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Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Do the dew. Seriously.
Hello all, I just recently began to tinker around with RM2k3 with a friend of mine, and I was wondering, could we get any tips or maybe important information? I've already snooped around, saw some basic tut's, and also, how do I add additional charasets to my game? Thanks.


*First sig I've done in months.*

Level 83
Contestant - GIAW 9
hi, for the most part no one will tell you anything unless you come up with a problem. it's best to search the net/google everything you need. as for information, your best bet is to read more tuts and go in to the trouble shooting section. there you will find the most common problems found with rm2k3.

some hints

1) you need to import every thing using rm2k3 if you just drag and drop stuff to the project folder it wont show up in the maker

2) for char sets and chip sets titles and everything. you need to import these using the maker, you need to have a certin size and color res for the maker to say it's okay to import. usually if you go around looking for resources under rm2k3 type sections of sites they will already be in the format you need.

3)make a test game. no point in making a full blown out game at this point if you don't understand the basic stuff. short simple games are best for just understanding things like switches vars and conditional branches.

i'll be on here now and then if you have questions that can't be easily answered by a tut or something that has been posted on the forum. however, make sure you search for it. if you ask something like. "how do i use switches" then it's more than likely you either get a rude comment or people will not give you the time a day.

Who said i was Wack?

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Do the dew. Seriously.
Thanks a bunch. :)

*First sig I've done in months.*

Level 85
I am the wood of my broom
2010 Project of the YearProject of the Month winner for January 2009Project of the Month winner for January 2010Project of the Month winner for April 2010
Accctuaaallyyy you can drag and drop down things in your rm2k3 project folder (I do it all the time) as long as they have the correct color depth and the transparency can be set in irfanview :3

if you need more stuff for your game:
That site will help you. A LOT