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[XP] The Project Zelda Engine (aka Zelda Starter Kit)! *With Downloads & Pics!*

Started by SilentResident, February 17, 2011, 09:48:50 PM

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Project Zelda Engine: The Zelda Starter Kit
A Zelda game creator - it lets you create your own nostalgic Zelda games!

If you liked and loved the Project Zelda Engine, please support Nintendo and the official Zelda games! Thanks!

Recruitment: For those of you that ever wanted to be a part of the team - Here's your chance!
The PZE Team is in much need of Ruby Scripters, and XAS ABS Eventers, but not so much on Mappers or Artists.
If you have any experience with XAS ABS that is a plus as well.
We really do need talented scripters, and these postions are almost a guaranteed position on the team, but the level of scripting has to be a great understanding as it is pretty complex, so please understand that we can not accept basic and newly begining scripters, unless they really have a firm grasp on the ruby system.

Release Date: 1 January 2011
Platform: RPG Maker XP
Current Version: Update Patch #2 Project Zelda Engine
Release Date for Update Patch #1: Saturday 1 January 2011
Release Date for Update Patch #2: Sunday 16 January 2011
Release Date for Update Patch #3: Thursday 22 September 2011
Release Date for Update Patch #4: Planned for Summer 2014 - Autumn 2014, as a new Action Battle System, the XAS, is being implemented to it

The Official Website for all the latest news and features about the upcoming new version (aka Update Patch 4) of Project Zelda Engine:

And here a nice video by the user Chakanevil about the upcoming Update Patch 4's promising features!
Best viewed in 480p!

[spoiler=The News Feed]  :blizj:  THE UPDATE PATCH #4 IS COMING SOON!   :blizj: 
The Update Patch 4 brings a completely revamped battle system to the Project Zelda engine, for the best experience and very high performance.

  :blizj:  THE UPDATE PATCH #3 HAS BEEN RELEASED!   :blizj: 
    The Update Patch #3 for Project Zelda Engine brings several major new changes / additions to the game:
    • Faster Title Screen! Now, when you start the game, the animated Intro with the triforce, that plays in the game's Main Title Screen, will load much faster than before and now it will be shown almost instantly! (before the Patch, the Title Screen was terribly slow - often took about 5-10 seconds to load! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
    • Optimized Weapons and Items, Optimized Inventory Menu! Now, all the weapons, items and the way the Inventory Menu work, will change. They will receive revamps and will be optimized to work with system entries and scripts instead of so many switches and variables! (before the Patch, the Inventory Menu and its weapons were terribly slow due to the usage of so many switches and variables, that, as result, slows down the game! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
    • The Hermes Message Script has been updated to version 0.4! The new version 0.4 has greatly been improved, revamped and optimized, and it has become an extremely fast script that no longer affects the Engine's performance! (Sadly, Hermes 0.3 caused major slowdowns to Project Zelda Engine, as it has been reported by players. But we finally dealt with this issue!) several optimizations and will change a bit the way it functions, with the primary goal to run faster! The way the font effects such as the "drop shadows", etc, work, will be optimized! And much more! Project Zelda Engine will no longer have any frame-rate hits and game slowdowns with Hermes 0.4!
    • Fix for the Script is Hanging error! People will no longer be facing that infamous error when they try to start the game!
    • Cuccos have been added to the Kakariko Village! (The Cuccos are chicken-like creatures and can be found mainly in farms or villages in the Zelda game franchise.) The Cuccos, much like any normal chickens, will attempt to run away from Link if he gets too close! Why don't try and catch 'em? Don't forget to talk to Anju the famous Cucco Lady who returns from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to Project Zelda Engine's Kakariko Village, for rewards!
    • In extension to above, the old and outdated NPC events in the Character Database, (including the Cucco events), have been updated!
    • The 4-tile big heavy white rocks (lift-able if you wear the gloves) now have an snow-covered version of themselves (for Winter season).
    • The ground flowers now have a better frozen version of themselves (for Winter season). Also renamed the Flower Autotiles.
    • Give the Kakariko house windows (the ones that light during the night time) their own spites instead of using tilesets. This allows them to match with every tileset swaps made to the Kakariko Village through seasons.
    • Better Ice/freeze graphics for the enemies when they are being frozen by the spells, Ice Rod or the Ice Arrows! The ice, now, shines!
    • The Song of Time, Inverted Song of Time and Double Song of Time have their effects re-arranged, to match their roles as in the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for Nintendo 64 platform.
    • Fixed portions of the stone/paved roads that previously were diggeable and now are no longer diggeable with the shovel. This includes the paved house entrances.
    • New items/weapons in the Item Inventory (Item Menu)! More info about those item names will be announced later.
    • Updates for the scripts. Optimizations and new features added to them.
    • Fix for the Lens of Truth (item)! Now, the "Eye of Truth" effect's image .png file has been properly resized to fit game's screen.
    • Fix for the Hookshot (weapon)! Link can no longer swing his sword when he is being projected towards to the object/location the Hookshot latched on!
    • Fixed some tile Passability errors, especially for the Pegasus Boots (item)! Those Passability Errors found in the tilesets, can eventually cause Link to get permanently stuck on cliff-sides while dashing with his boots!
    • The Pegasus Boots (Item) will not longer "ghostwalk" though closed doors.
    • The Bombs (Weapon) will now also have the "S" key mapped for the Bomb Placement function.
    • The wild grass is no longer cut-able with the Normal Hammer. Only the Megaton Hammer can destroy it, due to its incredibly high weight force.
    • Fixed an Ocarina bug, where you are able to play a song you haven't learned yet! (Place all the notes of a song on the notebar, then press the Cancel key, and the song is played as "successful" even if you don't know that song/haven't learned to play it!)
    • Pegasus Boots: turned off a forgotten "Through = ON" command for when leaving the current map to go to another map by dashing with the Pegasus Boots, causing Link to ghost-walk through all the buildings and stuff.
    • Updated all the white small rocks to include to them the missing auto-self switches B and C to the "Reset Enemies/Events" pages. This is vital for the respawn of the rocks every time the player enters the map.
    • The Boomerang and the Hookshot are now able to pick up small items such as rupees and hearts!
    • Improved Loading Screen with a more clear and better logo.
    • Better and more beautiful graphics for the Song of Healing.
    • More reliable Auto-Font Install script! By Night_Runner!
    • All the Font Files have been synchronized!
    • The Boomerang and the Hookshot are now able to pick up small items such as rupees and hearts!
    • Better and more beautiful graphics for the Song of Healing.
    • Bug Fix: Falling in the ground pits during the storm, will no longer reset the Storm's background music!.

    Quote:blizj:  THE UPDATE PATCH #2 HAS BEEN RELEASED!   :blizj: 
      The Update Patch 2, for Project Zelda Engine, fixed almost all of the bugs and problems that are found in old Project Zelda Engine in the past 3 years, making the Project Zelda Engine almost perfect! The Update Patch 2 features:
      • Fix for Invisible text Bug in the Input Character Name Screen, at the beginning of the game, where you are asked to give Link a name. (Technical bug). (A big thanks to Night Runner for his help to fix it )
      • Fix for Animation Priority Bug for the Ocarina's songs, on the maps. (Graphic bug). (Again, thanks to Night Runner for his help to fix it)
      • Fix for Ice Rod Bug (Weapon), which does not freezes the foes. (Eventing bug).
      • Fix for Auto-Font install script's failure. Script is removed, players now have to manually install any fonts for their game.)
      • New Item/Weapon added to Project Zelda Engine: The Magic Powder, which, actually, is the upgrade for the Mysterious Mushroom, and has several uses in the game. It can even be used as a weapon, however, it does not kills the enemies by any normal means; it just transforms them into something different which can be fatal for the monster's health. The Magic Powder, also, can lift curses from various innocent people, or can make them to regain their original status/form they somehow lost it - by force or accidentally-. This item, also is vital for Link to be able to upgrade his Magic Meter (much like as does in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past), which makes this item far from being useless in-game!
      • Improvements for HUD: HUD will receive further improvements.
      • Added Door Zoom, a feature from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has been added to Project Zelda Engine.
      • Added house interiors for all the houses of Kakariko Village.
      • The Weather System and the Day/Night System have been revamped, so they no longer apply any rain/snow/day/night effects inside the interiors of the houses (that's the meant of a house having roofs! To protect it from rain and snow!)
      • Others: An ancient monolith (a stone tablet with the ancient Hylian Language's hieroglyphics carved on it) has been added to the Kakariko Graveyard's area, and can only be read with the Book of Mudora. This is the opportunity for the players to playtest the Book of Mudora and see how this book works.[/size]

        :blizj:  THE UPDATE PATCH #1 HAS BEEN RELEASED!   :blizj: 
        The Update Patch 1 is, actually, our unreleased work on the Project Zelda Engine we done to it for over 3 whole years, in a private level! This patch is the biggest patch ever applied in the game's history. All the most notable features of the Project Zelda Engine are listed bellow.

                Info about Project Zelda Engine
        [spoiler=Info about the Project Zelda Engine]
        The Project Zelda Engine (aka Zelda Starter Kit), is a game-creating tool for RPG Maker XP (and therefore it needs RPG Maker XP to run) that allows the gamers to set and create their own Zelda games.
        Every gamer who loved the Nintendo's famous and popular game franchise, The Legend of Zelda game series, now has a chance to create a custom Zelda game and share it with us, the gaming community! For this, the Project Zelda Engine Developing team works unstoppably on it to improve the engine as much as possible, ensuring that the gamer will have a full and complete set for the creation of his Zelda games. The team keeps updating and improving the Project Zelda Engine as much as possible, and a brand new features have been added to it, as well as items and weapons that open the path for the ultimate Zelda game development!

                History of the Project Zelda Engine
        The Project Zelda Engine exists for more than 4 years. It has changed hands many times and 3 different developing teams worked on it so far, and people, (from artists and eventers to scripters), from many countries worldwide and from all around the world, united their powers and worked together for the ultimate goal of making this Engine to be better and even better over time. With the dawn of the new year 2011, the current Project Zelda Engine Developing Team (this is our team, which is the 2nd PZE's history) has released the updated version Project Zelda Engine called "Updated Project Zelda Engine", a term used to classify it from the older versions of the same engine that can still be found on the net - The updated version we are sharing with you, is just the continuation of the excellent job done by Mastermind and his team. Our team may not be the same team as Mastermind's but the goal does not changes. It remains the same and catholic: a much better and faster and complete engine for you, the gamer to have, for the creation of zelda games, and of course, we will keep working on it to give it as more features (inspired from official Zelda games) as possible. [/spoiler]

                Features of the Project Zelda Engine

        • Animated Intro / Main Title Screen
        • Zelda-styled File Save/Load Game Screen (with 3 File Slots)
        • Zelda-styled Character Name Input Screen
        • Automated Credits (they Scroll Up)
        • Zelda-styled Action Battle System [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda-styled Action Battle System
          The Project Zelda Engine also comes with a complete Action Battle System, which lets Link to use any weapons seen in the Zelda games, such as swords, bows, bombs, hookshots, boomerangs, magic, etc, on the foes, stunning or killing them!
        • Sword slashing
        • Sword charge and spin
        • Horse Riding [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Epona the Horse returns!
          Who said that our dear hero, Link, must be always on foot in the vast lands of Hyrule? Epona the Horse returns for him!
          Link now is able to ride Epona and run faster than usual. Epona not only helps Link to get from one place to another fast, but also she aids him in his adventure!
        • Fairy Guardian (Partner/Advisor) [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Navi the Fairy now partnerships Link!
          Finally, our dear Link, also, is no longer alone in his adventures! A reliable partner who had helped him at the past, has finally returned! Link's friend, Navi the Fairy, will act again as his guardian fairy, and she will aid him and offer valuable advices often during his adventures, which Link may -and probably will- need! Navi is Link's trustworthy partner!
          ---Navi the Fairy (advisor/helper)

        • Zelda styled Pixel-based Movement [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda styled Pixel-based Movement!
          The Project Zelda Engine comes with a complete Zelda-styled pixel-based movement, which allows everybody to move in a very natural way!
        • Zelda styled 8-Directional Movement [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda styled 8-Directional movement!
          The Project Zelda Engine comes with a complete directional movement which allows everybody to move in all 8 directions - from vertical (up and down), and horizontal (left and right), to diagonal (up left and down right, and up right to down left)!
        • Jumping over ledges
        • Pick up stuff [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Pick up stuff
          Link can pick up stuff such as jars, rocks, shrubs and bombs, and throw them away! You can use anything you pick up as weapon! Throw rocks or jars at the monsters and kill them!
        • Detailed Health Meter [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda-styled Health/Life Meter
          Can there be a Zelda game without the Heart-like health meter that shows Link's total and current health as hearts?
          Not only it shows Link's Health as hearts, but also, since one of the latest updates, the Project Zelda Engine has a full and detailed Health meter, which allows 1 single heart to be divided by 4! If you lose health or being injured by a monster, find small Recovery Hearts to recover your health!

        • Expandable Magic Meter [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Detailed and expandable Magic/Mana Meter with detailed Magic Points
          The Project Zelda Engine comes with a very capable Magic Meter, which can be upgraded and become double or triple in size!
          The Magic Meter displays Link's magic in real time, and it can be drained quickly if Link uses magic-consuming items! Find Magic Jars to replenish your Magic Meter!

        • 4 Seasons in the game's World [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  The Four Seasons has been added: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring!
          Another new feature/element from the Zelda games, and especially, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, has now been added to the updated Project Zelda Engine: the Circle of Seasons! Take your Rod of Seasons, which is a new weapon added to the game, stand on a runed tree stump, and use it to change the region's current season to the one of the 4 seasons you desire: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring as you desire! Having the control of all the seasons of the year, is a brand new experience which allows Link to manage the elements of the game and benefit from them: The seasons can greatly influence a region, village, or zone! They may open Link's paths to new areas and zones that previously were not accessible! Blocks or obstacles that exist in a certain season, blocking the player's way, may cease or be obsolete in another season!
          For example, during the Autumn season, the trees lose their leaves, which fall to the ground holes and cover them, allowing Link to pass and get into previously inaccessible areas of the world map!
        • Full Day/Night Cycle in game's World [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda-styled Day/Night Cycle has been added! Its automatic!
          In addition to the Seasons system, one more feature seen in the official Legend of Zelda game series, has now been added to the Project Zelda Engine: the 24-Hours-based automated Day/Night Cycle! The Day/Night cycle is an automated system that gives you the opportunity to enjoy the amazing, beautiful and colorful transitions from sunset to night and from night to morning and day and in general see your game's world changing from day to night! This gives the game's world a completely new immersion, living breath and a brand new experience, by watching NPCs doing their everyday schedules, the house windows to emit warm light to the darkest outdoors, listen to the mother nature, and hear the village chickens doing "Kikiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikouuuuuuuuuuu" as they welcome the dawn of a new day, and even the wolf's growl as the dusk succeeds the sunset, and see the beautiful fairies flying under the moon's light. The Day/Night Cycle also gives you the opportunity to create time-of-day-based events in your game, like specific items or enemies to appear only at night, house doors to be locked certain times of a day etc. To not mention that the Day/Night system works in harmony with the Weather system and the Seasons system of Project Zelda Engine, and their combination gives the nature an ever bigger variety of daytime/nighttime colors for you to use in your Zelda game!
        • Zelda-styled Swimming [spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda-styled Swimming!
          In the Project Zelda, Link now is able to swim in deep water bodies! From large lakes, to rivers and ponds, Link can swim and dive in the deep water, allowing him to explore and discover new areas that -normally- are unreachable without swimming! When Link is given the flippers, will be able to swim and discover new lands in the other side of a lake, and be able to cross rivers as well!
        • Zelda styled Inventory and Menus
        • Zelda-styled Items/Weapons/Equipment[spoiler= View Spoilers]
                  Zelda-styled Items/Weapons/Equipment!
          All the Inventory Items / Weapons / Equipment you will find in the Project Zelda Engine, so far, are the following:

        • Boomerang - Link throws it and it always come back! It is used to stun enemies, retrieve items, and trigger switches. Some weak enemies can be instantly defeated if hit by the Boomerang and in some cases, the Boomerang is capable of cutting down objects. However, it is more commonly used to retrieve items that are out of Link's reach or to solve puzzles. The Boomerang can be upgraded to the Magical Boomerang later in the game.

        • Bow & Arrows: Using arrows as ammunition, the bow can be used as the main ranged weapon to attack enemies, hit switches, and on occasion, trigger special events. In many cases, Link starts out carrying a limited number of arrows, later expanded upon as the game progresses through several quiver upgrades. The bow is a weapon capable of using magic-infused types of arrows, such as the Light Arrow, Ice Arrow and the Fire Arrow, all of which are shot from the bow as if normal arrows. However, the Bow will not function without a constant supply of arrows, which are replenishable items that are, thankfully, found quite abundantly in both the overworlds and the dungeons in the game.

        • Fire Arrows: The Fire Arrows are normal arrows just infused with the power of fire, causing the spot it hits to burst into flame. This attribute makes it quite useful for lighting torches and dealing significant damage to ice enemies, among other things. They consume Link's Magic Meter, so they must be used sparingly.

        • Ice Arrows: The Ice Arrows are normal arrows just infused with the power of Ice, allowing them to freeze many enemies and make ice platforms across the water. They deplete Link's Magic Meter, so they must be used sparingly.

        • Hookshot: The Hookshot, (and its upgrade, the Longshot), is a complex machine consisting of a chain and hook. When it is being used, the chain extends sending a large hook, which is attached to the chain, flying through the air. If the hook latches onto certain objects, the person using it (in this case, Link) is projected towards that object (rather than the chain returning to its original position). The Hookshot also can be used to transport Link to special surfaces or pads, such as Treasure Chests, by pulling him towards them. It can also be used to pull items towards Link. The Hookshot can also be used as a weapon, which usually does a minimal amount of damage or stuns the enemy.

        • Bombs: The Bombs are powerful explosives that Link can use to destroy obstacles blocking his path or to damage enemies. The bombs are also very useful for the opening of collapsed cave entrances. They cannot function underwater, as it would extinguish their fuses. Their appearance is that of metallic orbs filled with explosive powder with a long fuse. Bomb Bags are needed in order to safely carry Bombs.

        • Power Bracelets (Passive Item) (Without them, Link's bare hands are pretty weak, and thus, he can't lift really big and heavy rocks, well-rooted shrubs, or any other obstacles too heavy for a single human to lift. There are some upgrades for the Power Bracelets that can be acquired later in the game: the Power Gloves which have twice the power of the bracelets, and the legendary Titan's Mitt which have triple the power of the bracelets! Those upgrades are more powerful than the Power Bracelets, and therefore, can lift even bigger and heavier obstacles, that may weigh whole megatons!!! Note: the effects of the Power Bracelets and its upgrades, the Power Gloves and Titan's Mitt, are passive, indicating that there is no need for Link to assign them in the keyboard / joystick or to equip them as weapons so to benefit from their effects. Link benefits from their effects automatically.

        • Flippers (Passive Item) (Swimming System has been added to the game, and Link gets drowned if he attempts to swim without flippers) Upgrades for the Flippers are the Zora's Flippers, a masterpiece of the Zora tribe, that allow additional 50% faster swimming speed. Note: the Flippers' and Zora Flippers' effects are passive, indicating that there is no need for Link to assign them in the keyboard / joystick or to equip them as weapons so to benefit from their effects. Link benefits from their effects automatically.

        • Rod of Seasons (This magic rod may not be used as a weapon to harm the foes, however, it has been imbued with the mystical powers of the Four Spirits of Seasons, which allows Link to change the seasons at his desire!. Get on a tree stump and swing the rod to change the region's current season to a different season: Summer, Autumn, Winter, or Spring! Every season can be very unique and represent different climate elements that affect a zone or a region! Use it to open seemingly closed paths in a map!)

        • Book of Mudora (This legendary book has many valuable data registered to it about the history and geography of Hyrule. It allows Link to translate from Ancient Hylian language to English (or any other) Language as well. - Note: Fonts for the Ancient Hylian Language can be found in the updated Project Zelda Engine's Fonts Folder.)

        • Pegasus Boots (Those special boots allow you to run very fast. When you hit an obstacle while running, you may hit it with great force. This severe amount of force can eventually destabilize unstable obstacles found on Link's way, pass through cracked floor tiles right before they collapse (due to Link's weight) to the abyss, or even break weak doors! When you bounce off walls, you'll stumble backwards a fixed distance. Also to note that if there are any items placed on unreachable spots for Link, i.e. a Book on a tall Bookshelf, you can simply dash onto the shelf to make the book fall down. Also, any bushes or signposts caught on Link's way while dashing, will be destroyed. The Pegasus Boots took their name from the fastest horse of the ancient world, the legendary Pegasus, the winged horse. The boots, however, are even faster than Epona, Link's horse, but they totally lack any maneuverability. So be careful where you are dash with those...)

        • Lens of Truth (These Lens, which have been passed down from the Sheikah Tribe, are the hold for the mysterious Eye of Truth, which can see anything that has a fake form, in its true form. The Lens of Truth allow Link to not be fooled by any tricks or magic illusions in his path: the invisible items become visible, the illusions and transformed obstacles appear in their true forms, and the hidden secrets are revealed! Finally, thanks to the Lens of Truth, Link can "see" things that normally are not visible to the naked human eye.)

        • Fire Rod (This magical rod has almost the same burning effects as the bow's Fire Arrows. It can burn monsters, bushes, signposts, or other obstacles, lit torches, and damage certain bosses. But the Fire Rod's fireballs are slower than the Fire Arrows, however, the rod has 100% hit accuracy, which is much more than the arrows' 65-85% hit accuracy)

        • Ice Rod (This magical rod has almost the same freezing effects as the bow's Ice Arrows. It can freeze monsters or other obstacles and damage certain bosses. But the Ice Rod's ice-balls are slower than the Ice Arrows, however, the rod has 100% hit accuracy, which is much more than the arrows' 65-85% hit accuracy)

        • Rock's Feather (A magic feather from a legendary bird, the famous Roc, which, when equipped, affects Link's total weight. It actually makes Link to be weightless and very light, such as a bird itself! Less weight not only allows Link to jump higher and higher on air, but also, it allows him to jump over ground holes, walk over fragile bridges or cracked floor tiles that were about to break and collapse if Link was planning to walk over them with his normal weight. Who said that the light feathers are useless?)

        • Mysterious Mushroom (The Mushroom is one of the few acquirable items Link cannot actually use on himself; the toadstool is either given to and used by someone else, sold, or traded as part of a trading sequence. There are rumors that the specific Mushroom is one of the most rare mushrooms found in the vast land of Hyrule, and very valuable as ingredient for the Magic Powder...

        • Magic Powder The Magic Powder, actually, is the upgrade for the Mysterious Mushroom, and has several uses in the game. It can even be used as a weapon, however, it does not kills the enemies by any normal means; it just transforms them into something different and this may be fatal for the monster's health and life. The Magic Powder can, also, lift curses from innocent people who have been doomed by the Evil, and let them regain their original health status or restore to their original form. Do not mention that the specific item is vital for Link to be able to upgrade his Magic Meter (much like as it does in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)! The Magic Powder is far from being useless in the game!

        • Shovel (A very useful tool that functions in-game much like as it does in real life: it can be used to dig the ground for buried items or treasures, or even to uncover long-lost ground passages! Use it to find any buried Rupees and other valuable items underneath the soil!  You never know what may lay hidden under your feet! The shovel, also, is pretty useful for the removal of snow piles during the Winter times, or to clean the path of any dirt piles that may block Link's way.)

        • Horse Call (As its name reveals, this special horseshoe-looking flute calls Epona, the Link's horse! It has similar effects to the Epona's Song for the Ocarina, as seen in Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. however, the flute has been inspired from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and obviously calls your horse in a lot faster basis than that ocarina with its song does! Plus, unlike Ocarina, the flute does not requires any notes to be remembered and played by the player, making it very handy and a time saver! - Cannot be used in dungeons.)

        • Megaton Hammer (An upgrade to the normal Hammer that comes with old Project Zelda Engine, is available now in updated Project Zelda Engine: the legendary Megaton Hammer! What it does: In addition to the effects of the normal Hammer, the Megaton Hammer, not only can stomp with greater force any posts that block your way, which can open up new passages, but also, it can press rusted floor switches the normal Hammer can't! Interestingly, due to its weight, the Megaton Hammer's stomps can shake the ground, causing real land earthquakes. The Megaton Hammer replaces the normal Hammer when it is obtained, in the same way the Power Bracelets are being replaced by their upgrade, the Power Gloves.)

        • Hammer: The Hammer serves many purposes as both a tool and a weapon. In both dungeons and the overworld it can remove obstacles from Link's path, allowing him to pass into otherwise inaccessible areas. As a weapon it is useful in dispatching enemies, however, its very poor range makes it a not so good option to use against several types of enemies.

        • Lantern: This item typically serves the purpose of illuminating dark areas and lighting unlit Torches at the expense of steady consumption of its energy source, in this case Link's Magic Meter until it is completely depleted, whereby the lantern ceases to work.

        • Ocarina: The Ocarina is a wind instrument, often made of clay or wood, played with a whistle mouthpiece. In various cases, Link uses his ocarina to accomplish many tasks by playing certain songs. The Ocarina can be played with the A and yellow C-buttons and it is capable of playing any songs in the game, including songs that are exclusive to flutes or other musical instruments. In Project Zelda Engine, there are over 21 different songs for the ocarina to play with.
          Additional features: The Ocarina's notes on the notebar, will flash and a "successful" sound will be played every time a song was played successfully, notifying the player that he played the song correctly/successfully.
          The Ocarina also, features the "Clear/Reset Notes" key/button. By pressing it, the player resets/clears the notebar of any notes currently on it, letting the player to try again from beginning, on a clear notebar!


        * * * CONTINUE ON NEXT POST * * *
        Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
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        Download it here:
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        • List of Ocarina Songs (21 songs so far!) [spoiler= List of Ocarina Songs]
                  List of Ocarina Songs (21 songs have been added to Project Zelda Engine so far!)
          The Project Zelda Engine has various musical instruments, for which the player can use to learn and play songs! Also, the engine comes with a set of over 21 pre-made songs taken by Nintendo's Legend of Zelda game series for you to play! There are over 21+ ocarina songs to play with your ocarina! Unbelievable? Believe it!

          The list with the 21 Ocarina Songs and what they do (Effects):

          • Zelda's Lullaby:  Activates secret pathways or triggers special events in the game's world!
          • Saria's Song:  Contact with your fairy guardian.
          • Song of Time:  Does nothing at the moment.
          • Song of Storms:  Changes temporarily the weather to a strong storm.
          • Sun's Song:  Changes time of day from Day to Night and vise verse.
          • Epona's Song:  You can now call Epona the Horse and ride it! Note: it doesn't works in dungeons and interiors. Only outdoor.
          • Song of Double Time: Doubles the duration of the Day and Night in-game by slowing the Time Flow's Speed, opposed to the default (but high) Time Flow's Speed. The day in the game's world will become longer, and the same applies for night as well. Play the song again to undo/reverse the changes done to Time Flow's speed. - PENDING CORRECTION. UPDATE PATCH #3: The Song of Time, Song of Double Time and Inverted Song of Time will have their effects re-arranged.
          • Inverted Song of Time: Does nothing at the moment. - PENDING CORRECTION. UPDATE PATCH #3: The Song of Time, Song of Double Time and Inverted Song of Time will have their effects re-arranged.
          • Song of Healing: Does nothing at the moment. But you can use it in your story's plot, i.e. to heal and lift curses from innocent people!
          • Song of Soaring: It registers your current location in the game's world and soars you back to it anytime you play the song again! Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors.
          • Prelude of Light: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Minuet of Forest: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Bolero of Fire: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Serenade of Water: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Nocturne of Shadow: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Requiem of Spirit: Teleportation Song. You can edit the teleportation destination of this song. Note: it doesn't works in dungeons. Only outdoors
          • Sonata of Awakening: Does nothing at the moment.
          • Goron's Lullaby: Does nothing at the moment.
          • New Wave Bossa Nova: Does nothing at the moment.
          • Elegy of Emptiness: Does nothing at the moment. I am thinking to to give this song a similar behavior as it does has in LoZ: Majora's Mask, but it will be difficult... That's why I haven't created the Cane of Somaria as well... It is hard to make those in Project Zelda...
          • Oath to Order: Does nothing at the moment.
        • Customizable and expandable Loot Table [spoiler= Loot Table]
                  Detailed, Customizable and expandable Loot Table for anything!
          The Expanded Loot Table (list of items that can drop as loot for killing monsters, cutting shrubs, or breaking jars, etc!), has been added to Project Zelda Engine, along with the RNG System! The RNG means Random Number Generator and most people may already know what it is. The RNG decides the drop rate % chance of an item. The higher a drop rate is, the more often an item will be dropped for killing the monsters. This, in combination with the expanded Loot Table allows more different items to drop per monster, completely random!
          You can make a single shrub to drop even 10 different items! Or a Monster to drop 20 different items after you kill it! You can adjust their RNG and Loot Table in their respective events.
          Example of RNG and Loot Table: Lets say, we give a shrub the following Loot Table: Green Rupee, Blue Rupee, Yellow Rupee, Red Rupee, Arrow Supply, Bomb Supply, Heart Recovery, Small Fairy, Small Magic Jar, Big Magic Jar, and a Beetle (small bug-like creature that does not hurts Link). And then set the RNG for it: give 25% drop chance for Green Rupee, 10% drop chance for Blue Rupee, 5% drop chance for Yellow Rupee, 2% drop chance for Red Rupee, 2% drop chance for Arrow supply, 1% drop chance for bomb supply, 15% drop drop chance for Heart recovery, 1% drop chance for a Small Fairy, 5% drop chance for Small Magic Jar, 1% drop chance for Big Magic Jar, 1% drop chance for beetle, to be dropped, when the shrub/bush is cut or the monster is killed!
        • Zelda-styled HUD on the game's screen [spoiler= Zelda-styled HUD]
                  Zelda-styled HUD on the game's screen!

          • The rupee/ammo capsThe Project Zelda Engine comes with a Zelda-styled HUD which displays the Rupees and amount of ammo for bow / bombs / etc you have on the game's screen!
            Also, when you reach the maximum amount of Rupees, Bombs, and Arrows you can carry, the numbers in the HUD on the screen turn green! The Green color indicates that you can't hold more of them, unless you get better and bigger bags to hold your rupees and ammo!

          • The Wallet upgradesSeveral Legend of Zelda Games may not allow more than a 3-digit number of rupees to hold! But in Project Zelda Engine, you are allowed to hold up to... 9.999 Rupees! Amazing, heh? You will start the game with a basic but poor Rupee Wallet. Later in the game, by finding upgrades for your Rupee Wallet, the maximum Rupees Link is allowed to hold, will increase! (From the 99 Rupees up to 9.999 Rupees).

          • The Side-Quest Collection Bag: We all remember the Secret Seashells in the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for the Game Boy console, right? These seashells, were the side-quest items of an completely optional Side Quest that was NOT necessary so to complete the main story of the game. The side-quests are here primarily for fun; optional for you to finish, but available anytime, and they grant you nice rewards that can make the whole game a lot easier. The quest items are well hidden all over in the game's overworld and by obtaining all of them, you can unlock special rewards, or stronger weapons, or other features that may help you in your main adventure!
            Similar Side-quests are featured in several Zelda games, such as in the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap for Game Boy Advance console and the quest items here were called (Kinstones. Also in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the side-quest items were called (Golden Skulltulla Coins, coins that you collect by finding the well-hidden cursed spiders who drop the coins as soon as they are defeated).
            A game that needs you to collect special items, is cooler, don't you agree? Heh, that inspired me to added a Quest Item Bag in Project Zelda Engine: Now players can use this Quest Item Bag to collect special quest Items, that you can name them whatever you like: Golden Skulltullas, Special Coins, Hidden Emblems, Secret Seashells[/b], Kinstones, or whatever you like) and you can set that by collecting a X amount of Quest Items, new upgrades, areas, skills, zones, or weapons, or spells, etc, will be unlocked! Or you can even bid the main story's progress to the Quest Item Bag: You can't advance in the game if you don't have collected X Quest Items, etc! Do whatever you want with the Quest Item Bag!

        • Advanced Message System [spoiler= Advanced Message System]
                  Hermes: the Advanced Message System
          The Project Zelda Engine comes with a very advanced and capable Message system, which allows you to create any types and kinds of messages for your Zelda games! From classic-styled messages as seen in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, to modern message boxes as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! Having an advanced message system in your game, allows you to create a brand new experience for the story lovers and... bookworm gamers!
        • Automated Font Installer (Installs the fonts to your PC automatically)
        • More than eight [8] Zelda Fonts to use
        • Music Resume Script [spoiler= Music Resume Script]
                  The Music Resume script allows music management!!
          The Music Resume script allows the game to memorize and resume music from where it has been stopped playing. The Project Zelda Engine now is capable to memorize and play the previous music backgrounds which is very helpful especially if in cutscenes and cinematics!
        • Dark Rooms and Latern [spoiler= Dark Rooms and Latern]
                  The Lantern now lits Dark Rooms!
          A recurring item from the Legend of Zelda game series has been returned in Project Zelda Engine: the Lantern! Do you have trouble seeing your very own nose in a dark room? With the Lantern in your possession, even the darkest dungeon will never be a bother for you, anymore!
        • Door Zoom [spoiler= Door Zoom]
                  The Door Zoom from Link to the Past returns!
          A feature from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has been added to Project Zelda Engine! When Link enters or exits a house/dungeon, the camera will "zoom" to him!
        • Tileset Swap Script [spoiler= Tileset Swap Script]
                  Make a map to change tilesets temporarily or permanently, while playing!
          Don't you like seeing your actions affecting a region or a map? Don't you find that the player's positive actions such as killing an evil villain (who cursed and withered a forest), to cause the forest to be restored back to its former healthy status, etc to be a very immerse experience? The Project Zelda Engine, thanks to the Tileset Swap Script, allows you to change a map's tileset permanently or temporarily with the use of events! Now you are able to notice immediate changes to the map such as climate and season changes, flora/appearance changes, and more!

                * * * DOWNLOAD  LINKS * * *
        The updated Project Zelda Engine (aka Starter Zelda Kit), due to having a lot better quality of pictures, and also better audio format, has a bigger file size (about 115MB). It can be downloaded from:

            OLDER VERSIONS:

                    Technical Support and Credits

            • Technical Support [spoiler= Technical Support]
                      Technical Support
              Don't feel hesitate to report to us any issues you may find in the Project Zelda Engine (you never know what will happen), so I can fix them.
              Give me details (the specific location/map where the bug occurs - the nature of the bug, and under which conditions the bug happened in your game. The more info you give us as possible, the better! . We are here to help you!
            • Credits [spoiler= View Credits]
              We are very glad to update the "Project Zelda Engine - the Zelda Starter Kit" for the gaming community to finally have its opportunity to create their own personal Zelda games, tthat can be used for personal entertainment and for nostalgic purposes, and let the Zelda fans have a complete game-making tool to play with, in their free time! We, the Project Zelda Engine's Development team, claim no credits over the "Project Zelda Engine - the Zelda Starter Kit" besides the community's work on it and material/spiritual contribution to it, which belongs to their corresponding creators. The titles and trademarks, however, belong to their respective companies and authors: All the credits for the creation and original development of the "Project Zelda Engine - The Zelda Starter Kit" go to Mastermind, and his developing team. All the credits for the RPG Maker XP go to Enterbrain which has all the rights for it reserved. And all the credits for the Legend of Zelda go to Nintendo Co., Ltd. (The name "Zelda", of course, is not a protected name, because it existed long before the birth of the game of same name. But the Zelda game's logo, characters, story, music, graphics, etc, all belong to Nintendo and only. The ideas of the Zelda games are protected as well. Its an "Intellectual property" of Nintendo which has all the rights reserved.). And, last, all the extra  sprites, graphics or sound files that are from the net, are credited to their creators / authors. If someone would like to see his name listed in the credits list, for the contribution of his materials to the Project Zelda Engine, please, feel free to give me a notification and I will gladly add your credits as soon as possible!
              And about the current Project Zelda Engine's developing team, we really don't want any credits at all, besides our own work and contribution to it, such as the scripts and graphics we make for it which are credited to us.
            • Disclaimer [spoiler= View Disclaimer]
              The Zelda Starter Kit is not available for commercial use. If someone makes a working game of which the development is based on "Project Zelda Engine - The Zelda Starter Kit", and releases/sells their work then they are the one(s) held responsible. We are not responsible for what the other gamers do with their finished content, and shall we remind that the "Project Zelda Engine - The Zelda Starter Kit" will always and only remains free and available for personal use, and it is always intended to be an engine created for personal entertainment and for nostalgic purposes. Nothing else. It could not be treated as a product for public distribution and/or paysites. All rights for the Zelda titles, Zelda trademarks and Zelda content, etc, are reserved by/belong to Nintendo, whilst all the rights for the RPG Maker XP are reserved by/belong to Enterbrain.
                    Gallery of Project Zelda Engine

            • Pictures Gallery [spoiler= View Gallery]
                      Pictures Gallery of the Project Zelda Engine
              Link riding Epona the Horse

              The Item Menu (still in development)

              Using the the Rod of Seasons to call Autumn (Fall)

              Using the the Rod of Seasons to call Winter

              Using the the Rod of Seasons to call Spring

              Using the the Rod of Seasons to call Summer

              Link using the Shovel

              Link using the Lens of Truth

              Link using the Ice Rod on shrubs

              Link opening the Book of Mudora

              Link playing Sun's Song with his Ocarina

              Link holding a bomb

              Link dashing with Pegasus Boots

              Link examining the Mysterious Mushroom he found

              A nice set of maps that can inspire you to create your own world. You may find familiar some of the maps below, as they are inspired or influenced by certain Zelda games.
              House Interiors, as seen in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

              The Hyrule Castle as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

              The Temple of Time as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Just the building)

              The Kakariko Village as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

              The Kakariko Village, as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

              The Kakariko Graveyard as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

              The Kokiri Forest as seen in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            Song of Double Time: Doubles the duration of the Day and Night in-game by slowing the Time Flow's Speed, opposed to the default (but high) Time Flow's Speed. The day in the game's world will become longer, and the same applies for night as well. Play the song again to undo/reverse the changes done to Time Flow's speed.

            song of double time is used to ADVANCE time; inverted song of time SLOWS time in Majora's Mask. just saying.

            otherwise this is really awesome.


            Quote from: Strike Reyhi on February 17, 2011, 10:19:54 PM
            Song of Double Time: Doubles the duration of the Day and Night in-game by slowing the Time Flow's Speed, opposed to the default (but high) Time Flow's Speed. The day in the game's world will become longer, and the same applies for night as well. Play the song again to undo/reverse the changes done to Time Flow's speed.

            song of double time is used to ADVANCE time; inverted song of time SLOWS time in Majora's Mask. just saying.

            otherwise this is really awesome.

            Hehe, thanks! :D I had the Inverted Song of Time to allow Travel back in Time (To past), while the Song of Time will travel foward in time (Future). How do you find this?

            EDIT: the logic behind this is that the Past age is somehow the "inverted way", the "back" road, while the future is the "normal way", in front of you. Thats why we have a Song that goes foward (Song of Time), thus traveling in Future Time, and by playing the same song backwards/inverted, allows you the backwards/inverted travel (travel to Past Time) :)

            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            I'd have the song of time for travel to the past and have double time for forward then inverted for slow time. in keeping with the established uses in majora's mask but that's just me.


            Well yeah, because "double time" means to speed up, so unless you want to confuse everyone, I would keep it that way.


            Quote from: Strike Reyhi on February 17, 2011, 11:04:47 PM
            I'd have the song of time for travel to the past and have double time for forward then inverted for slow time. in keeping with the established uses in majora's mask but that's just me.

            Oh wait. I think you are right. OK I am gonna change it.

            Thank you so much for your suggestions. You are always welcomed my friends!

            By the way how can add a picture/avatar to my profile? I am lost in those new forums.

            EDIT: corrected grammar - found also how to add picture to avatar.
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            Quote from: Goolkeye on February 17, 2011, 11:09:59 PM
            Well yeah, because "double time" means to speed up, so unless you want to confuse everyone, I would keep it that way.

            Sure. I will gladly fix this. Thats easy. It will be fixed with the upcoming Update Patch 3: The Song of Time, Inverted Song of Time and Double Song of Time will have their effects re-arranged, to match their roles as in the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for Nintendo 64 platform.


            EDIT: I updated the first Post about the additional changes the Update Patch 3 will provide to Project Zelda Engine

            EDIT 2: All the thumbnails and all the images of the main posts are updated. Now you can click them for zoom.  8)
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            I love you.
            Zelda fan game makers everywhere will want to have your babies.
            This has made me want to make one just from looking at this. How long did it take you, man?
            it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


            Quote from: Welfare-Daddy Pacman on February 18, 2011, 05:39:26 AM
            I love you.
            Zelda fan game makers everywhere will want to have your babies.
            This has made me want to make one just from looking at this. You long did it take you, man?

            Actually, 3 years. I also often co-operate with several scripters who work around in and sites. Our goal is to make a good tool even better. Thats why we keep updating it.

            EDIT: I successfully re-arranged the Songs. I am very glad the guys over here remind me how it worked in Majora's Mask. The re-arranged songs will come with the Update Patch 3.   ;)

            Awwww... I miss that game so much  :(  Too bad it cannot be played on PCs
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


             :police:  The info about UP #3, in the first post, has been updated to include new changes!  :police:

            • Faster Title Screen! Now, when you start the game, the animated Intro with the triforce, that plays in the game's Main Title Screen, will load much faster than before and now it will be shown almost instantly! (before the Patch, the Title Screen was terribly slow - often took about 5-10 seconds to load! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
            • Better File Display Screen! Now, when you go to the File Display Screen (which is after the Title screen), to start or load your game, the new functions will be implemented to it, such as Copy a Save Game, or Delete a Save Game. In addition, the File Display screen will have the lags fixed. With no lags, now it will run alot faster than before! (before the Patch, the File Display Screen was terribly slow - often lagged a lot! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
            • Optimized Weapons and Items, Optimized Inventory Menu! Now, all the weapons, items and the way the Inventory Menu work, will change. They will receive revamps and will be optimized to work with system entries and scripts instead of so many switches and variables! (before the Patch, the Inventory Menu and its weapons were terribly slow due to the usage of so many switches and variables, that, as result, slows down the game! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
            • Revamped HUD! Now, when you pick up money, health recovery, arrow or bomb supplies, they will be calculated much faster than before, using scripts instead of switches and variables, and therefore, it will no longer cause lags! (before the Patch, HUD was terribly laggy every time it was called to calculate a rupee or bomb/arrow supply we pick up from treasure chests, shrubs, monsters, etc! The Update Patch 3 comes to correct this!)
            • Optimized Message Script! Now, the Message script will get several optimizations and will change a bit the way it functions, with the primary goal to run faster! The way the fonts and their font effects such as drop shadows work, will be optimized! For example, when the player holds down the button to skip the message, the text will appear much faster than before!

            Due to the additional features I listed here, the release date of Update Patch 3 will be delayed and is planned for May 2011. I am sorry and I thank you for your patience, as our priority is to implement the changes to Project Zelda Engine and ensure that you will get an ever better game Engine than before!

            Credits to Derula and Night_Runner for their scripting support to make Project Zelda Engine an ever better tool for the gamers!  ^-^

            With love, SilentResident
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            As per the request of the OP, I've moved this out of New Projects. He/She was correct, in that it really didn't belong there, as this is more of a tool than a project. I put it here because it seemed the most logical place. If there are any objections to this, that's cool. If either the OP or another mod feels it should be somewhere different, I'd totally understand. I don't frequent the RM parts of the boards often. Also, I feel that this deserves a sticky, so I'm giving it one.


            Quote from: Goolkeye on February 20, 2011, 01:36:53 AM
            As per the request of the OP, I've moved this out of New Projects. He/She was correct, in that it really didn't belong there, as this is more of a tool than a project. I put it here because it seemed the most logical place. If there are any objections to this, that's cool. If either the OP or another mod feels it should be somewhere different, I'd totally understand. I don't frequent the RM parts of the boards often. Also, I feel that this deserves a sticky, so I'm giving it one.

            Dear Goolkeye, we thank you very much for moving it to the resources forum, as we think this tool not only offers the gamers the ability to create Zelda games, but also contains a big library of resources (images, tilesets, sound files) for the Legend of Zelda fan-made games to come, and that's why the File size of the Project Zelda Engine is more than 120 MB to download.

            Just in case someone is interested, and/or has account to other similar websites as well, the Project Zelda Engine also can be found with its own sticky post in the "Game Engines" category of RPGRevolution forums (thanks again to the moderators for their support).

            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            Please don't advertise other websites outside of the poster board. Also, why link to this same thing on another site? Come on, now.


            Quote from: Goolkeye on February 20, 2011, 02:46:06 AM
            Please don't advertise other websites outside of the poster board. Also, why link to this same thing on another site? Come on, now.

            Oh I see the point. Im sorry. Just though in case someone wants to find more info, as this link includes the videos to youtube, the links to get zelda-like Script demos (posted by other players)  from where we loaded the scripts to Project Zelda Engine.

            EDIT: Ok, I will copy/paste post the videos here:

            Ok, here are the videos of what more we are planning to Project Zelda Engine in the very near future:

            The new File Display script, the new HUD Script can be seen here: (Post by a friend of mine)
            NOTE: the videos highlight what features have yet to be added to the Engine (80% of them will be added with the Update Patch #3, but also, what the engine lacks from the official Zelda games and where it has managed to get a convergence (if compared).


            the bombs do work, had to hit space, I thought it was the S button again, Pegasus boots also work just by pressing S once

            Here's the new game / load system in action


            I figured I throw in a preview of whats to come with the new Zelda Hud as well.


            If you know any scripts that we may add to Project Zelda Engine, dear guys, please let us know! Its always for good!  ^-^

            EDIT 2: Oups, I updated now the links to youtube, had to remove the [ url] commands.

            NOTE: the existing old scripts of Project Zelda Engine, will not be entirely deleted. They will be turned into read-only text saved in the Scripts Editor of the Project Zelda, for future gamers to be able to find them in case they need older scripts.
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            tags to put youtube videos in. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it.
            @Holk: I wouldn't really call that advertising another site, more of a way of seeing more of and advertising this thing we're already looking at, and seeing other people's feedback. I know what you were saying and I'm sure you considered this, but it's just my opinion.
            it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


            "Advertising" when it applies to this site, is posting links to something that could possibly usurp traffic from RMRK. For example, posting links to another RM website. I've been here a while, son.


            Ah. I concede. My thoughts don't really conflict from yours, but they do differ. But, you are indeed the wiser one in this and indefinitely all situations. Carry on then.

            The updates look really nice, btw. Great stuff.
            it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


            @ Goolkeye
            @ Welfare-Daddy Pacman

            Hehe, no worries my dear friends, its ok.  :)

            EDIT: some good news! I figured it wouldn't hurt to keep the people informed about our progress with the Update Patch:  ^-^

            :police: Additional bug fixes to come with the Update Patch #3!  :police:

            • The Pegasus Boots (Item) will not longer "ghostwalk" though closed doors.
            • The Bombs (Weapon) will now also have the "S" key mapped for the Bomb Placement function.
            • The wild grass is not no longer "cut able" with the Normal Hammer. Only the Megaton Hammer can destroy it.
            • Fixed Ocarina bug, where you are playing a song you haven't learned yet, (have all the notes of the song on the notebar), then press cancel, and the song is played as "successful" as if no matter if you haven't learned to play the song!
            • Pegasus Boots: turned off a forgotten "Through = ON" command for when leaving the current map to go to another map by dashing with the Pegasus Boots, causing Link to ghost-walk through all the buildings and stuff.
            • Updated all the white small rocks to include to them the missing auto-self switches B and C to the "Reset Enemies/Events" pages. This is vital for the respawn of the rocks every time the player enters the map.
            Have a good time!
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:


            Hello everyone! Soon, the Update Patch 3 is coming! I am so excited to announce you some very good news, regarding the Hermes script and its author, Derula!

            :police: Excellent news about the Update Patch #3!  :police:
            The old version Hermes 0.3 Message Script for Project Zelda Engine has been updated to the recently-released version 0.4! The new Hermes 0.4 will be introduced to Project Zelda Engine with the Update Patch #3!
            The Hermes Message Script 0.4 has as been greatly improved, revamped and optimized, and it has become an extremely fast script that no longer affects the Engine's performance! (Sadly, Hermes 0.3 caused major slowdowns to Project Zelda Engine, as it has been reported by players. But we finally dealt with this issue!) Hermes 0.3 allows the Project Zelda Engine to run as fast as a vanilla unmodified RPG Maker XP game! A lot faster than you can imagine, and I even personally became ecstatic with the framerate/performance increases with the new script! Hermes 0.4 offers you a complete tool set for creating your most unique conversations in your game! Hermes 0.4 includes a brand new features, commands and functions of which more details can be found at:
            Thanks to our dear scripter Derula, Hermes 0.4 fixes several issues and game slowdowns experienced with Hermes 0.3, due to a bug in the RGSS (a very stupid bug  >:( ).
            Now, the message-reading, in the Legend of Zelda games, is a brand new experience!

            A sample picture of Hermes features the Zelda gamers will be able to enjoy in Project Zelda - Update Patch 3, and use to their games:

            Hermes 0.3 was really a slow script, which had impact to the general performance of Project Zelda Engine.

            List of all the issues/slowdowns caused by old Hermes 0.3 to Project Zelda Engine, due to a bug in RGSS:

            • Script is Hanging Error as soon as the Project Zelda Engine's game starts.
            • Slow message boxes.
            • Lags and major frame-rate hits in the Credits and the File Display Menu Screens.
            • Slowdown of Project Zelda Engine in general (slight frame-rate hits during the normal gameplay)
            Credits to Derula for all the help he gave to help us install his script to Project Zelda Engine!

            EDIT: And I am apologizing to the gamers for the game slowdowns and "Script is Hanging" errors they experience prior to patch #3! With Update 3# say goodbye to them!
            Create, Share and Play your own Zelda 2D games with the Updated Project Zelda Engine!
            The official website here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:
            Download it here:



            Can you believe that there isn't one : O
            in any case, once i've picked said jaw of the floor

            great job!


            This is an amazing looking project, and it's a crime that it's topic doesn't have more posts. Keep up the excellent work.


            I'd like to take the time to introduce, myself, I am one of the people that had recently helped Silentresident Get the new hud and Load system updated, I give him ideas, then if he agrees he tries to have it implemented, at this time I am working on creating working maps of many of the places seen in ALTTP.
            Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustable well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that is so deeply part of your being that you, that you can't even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.


            I'm kinda new here, so how do you give rep? I want to give rep to Silentresident, his continued efforts has made an awesome continued project that would have otherwise died.
            Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustable well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that is so deeply part of your being that you, that you can't even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.


            I was thinking if you wanted to, of making it's own website for project zelda, you could if you wanted to buy a domain, but make sure it has php support, a control panel, mysql, and has FTP support as well, or you could go with a free domain such as orange serve, but it would have a name such as, but you can use dot tk to make it Mydomain.TK
            Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustable well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that is so deeply part of your being that you, that you can't even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.