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Creative thinking, 2012 End of Man, or just the begining ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012 ?...

Simple... A few reasons.

Reason 1
The Milkyway in 2012 would not be viewable from the country of origin of the Mayan civilization... They based much of the zodiac and stories of the Gods on the stars they could see, they could also see the stars dropping year on year, their cycle and counting system would effectively be gone in 2012.

Reason 2
The Mayan's used to play a game similar to football, they had a long stretch of wall and Dead center a Ring sticking out, the Wall represents the Milkyway, the Centre ring (The Goal) and the ball the Sun... Once a Mayan person scored by placing the ball through the ring he was then chosen as a sacrifice to the Gods... The Game shows that the Mayan's think when the Sun reaches the centre most point of the Milkyway we all will be taken by the Gods... The End of Man kind.

Reason 3
As depicted in many of their arts, the transition of life and death of man are both related and have a time period.

Extending from Pacal’s umbilicus is a representation of the Sacred Tree, also known as the Tree of Life.  Resting at the top of this tree is a quetzal bird which symbolizes the spirit world as well as the origin of the Universe... But either side of the umbilicus shows heaven and hell like creatures, and the umbilicus goes up, then comes back down, showing a cycle... Both the life and death are linked... and tied to the Sun.

OFF TOPIC---- But kind of related-----

In 2012 NASA state the Sun will swap poles again... Some say the Earth may also...

Another thing being looked at is Planet X may come into close orbit... The Sumerian refer to this planet as Nibiru and the race of people there called the Anunnaki, and it's those people depicted by the Sumerian's as the creatures that put man on this Earth... Not many like this idea, and it's regarded as complete nonsense.

But I like nonsense... So I have looked into it... ALL Primates have 2 Cromosones more than us Humans... There is no way we evolved from Primates so where did we come from ?...

Most of their images depict creatures on board crafts:-

Is it so far fetched that we had been genetically engineered by Aliens ?... When comparing this theory to Evolution, a theory, that basis it's self on creatures changing and adapting, I don't really see that... I mean men still have nipples... God creating us is just as plausible to me as an alien race doing so...

-----Back on Topic------

You can find loads of scare mongering sites all over the NET on this subject:- http://www.exodus2006.com/2012.htm

Truth is nobody really knows for sure what’s to happen... Scientists have set up a Computer model of what effects 2012 and the Sun's Alignment may do to the Earth's own Poles.
(The Worst case scenario) - Computer Model
The Poles Swap, North becomes South and south becomes North, MASSIVE storms and world change, very little chance of any one surviving.

(The in-between case scenario) - Computer Model
When that happens the world will stop revolving for 3 days and the shift will then occur placing The middle East as the north pole (Earth on it's side), there will be Magnetic storms, massive waves, 300mph winds... Pure Chaos.

(In best case scenario) - Computer Model
The Earth's poles do shift, causing major magnetic changes that will cause massive global changes resulting in mass floods and storms, but the poles stay fixed as the North and South Poles as we know it.

On a Positive Note
Some theorists are saying the next evolutionary change will occur to man in 2012 and after turning us from 3 Dimensional creatures into 5 dimensional creatures creating Homo spiritus... very much like the old TV show The Tomorrow People, or the Jedi in Star wars... Some even think we may become energy based...

My opinion
Only time can tell, and until then, I am going to go about my daily activities and act as a puppet for the powers that be !!... I am not going to see any of this as truth until it happens or as it happens... Yet around us the globe is changing and the weather is already getting a little freaky, so much so it has got me think has the above already started ?... Is the truth now...?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 09:42:45 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
This doesn't belong here regardless of the "creative thinking" in it. It belongs in ED, the Sewers, or General.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 07:49:23 AM by Saladin »

Level 91
I am nolonger going to post in ID... I resign from the area...

I wont force you to keep your word, but I recommend it.

Edit: If the author will not continue to post in his own thread and defend his ideas, I will lock it.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 08:26:08 AM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
There is no way we evolved from Primates so where did we come from ?...

Not only did we evolve from primates, we are primates! The relation to our cousins is undeniable.

Is it so far fetched that we had been genetically engineered by Aliens ?... When comparing this theory to Evolution, a theory, that basis it's self on creatures changing and adapting, I don't really see that... I mean men still have nipples... God creating us is just as plausible to me as an alien race doing so...

Will you let go of this "men have nipples" thing already? That has nothing to do with evolution. All fetuses start out female, and only later do some become male. Nipples are just a vestigial remnant of that stage on our development, that's all.

You can find loads of scare mongering sites all over the NET on this subject:- http://www.exodus2006.com/2012.htm

Truth is nobody really knows for sure what’s to happen... Scientists have set up a Computer model of what effects 2012 and the Sun's Alignment may do to the Earth's own Poles.
(The Worst case scenario)
(The in-between case scenario)
(In best case scenario)

"Scaremongering" is right. The Sun flipping its magnetic pole wouldn't affect the Earth at all, or else our civilization would have been  destroyed in 2001.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I have only asked two questions...

Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012 ?...
2012 End of Man, or just the beginning ?

Your answering things I have not asked...

Spoiler for:
But I will try and answer...

The relation to our cousins is undeniable.

So how have we LOST two cromosones from that of our suspected cousins... That's a fair amount of DNA... And it does differ more than ALL other creatures when following the line of evolution... Like say the Wolly Mamuth compared to the elephant, they have same cromosone structure... You can do this with every animal, apart from Man... We have Two Cromosones less than any primate... This just doesn't happen naturally, it's like we have been genetically altered.

Evolution of Man - I think we have Evloved a little, but I would say to loose two comosones to evolution is impossible without some sort of intervention, I do follow evolution as a working theory but I think it works on a smaller cycle than people are giving it credit for...

Most species of Primates if you shave an area are as White as white can get... So going by Evolution, if it did work in the case of man, the first Man was White, but all primates Eyes are brown...?

Why would evolution be so kind to grant us differenty coloured eyes... What's the Natural condition that governs eye colour...?

wouldn't affect the Earth at all

Look up Sun Spots and Solar flares... And the effects of those we could still be feeling now... And it's more of the Suns Alignment to the centre of the Milky way that's going cause the magnetic poles to shift... By how much isn't known as yet, but a few computer models given the maths to work from came up with some scary results... But like I said people like scary, and this could all be blown out of proportion... But then that brings me back to the first question:- 2012 End of Man, or just the beginning ?

When I say the beginning I mean, will the magnetic shift cause us to get Jedi like powers ?... Will we become 5 dimensional spiritual creatures...?

All the above is speculation and partly guess work from all those that have theorised the out come of a major pole shift...

Myself... I don't know what will happen... I remember they said the world will end in 2006 or the 2000 computer bug (Date wise) would cause major issues, neither happend... So I very much doubt any thing will happen when the Sun reaches centre point of the Milky way... And 2012 20th 12 month is just pure coincidence.

It's like the 06th of the 6th month 2006 people said the devil would make him self known... He didn't !!

I know some thing though, it would make a Wicked film... Hence why I placed this as Creative thinking, rather than raise it as a debate.

But if you want to debate it, try looking more into the year 2012, the Mayan Calendar, the Sumerian "mythology"... It's interesting to say the least.

And try answering questions based around 2012 and what you think may or may not happen with reasons why...
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 10:11:43 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
I have only asked one question...

Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012 ?...

Your first explanation seems like the most likely one.

Your answering things I have not asked...

I was compelled to refute some claims you made.

Look up Sun Spots and Solar flares... And the effects of those we could still be feeling now... And it's more of the Suns Alignment to the centre of the Milky way that's going cause the magnetic poles to shift... By how much isn't known as yet, but a few computer models given the maths to work from came up with some scary results... But like I said people like scary, and this could all be blown out of proportion... But then that brings me back to the first question:- 2012 End of Man, or just the beginning ?

Sunspots and solar flares are just business as usual.

The Sun's alignment with the center of the galaxy won't be the cause of the pole shift. If that was the cause they wouldn't be so regular.

By "computer models" do you mean models of the Sun's poles flipping or the Earth's? The Earth's poles flipping would be disastrous, but it wouldn't create killer storms and worldwide famine. 2012: business as usual.

When I say the beginning I mean, will the magnetic shift cause us to get Jedi like powers ?... Will we become 5 dimensional spiritual creatures...?

It will  affect you as much as standing next to a large magnet.

But if you want to debate it, try looking more into the year 2012, the Mayan Calendar, the Sumerian "mythology"... It's interesting to say the least.

Sumerian mythology is interesting, but it's only mythology. The gods who came down from Planet 12 and made the Sumerians are as real as Odin or the titan Prometheus.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Sumerian mythology is interesting, but it's only mythology. The gods who came down from Planet 12 and made the Sumerians are as real as Odin or the titan Prometheus.

It was the Sumerian's who first wrote of the Garden of Eden, and gave life to Adam and Eve...  Being one of the first people to document life, their view can't be one that's pushed aside as simple myth... Every myth holds a truth... Take for example sailors at sea reporting Giant monsters before Whales and Sharks had been named, they remained monsters... Anunnaki means 'those who came from heaven to Earth' and the first man and woman the Sumerian's know them as the muddy ones, made from the Earth... Some theorists speculate that these terms could mean the Anunnaki came from space, and the muddy ones are the those the Anunnaki made from creatures of the Earth.

Kind of backing David Icke's theory to a degree, and way of thinking:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ike

Not that I truely follow any of it... But at the same time jest about it, and keep it at the back of my mind as possible... Just as possible as Jesus walking on water that is...

My posts are never complete without a video:-

I was compelled to refute some claims you made.

Glad you gave a good Answer to the nipple thing... That's cleared that up for me, your very right !!!

Can you do the same with the lost 2 Comosones from Primates to Man ?

The Sun's alignment with the center of the galaxy won't be the cause of the pole shift. If that was the cause they wouldn't be so regular.

By "computer models" do you mean models of the Sun's poles flipping or the Earth's? The Earth's poles flipping would be disastrous, but it wouldn't create killer storms and worldwide famine. 2012: business as usual.

Previous Pole Shifts and the one up and coming (I don't think this guy is all the ticket) but he talks about the computer models:-

Here's a Video that should help me show what I mean about the Mayan's and Aliens and so on:-

« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 10:57:08 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 91
Oh my... Have you no shame or dignity los..? You could have at least waited a week or two before going back on your word as was so blatantly obvious you would...

Resource Maker
Level 91
Spoiler for:
You moved my topic here, then threatend to lock if I didn't reply... I have not posted any place else in ED and don't plan to... Just took up your invite for this topic...

If people ask me to come I shall...

Why not just move it back again... then I am gone again...

Why move it...?

You moved it here to have a confrontation not to debate it... you have said nothing on the topic so far... DS if any one should have shame its you for being so petty, your a MOD act like one.

Also I didn't give my word... When I see things getting better, IE when you leave or go on holiday, or get bored, get a life out side of RMRK, grow up Whatever etc... I might start posting more frequently here as I used to... Until then I will still browse here and PM people on different topic's that come up.

But as for posting here and have you and your underlings tear me a new arse every time I say any thing I would rather not... But at the same time I might... Depends how I feel, and today one Arse aint enough !!!... Let the Tearing ensue !!! LOL

If you want to debate this topic then debate it, if you don't put it back where you found it !!

Back to Topic

Has any one watched the last two video's posted above... if so what do you make of them ?

Saladin - Raised some interesting points... loved this one:-

It will  affect you as much as standing next to a large magnet.

Very funny but not entirely true... The Polar shifts previously have been fairly small Northern Poles swapping from one to another 5 degree's or so... What the computer Models are seeing is the Northern Pole shifting 70 degree's or a complete swap, North to South...

Theorists are also saying the 12th Planet is due to renter the solar system (Not that this 12th Planet has even been seen) and should that happen the stresses placed on the Earth could be huge.

The Magnetic field could be changed massively... Some people credit Magnetic waves to most ghost sightings and paranormal events... Magnetic Waves can alter the human brain, even on a low level with in a science lab.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 01:06:40 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
You moved my topic here, then threatend to lock if I didn't reply... I have not posted any place else in ED and don't plan to... Just took up your invite for this topic...

If people ask me to come I shall...

Why not just move it back again... then I am gone again...

Why move it...?

I moved it because this is a debate, and I am a mod. When a topic is in the wrong section, it is one of the jobs of a mod to move it. My personal opinions have no inflict on my moding actions, but I still have them and I will express them.

You moved it here to have a confrontation not to debate it... you have said nothing on the topic so far... DS if any one should have shame its you for being so petty, your a MOD act like one.

Act like a mod? Like by moving topics to their correct locations ?_?

I moved this here because you started a debate in creativity, feel free to call it what ever you want, but a donkey labeled a stallion is still just an ass.

No one forced you to have a hissy fit and proclaim that you where leaving this section, you did that on you own account. Deal.

Also I didn't give my word... When I see things getting better, IE when you leave or go on holiday, or get bored, get a life, grow up Whatever I might start posting more frequently here as I used to... Until then I will still browse here and PM people on different topic's that come up.

Wow, so you make a giant announcement that has the appearance of you leaving this section forever due to others actions and that you will never return, (unless you wanna). So that would make you what? A drama whore?

You never had the convictions of your actions, you just wanted people to feel sorry for you. Sorry, didn't work, at least not on me.

Resource Maker
Level 91

Spoiler for:
DS... If this is a debate and not a personal attack why not start debating ?

And it's you and the way you talk to me and others as the whole reason I don't like posting here... You talk down to people, your rude... "So you think this do you ?" that undermines the person without actually answering... I am not sure I have seen you raise a vaild point for some time, you used to be fantastic to debate with... now you don't give reason, or don't need to as so many seem to swollow what you say either for fear of reprisals or they remember the old DS and still have some sort of respect for you.

Don't make this out to be more than it is... I am posting here as you asked me to... "If LOS doesn't reply I will lock it"... A poem can be considered intelligent are you going to move them ?...

I have said numberous times I don't think ID / ED is the right place for a creative thinker such as me... I mean, creative isn't proven, it's walks of the imgination why endulge me into debating my own imagination...?

Moving it here if you do think I am mentally insane will only add to my self defeatist nature...LOL

DS... Blizzard left from your actions, I can see why...Your a twisted person

Please PM me if you want to have ago at me or lecture me, stop boring other members with this rubbish... if any one is making a drama it's you.

Can you just get on topic... Or If you really want move it to Spam, or put it back as a creative thinking thread... I am not BOTHERED

I moved this here because you started a debate in creativity

The only questions I asked I answered myself... I didn't ask for other peoples help or opinion's... It was me making sense of the evidence I have found around the NET after watching the Film 23.... This was never meant as a debate... I just wish VOR would turn up and give an intelligent spin to it all.

Or I wish I would start getting more responces like Saladin's

Less about what people think about me, and more on the topic in question... (Not that I originally wanted it questioned, just read, and commented on)

A drama whore?

You moving what was estentually a thaught process into an area I didn't want to post in I would say your labeling should be closer to home.

Any way here's a new video, me talking about the eledged End of Man.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2007, 04:56:15 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Come on- Homo Spiritus- that's pure shit. Evolution takes place over a much larger period of time
OMG I have bad karma!

Level 88
Will you let go of this "men have nipples" thing already? That has nothing to do with evolution. All fetuses start out female, and only later do some become male. Nipples are just a vestigial remnant of that stage on our development, that's all.
Besides, they're fun to play with.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
You neglected the fact that, despite 2012 being the long count of Pacal listed dates and anniversaries that extend far beyond the mark of (such as his 80th Calendar Round anniversary to happen in October 21, 4772 AD--a good 3000+ years after that date. They didn't think nothing bad was going to happen, I doubt you should either.

Resource Maker
Level 91
So what effect will the Sun's Alignment with the centre of the milkyway and the Sun pole shift have on our own globe ?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
So what effect will the Sun's Alignment with the centre of the milkyway and the Sun pole shift have on our own globe ?

Besides sunspots and whatnot there will be no noticeable effect.

Sol's alignment with the center of the Milky Way is irrelevant to every discussion except astrology.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 07:08:32 PM by Saladin »

Resource Maker
Level 91
Besides sunspots and whatnot there will be no noticeable effect.

Sol's alignment with the center of the Milky Way is irrelevant to every discussion except astrology.

This link states the Earth will Wobble a bit:- http://www.alignment2012.com/whatisGA.htm

But it states noting on the magnitude of the wobble or the results from the wobble...?

(May its not worth mentioning... you could be right, the "Wobble" [great scientific term] happens every 75 years and it makes small changes to the weather, not major ones... Heck it might help slow the ice caps melting yet)...

I mean I have been looking at the debates on Yahoo... and it's a pretty cool place for info:- http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index.php?qid=20070804080451AAMBOET

If you watch my video, I am not too bothered, and don't think any thing will happen (Near the end if you make it that far)...

But at the same time, there are many people profitting from feeding people fear on the topic and not many people putting them right... If any one hears of a documentry or finds a decent video on this subject please point me to it.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 09:37:01 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Besides sunspots and whatnot there will be no noticeable effect.

Sol's alignment with the center of the Milky Way is irrelevant to every discussion except astrology.

This link states the Earth will Wobble a bit:- http://www.alignment2012.com/whatisGA.htm

But it states noting on the magnitude of the wobble or the results from the wobble...?

(May its not worth mentioning... you could be right, the "Wobble" [great scientific term] happens every 75 years and it makes small changes to the weather, not major ones... Heck it might help slow the ice caps melting yet)...

What solar wobble? The only one I know about are the ones that astronomers use to detect extrasolar planets, and the Sun is always doing that. A Google search for "Solar wobble", "solar wobble galactic plane", etc. didn't turn up much, either.

I mean I have been looking at the debates on Yahoo... and it's a pretty cool place for info:- http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index.php?qid=20070804080451AAMBOET

I heard it's a pretty awful place. Didn't Something Awful feature that site for like a billion Weekend Webs?

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
Going to Yahoo Questions for intellectual discussion is like going to a whorehouse to learn about the socio-political climate of post-Tsarist Russia.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Saladin - The Earth's Poles are going to shift, more so than they do every 73 years... But nobody really knows by how much, some computer models are showing MASSIVE changes... The Sun's poles are going to shift, but that happens fairly often.  The Suns centre place to the milky way happens every 300,000 years or some thing like that...  I Hope it's going to be a great spectacle if nothing more...

I doubt ANYTHING will happen... I just wish there was more info available other than the scaremongering shite I am finding.

Nice picture slide show with text that doesn't show many links or any thing really worth reading... Much like all the video's I am watching, it's people grabbing at info and twisting to suite their own agenda of worrying people...

I would like an Astronomers take on the events really, but can't find much.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 86
this really gets u thinking...but i really doubt that where going to become spiritual beings.....and if wwe are are other organisms going become like us
Bleach is bangin

Level 87
This is a very interesting topic, but I don't think that the world will end in 2012. Why? Well, I'm Catholic, and the Book of Revelations is one of the books of the bible, and some of the key points that it goes through (that I can remember at the moment) include a third World War, some plagues, the Antichrist shows up, the church is taken over... (remember, this is all from memory) Well, anyway, I just think that that's quite a lot to happen within the span of five years. And anyway, Jesus said that the only person to know the exact date is the Father (God).

Anyway, I think that your first point, with the calender being based on the stars, is probably the most realistic. :3

Level 102
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The world will end when God wants it to. No one but him knows when the the Apocalypse will be.

Resource Maker
Level 91

It doesn't state a 3rd world war it states a War of the East Vs the West or a War against the Muslim faith (Going from memory)... I would call the conflict in Iraq that.

Plagues - Here in England we are infested with Migrant workers no doubt your home land is too... German Mesales is on the rise again too... and other illnesses that we thought to have stopped.

Antichrist - That could be any one of us... I am sure I saw three Six's on the back of Bush's head !!!

My 3rd point is a profound one of great depth...LOL


The world will end when God wants it to. No one but him knows when the the Apocalypse will be.

I just got off the phone with him after speaking with Santa and the tooth fairy and he says he has the year 2012 off and he couldn't give a rats what happens while he is away !!!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 09:17:33 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Genetic mutation... It would be cool to be a X-Man ;D