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RPG Maker VX?

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Level 86
I paid for the Jap version and got a english Translatore from a friend  :D but at least I paid

Level 97
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The website was updated with a materials section, but all that really contains is stuff that we've known for months from translation. The official english version is still not released.

Level 86
Its been released, and to be honest, its crap...

no freedom to personalise a map, like XP had... and the sprites are gay...
the mapping side of it is very poor.

I messed around with it, and the whole system is very similar to XP, if anything, they've made it worse... like they took a step backwards...

...I'm very dissapointed.
I'm not just going to hell...I'm taking over the management.

Level 86
I have been using it and personally I like it a few things are annoying but I like it...(mostly cuz it is compatible with Vista)   :)

Level 88
To be honest, i don't think I like their battle system that much aside from the fact that the animation was like 10 times better. I just wish they put graphics of your OWN character in their as well, not just stats only. =[

Level 85
Thats funny i didn't have to wait. I already have the trial version english rpg maker vx. Its all good. I like it alot. Enterbrain did a good job with the program. See the thing is that the battle sistem is the same as rpg maker 2000. Its only has the dragon warrior battle system. What you have to do is copy and past the rpg maker 2003 battle system scripted into rpg maker vx in your rpg maker vx project. But it is that simple and easy to do. I have never figure it out yet. I have been experamenting with the programs.
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