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Trivia Time

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Level 82
an unladen swallow, it seems is an optimization branch of CPython, intended to be fully compatible and significantly faster. It aimed to achieve its goals by supplementing CPython's custom virtual machine with a JIT built using LLVM. The project had stated a goal of a five-times speed improvement over CPython.This goal was not met.
what is Medorthophobia?

and nobody knows mewto'sBday?

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
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Its a little known fact that we share 40%-60% DNA with animals like rats, pigs and felines as well as chimpanzees. Hence we use them as lab animals.

Not very funny but er... its trivia?


my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Please, Jonathon, one question at a time. Medorthophobia is... *groan*... fear of an erect penis.
What has maximum kick but no sugar?

That's quite interesting, dear Grace. On the board it goes.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Level 82
and still no mewto's birthday?

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Fine. February 6th. Happy?

What is the only country in the world that is a carbon sink? (You figure it out.)

Pepsi Max, don't you know.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Spoiler for CLUE:
This country's national sport is darts. That's whacked.

Corollary: We can now add clues; one for each incorrect answer given.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

If not for its disproportionate hind legs, what animal would most likely dominate a large part of Africa?

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
Wow, tough one. I don't know, but I'll guess it's a rhino.

What was Ludwid van Beethoven's response to the success of his Piano Sonata No. 14 in C# minor "Quasi una fantasia", op. 27, No. 2?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 08:34:52 PM by EvilM00s »

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII
"This'll really fuckup their trivia win streak! HAHAHA!"

I don't know, but in gypsy culture (irish), the first man a girl kisses is their partner for life. The process is called grabbing. A man literally picks up a girl he wants and carries her away in attempt to kiss her. If she does, even by mistake, shes his for life.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Wow, tough one. I don't know, but I'll guess it's a rhino.

What was Ludwid van Beethoven's response to the success of his Piano Sonata No. 14 in C ? minor "Quasi una fantasia", op. 27, No. 2?

Hyena, actually, vicious little bastards.

I can't actually answer yours though. o_o

How long is a giraffe's tongue?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 07:15:51 PM by Chicken Boo »

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII
18 + Inches. BLue back.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Much like I did about an hour ago, you forgot to add a new question~

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
What was Ludwid van Beethoven's response to the success of his Piano Sonata No. 14 in C ? minor "Quasi una fantasia", op. 27, No. 2?

Spoiler for:
He did not see the piece as one of his best.

Hyenas, eh? Bastards, indeed.

Okay, try this one: What single characteristic defines an animal as a monotreme? Big fat hint, it's in the etymology of the name.


Level 75
"From the Greek monos "single" + trema "hole", referring to the cloaca, are mammals that lay eggs."

Who was the first explorer to land in Antarctica?

Spoiler for:

Spoiler for:
John 3:16: For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

What is the purpose of the Large Hadron Collider?

Level 75
Death is life's way of firing you
To find out why there is matter as opposed to anti-matter, I believe. Just off the top of my head.

What language was Cumbric a branch of?

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Celtic I believe?

And speaking of the Celts, which Celtic leader took on the Greeks at Thermopylae?

Level 75
Death is life's way of firing you

Who is depicted on the twenty Kenyan Shilling note?

A-pow 2015
Level 81
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What is the purpose of the Large Hadron Collider?
I don't think this one was properly answered, so I'll use a snippet from the wiki page.
The Large Hadron Collider was built for the purpose of testing various predictions of high-energy physics, including the existence of the hypothesized Higgs boson and of the large family of new particles predicted by supersymmetry.

Who is depicted on the twenty Kenyan Shilling note?

Daniel arap Moi

What is the brightest star in the Andromeda Galaxy?

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae).

What do bananas grow on?
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Level 82
they grow on shoots, rather than trees

the most dangerous animal in the world?

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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I assume that by dangerous you mean "has killed the most people in history."
Therefore, the answer is the malaria-carrying mosquito.

How many people did Frankenstein kill?

Also, they grow on herbs. They are fucking massive and look a lot like trees =0
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Level 82
None, since the name of the monster is not frankenstein, its the name of it's creator.
what type of plants are bamboos?

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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What colour is water?
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know