Tor-Cheney-Nahana by Sacred Spirit
Tor-Cheney-Nahana means "Winter Ceremony" in Navajo, encase anyone was interested xD
Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out some parts of the lyrics, so I can't really post a translation. But the song is still beautiful either way. The album doesn't mention who it is singing in the video, or I would love to post the name. Well anyway, this is a chant and dance song, so maybe you should dance!
I love this song because it makes me feel like I'm in a wide, open field or prairie, though this is for a winter celebration. It also makes me want to go back in time to live during the time where there weren't so many buildings and roads around, when America was beautiful everywhere.
I don't give a full score because I don't know the lyrics, I can sing them, but I don't know the meaning behind it other than it being a celebration for winter xD