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Gilpieter - Finished RPG

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Resource Maker
Level 91
I have called it Gilpieter


A nasty monster called Manon is terrorising the world of Gilpieter... go kill him and his mates and take it back...

it is fun to play... You can go any place you want when you want... you can fight the END boss at any time... but he will tear you a new Arse

It has no title screen... Just the basic green one !!!

(Not much went into making this is my 1st ever one !!!)

I made this way before I signed up to any of these forum's it has nothing special about it... just try to play as if you have never seen or used RPG maker...

Its humor and fun level is its only appeal.... (Its as hard as you like... Try and finish it with in 6 hours !!!)

Please download Its a bit crud, but its fun !!!


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 91
i could look at your pictures and say "blablabla details blabla mapping"
but you know what? screw that, the only way ill judge is by gameplay (unless the maps are unbareable, you should have seen blaze's single map.. it was.. Xx)

so i am dling it now

(on a side note: we all know how rmxp's turn system look from the inside, avoid posting that sort of screenies unless you show off with self-made battlers)

edit: so hmm windy girl = 1 hit and i die and mr boss = 1 hit and i die
so err.. is there a way i am missing to do anything? Xx
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
Its extreamly hard... you need to train your members up...

Hint, Go West at the start, to West town... Go in the first building and talk to the old man listen to his story, he will give you enough cash to stay at the hotel... sleep the night, and recruit the Hunter Girl... Talk to the lad in the top right of West town and get given a Bow for the Hunter Equip it... (You can then kill his bird if you like, the Lad gets angry)... Talk to the knight by the hole jump in recruit the Mage, kill the snake monster...

(If you then talk to the Blue Mage near the lad with the bird, he will put you up a few levels...)

Up to you what you do next.... But almost every monster is stronger than you... get a fourth member quick as... !!!... if you go East passed the swamp and east again passed the Frog pond, and into East Town you can recruit another member in the larger of the two builds... (Axe men)

(Save the Game often, and Escape any battle that looks like you may get beaten, until you have four members)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

I love Firerain
Level 97
I'm downloadin the demo
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
interesting, let me try and explain it for you:
me = starting in the boss room
if i go down , i can't leave cause the elemental guards are there

for some reason i think the party start location is misplaced Oo
unless you are actually suppose to start in the last boss room but i can't seem to find any teleport outside
so question of the day: where is the teleport outside of that place ?
(and gratz on hiding it that well but err some people are trying to start playing "^^)
holy shit my sig was big!

I love Firerain
Level 97
Ya, that's true.
Arlen is hot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Hu... Thats not the start... go to start new Game...

You should be in a Square small room... with a teleporter Orange Mat...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
hmm yes great to know, but like i said you setted the start party location event at the wrong place, and you start in a spot you seriously shouldn't be starting at Xx
holy shit my sig was big!

I love Firerain
Level 97
They are giving an error, Some rtrgiogtr or some big name starting with r and has lot of numbers is not found!
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
Quote from: Nightwolf
They are giving an error, Some rtrgiogtr or some big name starting with r and has lot of numbers is not found!

screenie that, someone might be able to help you, doesn't happen to me
for now i suggest waiting cause LoS need to set the starting location at the right spot and reupload the game-.-
holy shit my sig was big!

I love Firerain
Level 97
Good Idea, I'll wait till Los can complete it with upgrades, then i'll download that.
Arlen is hot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
My Trial has Expired... I cant Edit the darn thing...

I have the full version of the JAP Maker but I can't edit it in that it says its the wrong Format...

I have just booted the game up... Here's the start Screen on mine (its the right one... I walk down and Teleport out after talking to the bad guys)

I will have to resend to Dwarra so he can replace the file... but how can the start possition change from one map to another just from My machine to Dwarra's to the NET ?

Give it some time... Ill post here when Dwarrra updates... Ta Guys for testing for me !!!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
here is the start when i try it

the upper one is where you start at, talking to the new evil guy means death
going down you will see the elementals block you, again trying to beat the wind one will kill you
the knight npc will heal you and die
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
Thats far from the start... Kinda funny but not... not good that you have seen the end Corridor.... Bugger...LOL

Emailed Dwarra to change the upload area...

Whats your Email Add and I will send you it right away ?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 90
Send it to me too lol eliteshadowsociety@gmail.com =] Yea its not fun when you start a game, get into battle, hit the person for 0, and get ganked for 3 thousand damage XD
Neko says: I doubt it was a girl
Neko says: Was "she" working the corners?
Zxmelee says: Well, I was lying...
Zxmelee says: but, oh man. They were all over me
Neko says: With a few bucks
Neko says: That hapens


Resource Maker
Level 91
Mailed it to Neko...

BlueXx... I have given you a link to an online drive in a fictious EMail Account... Very MI5 Like... Check your PM...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
God of Dicks

Nightwolf, look here:


(Or just get the legal version. =P)

Level 90
Your game is hard and makes me die... And you have some old lady saying some pretty inappropriate things XD (You most likely didnt mean it that way)
Neko says: I doubt it was a girl
Neko says: Was "she" working the corners?
Zxmelee says: Well, I was lying...
Zxmelee says: but, oh man. They were all over me
Neko says: With a few bucks
Neko says: That hapens


Level 91
bah actually i finished it after about 50 minutes (thanks to certain annoying enemies that forgot they are supposed to die)

here is what you should do:
a. get your ass above the starting point, 2 maps up there is that knight guy, he will join you
there is also a new rabbit there that will full heal you
b. go back down and this time go west, you'll see a guy and next to him there will be a hole, you'll have a healer down there
you'll also see a monster that can kill you too quickly, that's why you got the knight , with him you don't have to worry even if that annoying thing decides the healer shouldn't live
somewhere around the north you'll find the mage "omg there is a monster in the well" kill the silly thing and you'll have 1 big fat omg useless mage, the only good thing about her is that she is a really good punching bag and it helps when you don't want the main hero, arshes to get killed

around the maps you'll find a rabbit, it runs quite fast, lock him in a corner and you'll get nice gold
do it over and over again until you can get the best equips
put them on and go to the bosses castle
kill the annoying and refusing to die mages.
get in and buy full healing potions, the sp+hp type
buy loads of them
can't buy? go beat up the rabbit
oh wait did i mention you need some training? heh silly me
near the rabbit there is an area with the monster you killed to get the healer, it's very very xp profitable to kill it again and again, it's easy, it takes 1 turn and it's good
level there until arshes get his 2nd skill, it's a nice stunning thing
go back to the bosses, and use basil's leg sweep and arshes's 2nd skill all the time
fear not ! the monsters go solo, seeing as you stun them, you will win at some point , don't forget to use the potions if you run out of sp

and.. that's bout it :P
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
Nice one... Well done... you even beat the Lancer knights I take it... and the MEGA Ultra Beasts that appear after you complete the game ?...

That rabbit is a bitch to catch....

Well done though... Did you even get the God sword....

Supriised you even tried attacking the bosses at around Level 14 (When the Hero guy gets his 2nd skill)... It would have taken forever to kill the boss (around 40 turns)...LOL

Hey ho... glad you took the time to play it...

Did you try speaking to people after you completed the game... like James the Beatboxing knight...?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
Supriised you even tried attacking the bosses at around Level 14 (When the Hero guy gets his 2nd skill)... It would have taken forever to kill the boss (around 40 turns)...LOL

yeah i am aware of that...
stupid little $#%#$%

but i did beat him at around the level i got there.. (actually i think it was lower than 14... i thought i got the skill at around level 9 but if you say so i believe you..)
as for the rabbit.. make him go to that odd shaped flower zone

and actually.. no i didn't talk to people after i finished.. i thought i finished Oo
maybe i should go do it now -.-

as for items.. i am not sure what i got, i just kept attacking blindly and clicked enter when something talked :P
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
After you finish the game 4 ULTRA MEGA Monsters appear.... also Chat with some people you will notice what they say changes... Go see James the Lancer knight and the Blacksmith in EAST Castle...

Also COmpleting it so fast you may have missed out on the array of playable CHAR's there's around 13... including an IMP if the switches have not been messed up in the version I sent you...

You also get to own your own house by going to WEST City and killing all the Monsters in the Haunted house, go out go back in and a Fairy is in the top room... All the CHAR's that are playable that you have at some point spoken to will appear there...

Also in EAST Castle in the courtyard all major bosses you have beaten will appear in there... see if you can kill em all without using support items... its FUN !!!

OH the GOD Sword is amazing.... you need to enter Heaven and get through the maze and kill the Main Angel... Heavens gates is right behind the main Evil Castle to the south... (Gates are top right of the screen)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

I love Firerain
Level 97
Quote from: GilgameshRO

Nightwolf, look here:


(Or just get the legal version. =P)


Arlen is hot.

Level 91
God of Dicks
Extract them and put them in the project folder of the game you are trying to open.

I love Firerain
Level 97
What else do you think i did?Eat them?
Arlen is hot.