One of the features available to the RMRK community is an IRC channel, #crankeye - a chat. It's a great way to get to know other members better and make new friends.
Although IRC can be considered an extension of the forums, the rules are slightly different and are important to keep in mind.
2. No Flaming - Flaming is sending messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting.
-It's recommended that everything said in IRC should be taken with a grain of salt. Most regular visitors know each other well enough that if another regular visitor says something that might normally be taken as insulting, it is usually taken as a joke. New users might find it to be a little disconcerting, but regular visitors in IRC are often good friends and enjoy the occasional "rib
bing" - because they are familiar enough with one another.
-If you do not know a person very well, it is generally not wise to do any name-calling or insulting. If other members see you as being excessively rude or hostile toward themselves or any other, you will be subject to a ban, length depending on the severity of your actions, even if you consider yourself to only be "teasing" another member, or "making a joke."
-Acting mature and keeping your cool is the best way to get along with everyone. If you keep your cool and the other guy freaks out it makes you look 100 times more mature.
3. No drama - Please, I think this one is self-explanatory. If you have a personal problem with another member, take it outside the public channel and into PMs.
-Causing a lot of drama in #crankeye can result in a ban, length depending on the severity of your actions.
4. No S.P.A.M. - Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages
-It's okay to repeat something occasionally. Repetition can be used responsibly and humorously in some cases.
-If the repetition of a certain thing is perceived by other members as being excessively irritating, insulting, or generally irrelevant, you will be subject to a ban, length depending on the severity of your actions.
5. Other things that are important to keep in mind -
-The frequent visitors of the channel are 18+. - Discussion frequently ranges from a a rating of G to R (and sometimes XXX).
-If you have a weak stomach or consider yourself to be more reserved, you might find #crankeye to be a little revolting or ex(xx)treme. Just a warning.
-Length of a ban is all subject to the severity of your actions, and will definitely not be lifted if you harass the person you were banned by. You can always PM any of the ops of the channel if you disagree with your ban, but that does not by any means imply that it will be lifted immediately, soon, or at all.A list of ops and half-ops are as follows:Roph (admin)
Anski (op)
Arrow (op)
Djang (hop)
Strike_Reyhi (hop)
Yeyinde (hop)
That's really all it takes, folks. I know this is a little tl;dr, but it's all good advice and important to remember.
Hope to see you on #crankeye