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Westboro Baptist Church (Gay Hate Banner welding Nutters)

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Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
These guys have all wrong and are interpretating the bible wrong. Christians are not soppose to be like and what they are saying most of it is false. Yes homosexuaility is wrong but that does not mean He hates them he just hates the wrong choices.

Level 91
These guys have all wrong and are interpretating the bible wrong. Christians are not soppose to be like and what they are saying most of it is false. Yes homosexuaility is wrong but that does not mean He hates them he just hates the wrong choices.

And even though he doesn't hate them (apparently he loves them), he still plans to have them tortured for eternity after death. Don't you just love their idea of "love"..?

Homosexuality isn't wrong or immoral. Why don't you think for yourself rather then letting your peers turn you into a gay-bashing homophobe.

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude

Um, wow. What is there to say? This sounds more like a cult than anything else. Notice that the preacher wasn't anywhere near the protest?

There's so much wrong with this that I'm not sure I can even say anything.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
he only allows people to go to heaven because they have accepted him and they realize they are sinners so he can forgive them. Yes he loves everybody but he can't have sin around him or in his presence

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
"See Holkeye's earlier post."

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
Then were do we get the system of write and wrong atheism did not create that and random chance does not create that kind of process.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
We get the system of right and wrong the same place we get everything else. Trial and error. God didn't tell us what to think is right an wrong, humans came up with the concepts themselves.

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
We get the system of right and wrong the same place we get everything else. Trial and error. God didn't tell us what to think is right an wrong, humans came up with the concepts themselves.

Then who decided murder is wrong? Surely not humans. The one in pain might protest, but without a pre-existing system of right and wrong, we wouldn't feel guilt and decide murder is wrong. In fact, we might actually kill people just because we think it's funny.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Humans did decide murder is wrong. People used to sacrifice humans to gods in ancient days, and then eventually those ways changed, and the word "murder" was born. Also, people do kill people all the time, in case you don't have a tv or a newspaper to do your own research.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
But if being gay was wrong and looked down upon 100 years ago then why not make killing right to

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
Humans did decide murder is wrong. People used to sacrifice humans to gods in ancient days, and then eventually those ways changed, and the word "murder" was born. Also, people do kill people all the time, in case you don't have a tv or a newspaper to do your own research.

But who decided it's wrong? I understand there's murderers out there who enjoy such things, but how do you explain a child who has never been told what murder is, seeing something about a killing in the news, and knowing that it's wrong?
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 91
LoLs at the uninformed.

Morality is something that happens due to (OMG!) evolution, that's right ;), and comes down to survival of the family. Even animals have a basic form of "morality" , they feel it's "right"  to protect their young don't they...? They would think it's wrong to kill everyone in their tribe/group just for kicks (in most cases), right..? (and I don't think they've heard the word of god either...). Morality is a simple idea of survival, that is needed by both man and animal to survive, humans have a more complex morality, because we are more complex beings, that is all.

So no, we don't need an omnipotent being to tell us murder is wrong =)

If your going to reply "blah, blah, blah, some animals kills their own kind/similar" well morality is not black and white, it comes down to the best from of survival for that particular species. Good and evil are only defined by survival and cultural morality, which are different to all.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Tsuno - The children's parents raise him/her to the standards of their morals. Its the same way that you have been raised to be religious. Eventually, the parents influence becomes less and less, and the subject begins to make choices based on events in his/her own life. You aren't just born knowing what is right and wrong, because these are concepts made by humans.

cobragamer - I shouldn't even respond to that, but shame on you for putting murder and homosexuality on the same echelon. Also, killing is legal in certain situations such as war, or capital punishment. This has nothing to do with laws though.

Saucy - (you posted at the same time as I did.) I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I'm a little fuzzy on your concept of morality. Do you feel that morality evolved out of instinct, or that it is something that was ingrained in our minds the whole time?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 08:46:49 PM by Holkeye »

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
Tsuno - The children's parents raise him/her to the standards of their morals. Its the same way that you have been raised to be religious. Eventually, the parents influence becomes less and less, and the subject begins to make choices based on events in his/her own life. You aren't just born knowing what is right and wrong, because these are concepts made by humans.

Lol, once again I have to say - I wan't raised to be a Christian. I accepted Christ 2 years ago. Also, I knew it was wrong to murder people long before I even knew what it was.

@DS : The inner sense of right and wrong came from God. You don't get it from the Bible -- it's more of an instinct than a doctrine. Doctrines have to be pounded into you (usually), instinct you're born with. As for animals protecting their young, how is that sensing what is right or wrong? That seems to be more the animals protecting something they care for than anything else.

But I must ask, how exactly did macroevolution create morals?
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Nobody is talking about macroevolution. We're talking about the evolution of ideals and morals. If it was your choice to become a Christian, then it was based on your previous experiences, which I think I covered. Also, you can't say that you knew murder was bad before you knew what it was. You can't possibly remember your very early life, and imprinting takes hold even before you understand it. I find it hard to understand how anyone can think that there is a sentient god, but your belief is your belief, I'm not here to attack you for it.

Level 91
But if being gay was wrong and looked down upon 100 years ago then why not make killing right to

I didn't even see this...

Listen here you gay bashing Christian, do you honestly believe homosexuality and murder to be the same fucking evil? How twisted your head must be.

If you would like me to be less aggressive, then perhaps you should give me some of your reasons why being gay, is such a horrible thing in your mind.

Then were do we get the system of write and wrong atheism did not create that and random chance does not create that kind of process.
Atheism being a relatively new thing, no, I don't think the atheist organisation could have possibly created morality. Perhaps you meant nature, or man??

Then were do we get the system of write and wrong atheism did not create that and random chance does not create that kind of process.
No, random chance would not create that kind of process (or at least it would be quite difficult), but shock oh my! It's not random! It's called natural selection not "natural random mutation". It has nothing to do with random changes brining on everything. Do you even know what natural selection is??

Then who decided murder is wrong? Surely not humans. The one in pain might protest, but without a pre-existing system of right and wrong, we wouldn't feel guilt and decide murder is wrong. In fact, we might actually kill people just because we think it's funny.
Lol, what low respect you have for nature.

The inner sense of right and wrong came from God.
Oh dear god...

As for animals protecting their young, how is that sensing what is right or wrong? That seems to be more the animals protecting something they care for than anything else.
Lol, so then by your terms if a human protects their baby it has nothing to do with right and wrong? If we decide not to kill our child it has nothing to do with right and wrong..? What use is morality if not to further the species..? If it did not have a use, like survival, then it would be random and pointless, no?

But I must ask, how exactly did macroevolution create morals?
I'm sorry, is that a trick question?

How evolution creates morality: As said above, it comes down to survival. Simply put, if animals randomly killed and attacked their own kind, if they didn't care about protecting their young at even the cost of their own lives, then they wouldn't exist. The idea that murder (in the same species) is wrong is easily brought by this concept, if you don't just kill your own for kicks, then I assure you that the species is going to have a larger chance to survive. As to the whole human sacrifice thing; weren't they sacrificing because of religion??.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Out of all the space wasted typing "lols" to people's ignorance in that post, you didn't answer my question. I read that whole thing, and didn't find what I was looking for.

Level 91
Out of all the space wasted typing "lols" to people's ignorance in that post, you didn't answer my question. I read that whole thing, and didn't find what I was looking for.

Edited it in after I read the original... Didn't see your question

Saucy - (you posted at the same time as I did.) I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I'm a little fuzzy on your concept of morality. Do you feel that morality evolved out of instinct, or that it is something that was ingrained in our minds the whole time?

I feel morality evolves/evolved, and it's not something pre-ingrained.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
Then what stopped the first human from killing the second one and ending our civilization.

Level 91
Then what stopped the first human from killing the second one and ending our civilization.
Because I don't believe that humans just magically popped up one day ^.~

One of the ancestral lines of who we where would have already obtained this ideal, it being a basic (somewhat universal) morality.

How morality forms, and how the rhino got it's horn fall under the same basic process of NS.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Humans aren't intelligent enough to create something like morals.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
I was going to just delete the above post, but I'll instead just say if I see another like it after this, it'll go.
bringing sexy back

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
About the animal post ok if animals know instict then How come none of them start a homo clan and start being fags together

Level 91
About the animal post ok if animals know instict then How come none of them start a homo clan and start being fags together

Lol, you unlearned fool. MANY animals are involved in homosexual relationships! In the dolphins case, they on many occasions start a monogamous relationship with the same gender (yer, a sexual one). Don't drop out of school, seriously.

Level 88
Thats pathetic, when they went though the rooms, they were asked if they had bfs, and they said they cant serve thems selves, them must serve god...
God is a supposedly all-powerful being....he doesnt need servents!!!