? Or it has to do with script ordering?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 01:45:13 AM by Wiimeiser »

Level 97
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@Wiimeiser - I wasn't aware of all those edits until now. I'm not sure if I can be of any assistance, but I would need to see a demo where the error occurs before I could know. It could simply be a script incompatibility.

Level 77
RMRK Junior
could be a problem with the rvdata2 file itself. I've attached a zip with the two. It's worth checking out, I think.

Level 97
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Well, I don't want to have to set up all of those scripts in a project just to test whether an error occurs. In any case, if you have a Scripts.rvdata2 that works, then I suppose the problem has been resolved?

Level 77
RMRK Junior
I just deleted the Monster Catalogue. If its very existence breaks Steal Item and it's incompatible with Enemy Levels (plus the Enemy HUD addon doesn't work anyway, it displays the stats wether you've scanned the enemy or not) then I might as well get rid of it.
At least until an update, maybe

EDIT: Copied the import
Code: [Select]
$imported ||= {}
$imported[:MA_MonsterCatalogue] = true
into its own slot after deleting the entire script (just that) and it worked, I could steal items.
I may have to copy individual parts of the script...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 04:06:18 AM by Wiimeiser »

Level 97
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Well, like I said, I didn't receive any errors when using the Monster Catalogue with the two scripts you identified, so the incompatibility is likely arising from some other script in your project and the error is only manifesting in the scripts you identified.

You'll probably end up getting lots of errors if you try to only copy individual parts of the script by the way and there are only a couple parts that could be deleted and still have the Monster Catalogue be functional. Also, the two lines you copied don't do anything - they just identify to other scripts that the Monster Catalogue is being used, and if it's not being used it is unwise to include those lines in your project. Also, there is no way that they effect the stealing script; if it works with them, it would work without them.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 05:00:33 AM by modern algebra »

Level 77
RMRK Junior
I deleted all scripts except those two and it still refused to work, but I switched them and it worked, or at least seems to. So it's an ordering bug in something that doesn't necessarily use order AFAIK

In Victory Aftermath I get this if I use linebreaks:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

This is the win quotes part of the notebox.
<win quotes>
Die, you monsters! You don't belong \nin this world!
[New Quote]
Victory to a fanfare!
</win quotes>

And yes, that is a Castlevania reference.

EDIT: I figure it's just a space or two but I'm not really in the mood for further script checking/installation/uninstallation if it isn't.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 11:16:17 AM by Wiimeiser »

Level 77
RMRK Junior
Adding a space didn't do anything...

Level 97
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Well, ask Yanfly, but my guess is that he or she did not account for the fact that \n in a note is actually \\n, and so maybe didn't accomodate that as a line break. Mind you, that's only a random guess - I haven't looked at the script.