Nobody remembers me or probably gives a damn, but I'm back. Last time I was here I was 10 years old, and made the most embarrassing posts ever now that I look back. My game creation started in this forum, and I have it to thank for a lot of the skills I possess today. Without these forums I would probably not have any interest in RPGs.
About myself, I am a programmer, a pixel artist, and a concept artist. I do pixel art and concept art for commissions, but not as often as I once did. I own a online rpg currently running in closed alpha, and I participate in multiple other miscellaneous projects. I am very knowledgeable when it comes to events in RM2k all the way to RMVX and plan to help out other users. I myself do not use any of Enterbrains programs any more, but the knowledge I have of it is well maintained.
I hope to get to know all of you soon!