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Lavot Story (XP)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior

Well, I'm going to attempt to make a side scroller/platformer game. The only problem i have is with maps, some are hard to make linear, so if anybody can help me out with that then pm me. About the fighting system, I'm using XAS ABS because the enemies are more cuztomizable than any other abs i know on any other maker, witch helps alot in a platformer game.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsOvO9c8CL8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsOvO9c8CL8</a>

Back Story

In 2004 a scientist tried to make "fake" humans. All his creations were terribly flawed until 2008. That year he successfully created an unnamed human. Later, the scientist named him GEMINI DRN - 001, Gemini for short. About a year later, ARIES DRN - 002 (Aries for short) was created by the same scientist. The two were meant to just be housekeepers for the scientist, until a tragic outbreak occurred. An unknown infection had spread across Carmina Gadelica (Their home town). It caused deaths of many citizens, until they accused the scientist. His robots caused this unknown infection. The people formed a mob and tried to destroy the two creations, but they went berserk and wiped out the entire mob. The survivors evacuated that part of Carmina Gadelica, locking Gemini and Aries away in what is now called the "slums".

Characters (So far)

Age: 16
Gender: Male

The main character of the game. He uses a small gun to fight. He can use Model X, an adapter to his gun and use an even stronger gun.
Weapon: Unnamed Gun, Copy X(He gets copy X at a certain part of the game)
Special Attack: Valis


Akira is Cruz's friend, she uses a small gun like Cruz. She accompanies Cruz while they fight to kill Gemini and Aries
Weapon: Wave Burner
Special Attack: Nova Strike


Akira's friend. She thinks he's the smartest person she knows and that causes him to treat Akira and Cruz like there dumb.
Weapon: Zero Buster
Special Attack: Devil Ray


Giro is Cruz's best friend. like anyone else, he uses a gun in battle, but has the power to transform into Model Z, which uses a sword.
Weapon: Model A
Special Attack: Magma Bazooka



For the Demo, Click Here

*Please note that the size of the actual game will be larger than that of the demo*
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 11:58:05 PM by Shikkaru »

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
Stories not so good, try making it a bit longer. Add a description of who you are and what happens. Also add some more BBCode, make the thread look attractive.

Dream: >Demo: V-1.1< >Game: 8%<
Spoiler for:
I can toast people..

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
Oki, well, thats only the part that happened b4 the game starts, i tried my best to not make it like a game guide.

EDIT: Also its not all the way done, i barely started, so thats why its so short.

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
I'll jazz up the BBCode for you, if you like you can use it by quoting my and copying anything past here:
(I'll put it on this post using edit in ten minutes)


Spoiler for:
Okay, so this is one of my many attempts to make a game, So it might just go dead all together. Im not so epic with rpg maker, especailly XP, but im using it because of the better scripting possibilites it has over VX.


Spoiler for:
Well, I'm going to attempt to make a side scroller/platformer game. The only problem i have is with maps, some are hard to make linear, so if anybody can help me out with that then pm me. About the fighting system, I'm using XAS ABS because the enemies are more cuztomizable than any other abs i know on any other maker, witch helps alot in a platformer game.


Spoiler for:

In the year 2004 A.D on the planet Lavot, the world was saved from a threat named Judas, along with his guardian, Hashmal. Unfortunatly, Judas knew that he wouldn't live forever, so when he died he created five beasts from the powers of him and Hashmal combined. So 8 years later, in 2012 A.D, the five monsters came together and destroyed the entire city of Mac Anu to take revenge on those who killed Judas 8 years ago.

So days after Mac Anu was destroyed, Cruz was still in the city, so he attempts to escape. He then finds a dead end where he sees a strange monster. He tries to escape it but he finds himself trapped, so the monster attacked him, causing Cruz to lose consciousness and also get infected with Bio disease. Not knowing about his infection, he wakes up in Mac Anu, near the teleport gate, where he was attacked. So he teleports back to Carmina Gadelica, and this is where the game begins.

Spoiler for:

Age: 16
Gender: Male



Spoiler for:
Well, theres not much to this because I just started and posted this early, but I'll make sure that i add screenshots and more characters, along with more information.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 08:36:13 PM by Toast »

Dream: >Demo: V-1.1< >Game: 8%<
Spoiler for:
I can toast people..

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
:D Thanx! this will make the whole post look better ^-^

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
Okay fixed it all, put that on.

Dream: >Demo: V-1.1< >Game: 8%<
Spoiler for:
I can toast people..

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
Wow, i updated everything! Now u can call it a game based on the gameplay. Plz give commentary and point out flaws that I can fix

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
story edit, plz comment

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
RMRK Junior
Added a demo, plz play it