Do you want to set up an inn? You know, where the player talk to the innkeeper and sleep and stuff?
Here is how you do it.
In innkeeper inn event, set the trigger to action key. Then in the event editor do this:
<>message: Do you want to stay here? It only costs 50 Gold?
<>Show choices: Yes, no (asking if the player wants to stay in the inn)
: Yes handler
<>message: You do?
<>Conditional Branch: Money 50 or more (To check if the player has 50 or more gold)
<>message: Thanks! (What happens if the player has 50 or more gold)
<>Change money: -50 (For decreasing the player's money)
<>Tint Screen: (-255,-255,-255,0), @20 (This is for tinting the screen black)
<>Play ME: 'Insert song name here',100 ,100 (This is for playing the song when you sleep)
<>Wait: 40 Frames
<>Tint Screen: (0,0,0,0), @20 (For tinting the screen back to normal)
: Else Handler
<>Message: You don't even have enough money! (What happens when the player have less than 50 gold)
: End
Well that's about it. Note, you can erase the Play Me thing if you don't want to play a song.