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Bible believers or Supernatural believers

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Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
Discussions with my girlfriend are always amusing. I believe in the supernatural. Strange things that happen that have no explaination. I don't think they'll ever happen to me at all. She is a strong Christian who believes in God. I do not believe in God, she does not believe in the supernatural. Both are along the same lines.

I point out that the gods of Norse and the Greek have both fallen, and they are "mythology," while Christians are "religion." She understands that they were figments in literature... I bring up what is God then? She brings up what is the supernatural? Overactive imaginations.

So I wanted to bring up are they similar? Are they both figments of imaginations and will they all die off and get written off as mythology in another 1000 years?
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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I associate the supernatural with folk tales and urban legends, while religion is more a guide to live by. They are similar in a way, because they are both things that can't be proven for the most part. They are different because large groups of people fight and die over religion, as well as many other ways.

Level 91
Religion and the supernatural are often closely related, but are not tied. A religion can be the worship of a supernatural being, the worship of a 'thing/object' or a following to a principle or certain "way of life". While most religions are tied to occult things, not all of them are.

Your girlfriend on the other hand, depending on her "god", does indeed believe and accept the supernatural as existing. She may have certain biased as to some unnatural occurrences, but she obviously doesn't deny them all.

I bring up what is God then?

Quite easily explained as a Supernatural life form, or false title.

She brings up what is the supernatural?

Something that exists outside of the laws of nature. No, her god does not fit in with nature, on any level, unless she worships nature as her god.

I point out that the gods of Norse and the Greek have both fallen, and they are "mythology," while Christians are "religion."

You seem to have a relatively fine grip to the idea of personal gods being fallible, but you still believe in the supernatural? Why?

So I wanted to bring up are they similar?


Are they both figments of imaginations and will they all die off and get written off as mythology in another 1000 years?

Why should the religions of our generation be so special? More directly, why should YOUR religion be so special? Thousands of faiths have come and past, it's funny how quickly a Christian can point out the obvious flaws, and falsehood of Hinduism, yet they can't see it in their own. Ignorance is bliss, no?

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
That would make an awesome set up for a novel. Its a couple decades in the future, and a religion has been wiped off the planet, but small sects that remain of it are planning to take down the giant corporations...

Oh wait, this sounds a little too close to what is really happening.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I'm skeptical that as many as thousands of religions have come and gone over the short time we've been on this planet, but the religions of our generation, like Bhudism, Christianity, etc have been around for thousands of years. That's why they are so special.

If you were contesting that your religion of worshiping James Dean or Optimus Prime wasn't special, then I'd agree with you, because it undoubtedly doesn't have millions of followers and has only been around for a maximum of 70 or 20 years.

</2 cents>


Level 91
By special, I meant correct. You mentioned two religions with opposing ideas, the two are popular but they can't both be correct. As to the numbers; just because the majority of people believe something to be true, doesn't mean it is or is the most likely correct idea. After all, the majority believed the world flat at some stage in history.

I also don't see any difference in these current religions excluding being more popular. With intelligent culture, comes complex religions able to keep us entertained for a longer amount of time.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Religion is just a popular cult.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
The differences between religions and cults are sometimes not well defined.

Level 91
I'm skeptical that as many as thousands of religions have come and gone over the short time we've been on this planet

Didn't see that part. By religions, I don't mean exclusively major. I think it would be rather naive to think of only spiritual groups with a large following to be classified as a religion, I feel a group with only two members can still be classed as one. As Bio said, it is a difficulty following the line between religion and cult, mainly because of the vague definition of what a 'cult' is. I feel a cult, is just a small religion rather then being something devious in nature.

With the countless, unrecorded tribal faiths going from the first man, I think "thousands" would possibly be underestimating if anything.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I'm skeptical that as many as thousands of religions have come and gone over the short time we've been on this planet
I feel a cult, is just a small religion rather then being something devious in nature.

I agree with this, as long as you accept the fact that even parts of big religions are devious in nature.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
I can relate an... but it's a friend. My friend is like one of those jesus freaks who are so stubburn when it comes to religion and would be like one of those guys who goes to some other country to tell those people that their religion is stupid and to follow his. He has friends of other religions and when someone asks them about their religion he just has to come in and say that their religion is wrong and everything they believe in is wrong and that Christianity is the only answer... I know not all christians are like that but I think that they think they are right no matter what you say. What happened to tolerance of others belief?

In fact we had a a debate about this and out of the two sides it was him and I who were discussing how religion now adays is starting to attack anything and everything it feels is wrong and not like themselves.

Dont get me wrong, its not that I dont believe that God could be real, it's that the way they try to get you to believe in what they do can be outrages, straight forward, rude, and/or very stubburn like.

Will religion be written off in another 1000 years... I doubt it since supposedly they have many other chapters and books that have yet to be found(written) by people who experienced God/Jesus or by people who hallucinate that there is a voice in their head speaking to them that they like to think is God.

Im done... for now.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 88
I can relate an... but it's a friend. My friend is like one of those jesus freaks who are so stubburn when it comes to religion and would be like one of those guys who goes to some other country to tell those people that their religion is stupid and to follow his. He has friends of other religions and when someone asks them about their religion he just has to come in and say that their religion is wrong and everything they believe in is wrong and that Christianity is the only answer... I know not all christians are like that but I think that they think they are right no matter what you say. What happened to tolerance of others belief?

Well of course they are subborn put two and two together. They are 100% positive that Christianity (in this case) is correct. If someone were to tell me that I was never born (or that I come out of someone's ass) I think I'd be in denial about it too, I sure as hell wouldn't want to believe either. =/

And all the Christians I know aren't like that. I love the way people perceive other people due to religion, nice.

As for the topic title... I'm not God - I can't say.

Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
I just do not like the idea of every answer for every question you could have can be found in a single book.

Religion is a popular cult yes.
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Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
Every answer to every question is not in a single book, in fact the bible leaves many questions. Personally I am a catholic and I believe is God, but I also believe supernatural events may occur as they are not mutually exclusive. In the end it all comes down to faith.

Though I would like to point something out -
God is real because the bible says so
and the bible is correct because God says so

You just got Frohwned!

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Religion is just a popular cult.

So is evolution.

Quote from: lost
I just do not like the idea of every answer for every question you could have can be found in a single book.

Evolution again.

If anything, survival of the fittest is devious in nature, claming that everything that lets itself get killed doesn't deserve to live when humans are the only really sentient beings here, and thus have the upper hand on nature itself.

I don't have a problem with atheism, I have a problem with people who claim to know about something that happened when they weren't there.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel

I don't have a problem with atheism, I have a problem with people who claim to know about something that happened when they weren't there.

You mean like the stuff in the bible?

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
No, christians believe that the bible is correct, they don't brand it as indisputable fact.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 91
No, christians believe that the bible is correct, they don't brand it as indisputable fact.

Lol, wut? Where the fuck have you been? The majority of practicing Christians I've met are indeed arrogant enough to label the bible as "full stop fact".
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 09:37:28 AM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Then fuck them too.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
What did you think the word "believe" meant? Sometimes felt as true?

Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
People believe the easiest thing. What's easier to believe? That God made us or some big bang from nothingness and billions of years of evolution? My girlfriend evolved into a horrible monster (before she was just a princess). She twisted everything around to serve her own purpose.
I review RPG Maker Games. If you want me to review yours PM me. If you want to read my reviews, check out the review forum.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
The easiest way is rarely the correct way, and please don't post about your girlfriend here.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
belief is to accept something as truth without having any evidence backing it up.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 88
Lol, wut? Where the fuck have you been? The majority of practicing Christians I've met are indeed arrogant enough to label the bible as "full stop fact".

I'm sure that's a load of bullshit.

Level 91
belief is to accept something as truth without having any evidence backing it up.

No, moron, that's what "faith" means. Belief isn't exclusively believing without evidence. It can pertain to that, but not always... You can have belief based on evidence.

Lol, wut? Where the fuck have you been? The majority of practicing Christians I've met are indeed arrogant enough to label the bible as "full stop fact".

I'm sure that's a load of bullshit.

I'm sorry, you'd know this how? I feel that's the very core of religion is believing and backing a certain ideal with all thought and will.  The fact that many religions also teach this way of thought is what makes them so dangerous.