I'm planning on making a project
And here are some of the details about the game.
Sorry for the lack of screenshots.
Story:The world is in mortal peril. Lady Juni, a mysterious girl from a place called Gaia, has been sent to gain the aid of the 'great one' Travis in hopes of finding the Nexus gate and protecting the planet from the Evil Esper known as 'Dias', who is planning to reduce the Earth to nothing but ashes. Unfortunately Travis wants no part of it, and finds that the Nexus will much harder to find than she anticipated. But are her intentions really just?
World:EarthThe game takes place in a fictional version of the Earth. Where everyday life goes on but the planet is plagued with dangerous monsters because of Dias' influence. These monsters can range from trash cans to Robots.
The Story revolves around these ten Regions
ResvilleA small region mostly made up of forests and plains. This is Travis's home town and where the game starts. (It has a lot in common with where I'm from)
CrysilThis region is larger than Resville and a lot colder. This city is nicknamed Ice city or Cold Valley. Most of the residents here live near the city than the outskirts.
SandustAn arid and hot region surrounded by, just as its name says, sand and dust. Monsters are abundant in this area and tend to appear in the city every now and then.
StarliteThis area has an Massive city surrounded by a large gate and small trees. A monster has never been seen around Starlite.
TerronA rocky area with a small village atop a mountain and a small town below. People visit the village rarely by foot but instead they take a plane up to the top.
YurikoThis area is based off of Tokyo and Chinatown and It contains large buildings and Skyscrapers. Many people live in this region.
SoladadA sunny tropical region where many people go for their vacations and few go for anything else. There is also an annual parade held there.
MystecA mysterious place that's not located on any map or for that be found easily.
MericaAnother large urban area which looks a lot like a big city in the US.
CharactersTravis (You can name him in the game)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: Travis is an all around procrastinator and rarely gets things people tell him to do done. He spends most of his time playing his guitar or eating. Travis is a latent psychokinetic and has no clue about it.
Mike Ferner
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Bio: Mike is basically an old tough guy. He loves to fight but knows when to run away from a battle. Mike has no Psychic power what so ever but to make up for that he is incredibly good at boxing
Age: 17
Bio: A mysterious girl from the land of Gaia. Juni is a thinker but her plans usually tend to fail but she manages to pull through.
Sam Tomson
Bio: Sam is a tomboy through and through, she loves to play baseball and she's considered a delinquent at school. She's friends with Travis plays with him in a band they called Psycho. Sam is fully aware of her Psychic powers and has learned how to use them but she hasn't told Travis about them yet
Mitsu Haragi
Age: 20
Bio:Mitsu is a boy from Yuriko and he can be considered as a hothead since it's easy to tick him off, even with the smallest insult. Mitsu has no Pyschic ability but he is able to compensate for it with his sword skill
Herald Fredricks
Bio: Herald is son of Gerald Fredricks a world renowned scientist/inventor, who is one of the smartest men on earth. Herald plans to not only rival his father but exceed him. Herald knows full and well about his psychic powers but he usually doesn't use them.
some FeaturesCaterpillar System
Neo Rebirth System
Yanfly Battle Melody