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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 10:12:36 PM

Title: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 10:12:36 PM
Some of you may remember that I got really fat. Then I got really thin. Now I'm kinda fat again. I'm trying to start working out again and eating a little better to get back to a good weight (or at least a good pant size).

My goal right now is 5k Errday [that I work out] (usually split cardio between morning/evening) and a 5-day split weight routine to build strength and burn fat.

Anyone else got any plans/routines, future or present?
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Dwarra? on December 03, 2012, 10:16:57 PM
Right now I just do 3 sets of 10 for 3 different kinds of pullups before I hop in the shower every day.
Back when I went to the gym my schedule was Back/Shoulders, Chest/Arms, Core, Legs, day off, repeat.

Honestly diet is the most important factor regardless of whether you're trying to lose weight or gain weight, so make sure you've got that locked down.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 10:21:56 PM
I'm going light paleo after I get back from Ohio. The fridge is empty right now. We got this, dawg.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: TDS on December 03, 2012, 10:28:47 PM
I can't say that I'm very savvy when it comes to exercise, but I started working out about 8 years ago hoping a better body would help me meet someone. I am still single... I still do workout though, but it's become just a new routine in my life.

As for my workout routine:

First I usually get up really early in the morning before work at around 5 am and do a morning run (30 minutes, I don't go by the miles I just run the whole time). If I'm not tired I might carry some small weights while I run.

When I get home I usually do 15 or 30 minutes of strength training (Lifting weights, Squats, Basic exercises)

After that, I'm usually not that hungry so I have a light breakfast.

When I get back home from work I usually just do the same exercises from the morning again.

Also I am not sure if my exercising is killing my appetite, but whenever I don't workout I usually eat a lot more.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 03, 2012, 10:37:28 PM
If you're running to lose weight, then min/max, or interval training, is the best way to go. 5k is a lot to jump into right from the start. Here's what I did:

First, start by eating regular, small meals. For breakfast I would have a bowl of bran cereal with skim milk. Lunch, a grilled chicken salad, or something else with a balance of protein and fiber. Then, later in the day, a small bowl of oatmeal. If I get hungry in the middle, some raw almonds are really good for you. Omega-3s and all.

Second, cut out as much sugar as you can. Eating fat doesn't make you fat, but eating sugar does. The biggest culprits are drinks. Water, coffee, and red bull total zero are about all I drink now.

Third, start out walking. I started with 2 miles a day, walking, for a week.

Fourth, when you begin running, do intervals. Warm up walking for 10 minutes. Then run as fast as you can for a minute. Then walk for a minute. Alternate these two things. Over time, increase the amount of running that you do in between walking segments. I now do 2.5 - 3 miles a day of interval running.

Fifth, get stronger. Do some lifting, too. This helps your body turn the food that you eat into muscle instead of fat. DO NOT LIFT EVERY DAY. This is a common mistake, but all you end up doing is tearing down muscle without giving it a chance to grow. I lift every 2 - 3 days.

Sixth, sleep regularly. In combination with everything else, sleep burns fat, but only if you get enough.

Seventh, don't give up. Results come slowly, but they do come. There have been a few times where I've said, "Fuck this, its not working." But then people tell me that I look like I'm losing weight, and I see pictures of the change over time. It does work. Its just not an instant thing.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 03, 2012, 10:45:48 PM
PS. Don't stop before you hit the point where you're body is actually getting exercise. What I mean is, when you're running, you'll hit this point where you don't think you can keep going for another step. You have to push past that. That's when you really start doing some work. Same with lifting. If you're lifting weights until the reps get hard, and then being done, that isn't doing anything. The most important reps are the ones where it feels like you can't possibly lift anymore. That's when you're breaking down the muscle. The day of rest is when you're building them back up.

Also, I was always the type of person that hated this shit. I didn't like running. I thought lifting was stupid. Now, I feel so great when I do it that I love it. So don't get discouraged. I even feel bad if I have to miss a day running.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 10:50:59 PM
I lost around 100lb in less than a year ;P I know about working out to lose weight...and I used to run xcountry. I don't think 5k split between 2 sessions is that much of a big deal.

The 5 day split for weights that I'm doing works pretty decently. 1 muscle group/day with 7 days of rest for that muscle group. Can't make any gainz without any rest! Also where sleep comes in. Sleeping more regularly will also make you less stressed, and help get your cortisol levels in check.

My main failing before was losing a lot of weight and then not sticking with a routine to maintain, and then eating like shit and excusing it with "my job sucks, I have no time, I'm stressed"
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 10:54:37 PM
There's also plenty of walking and more running than just 5k involved, usually. I know results don't tend to come right away. Especially when you start running, that's true. If you start running a lot after a long time of inactivity, your body views it as "trauma" and start conserving water, so you get bloaty for a while after you start running, too.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 03, 2012, 10:54:42 PM
Yeah, totally. And I have to do stuff to keep myself pumped up, too. Listening to metal, or watching stand-up comedy are the two things that make me get into it even more. I didn't see that you split 5k. That's not a big deal at all. 5k is only like 3.5 miles or something, which is what I'm working toward in a single session right now. I hope to be there by December 16. You definitely didn't gain all of your weight back though. You still look good.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 11:00:35 PM
It's still ridiculously hot here, so I don't have the benefit of wearing winter clothes to hide the extra chub I packed on.

I normally split 5k, but if I can, I'll try to get a full 5k in during one session. My mile time isn't great, but I "stay running" the entire time (even if it's that sort of dorky/pathetic running-motion-while-you're-actually-sort-of-speedwalking motion).

I get more excited about lifting, though. My gym is unfortunately one of those with a no-deadlifting policy :(
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 11:01:03 PM
Also thanks for the compliment ;_; You can tell that you're losing weight also!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on December 04, 2012, 12:16:30 AM
I echo the diet. Forget sodas and cokes.

I'm a runner. I haven't ever lifted weights so I can't offer advice there.

On good weeks I get 3 miles every other day. Time constraints keep me from doing much more!

Much luck to you as you trim down!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on December 04, 2012, 12:47:41 AM
Quote from: Holkeye on December 03, 2012, 10:37:28 PM
If you're running to lose weight, then min/max, or interval training, is the best way to go. 5k is a lot to jump into right from the start. Here's what I did:

First, start by eating regular, small meals. For breakfast I would have a bowl of bran cereal with skim milk. Lunch, a grilled chicken salad, or something else with a balance of protein and fiber. Then, later in the day, a small bowl of oatmeal. If I get hungry in the middle, some raw almonds are really good for you. Omega-3s and all.

Second, cut out as much sugar as you can. Eating fat doesn't make you fat, but eating sugar does. The biggest culprits are drinks. Water, coffee, and red bull total zero are about all I drink now.

Third, start out walking. I started with 2 miles a day, walking, for a week.

Fourth, when you begin running, do intervals. Warm up walking for 10 minutes. Then run as fast as you can for a minute. Then walk for a minute. Alternate these two things. Over time, increase the amount of running that you do in between walking segments. I now do 2.5 - 3 miles a day of interval running.

Fifth, get stronger. Do some lifting, too. This helps your body turn the food that you eat into muscle instead of fat. DO NOT LIFT EVERY DAY. This is a common mistake, but all you end up doing is tearing down muscle without giving it a chance to grow. I lift every 2 - 3 days.

Sixth, sleep regularly. In combination with everything else, sleep burns fat, but only if you get enough.

Seventh, don't give up. Results come slowly, but they do come. There have been a few times where I've said, "Fuck this, its not working." But then people tell me that I look like I'm losing weight, and I see pictures of the change over time. It does work. Its just not an instant thing.

Well that will help me at least :o

The only problem I have with running is honestly no time. I go to bed anywhere from midnight to 1 am and am back up at 6 am.  Getting up an hour earlier isn't really an option for me cause I'm pooped as it is. I try to go to the gym every other day and basically I keep moving throughout the day.  I lost about 30 lbs but then hit a stressful time and ate (I'm a stress eater) my way back up 10 lbs >_<   I can't really do the mini-meals. I feel like I am starving and tend to overeat to compensate. What I have been doing, and has been working so far is :
~ cut out soda
~ cut out candy
~ eat 3 400 calorie meals per day + 2 100 calorie snacks.

Normally I have breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, dessert (last snack).  When I actually followed this I always felt full and satisfied and was dropping the weight pretty well.  I have just started getting back on track to be honest.  My biggest goal for right now is just to get more rest. I want to try and get my work and things I have to do finished earlier so that I can go to bed at a decent hour. I noticed that when I am tired I tend to move less and eat more >_<   
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 04, 2012, 12:54:30 AM
Eating small amounts all through the day is definitely better than a few large meals! Its also good to switch up the time that you exercise during the day. It keeps your body guessing, and can stave off the dreaded plateau~
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: akatharsia on December 04, 2012, 01:50:37 AM
What I'd really like to do is gain weight, preferably through developing some muscle or something. I'm underweight but still look a little flabby in the stomach. I drink water, coffee, and the very occasional Mountain Dew, and I really hate food. (Apparently you're supposed to get 2,000 calories a day; I hardly ever break 1,000.)

What can I do that will help me in these areas? I've heard about /r/fitness's obsession with GOMAD, but like hell if I can drink that much milk in a week, let alone a day.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 04, 2012, 01:54:33 AM
LIFT. Make sure you get plenty of protein, though. other than that I don't know anything about gaining weight in a healthy way ;_;
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Dwarra? on December 04, 2012, 04:21:38 AM
You will not ever gain weight if you don't even hit 2000 calories. 2k is like the older woman who doesn't want to change their body diet. Protein is essential, but it's better to get it from uncooked sources unless you down 20lbs of steak every day. If you don't want to eat much more, take supplements, but you gotta get nutrients somehow. I recommend you find a full body workout you like, but the essentials are squats and bench. It seems impossible to gain weight with body types like we have, but with the right workout I managed to gain 8lbs my first week and a half.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on December 04, 2012, 04:41:20 AM
^ yeah what they said .-. eat moar pls ;_;

As for toning up, I'd suggest Pilates. :> They worked really well for me, but sadly I've packed on some weight since then. ;9

I can't tell if I need some good cardio or to simply cut back on the types of foods I'm eating. Since I started working, I began to drink soda again to keep me energized (during work, about 1 bottle a day when I'm working, which is typically about 3-4 days a week). Sprite, to be exact, because there's no Dr.Pepper machines at my work and Sprite feels as close to healthy as soda can get, I think. ;9 Normally, I drink Sweet Tea. But that's not much better. ;9 Right now I'm drinking water, so that helps. :V

I feel like I've been eating less food in general since I started working, but more unhealthy food. For example: I'm just an hour or two under the 8hrs I need to get a 30 min lunch break on most my work days. So, I end up eating some candy during my break. It's an awful feeling, because I really don't want to be eating a candy bar for lunch everyday. :mad: So, typically its: Cereal for breakfast. Candy bar for lunch. Whatever dinner is for dinner. I might grab a midnight snack before crashing. ;9 I really wish there was a way to fit in something healthier and more filling at work, but I'm typically a very slow eater (sometimes), so it's not easy for me to eat something nice in the 15 minute breaks I normally get. ;9

As for exercise...well, I stand a lot at work. But I could probably work on that, too. It's tough to find the time, because after work my legs are really tired and I just wanna chill. I guess this is better than how I ate before I started working, but it's too soon to tell if it's helped me or not yet. It's still not healthy, lol.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on December 04, 2012, 04:50:43 AM
I eat healthy because my wife cooks healthy  :V

That said yuyu, carry around almonds and/or trail mix. It's really designed to give you calories and energy as a snack.

Then hit these up for lunch. Most are delicious! (
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on December 04, 2012, 05:02:51 AM
haha, thanks for the tips! :) I'm actually shooting for lower amounts of calories, but overall healthier and more filling food. I'm tall and have a bigger bone-structure, which helps a bit, since I'm supposed to weigh more than most girls. =o However, I'm not content with my current numbers. Nope. ;9
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on December 04, 2012, 05:03:48 AM
Quote from: yuyubabe on December 04, 2012, 05:02:51 AM
haha, thanks for the tips! :) I'm actually shooting for lower amounts of calories, but overall healthier and more filling food. I'm tall and have a bigger bone-structure, which helps a bit, since I'm supposed to weigh more than most girls. =o However, I'm not content with my current numbers. Nope. ;9

poo on numbers

Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 04, 2012, 05:08:02 AM
I don't focus on numbers, really. At my most recent "smallest" I weighed around 150, but I was between a size 8-10 pants with no belly. It's all about how you look and feel :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on December 04, 2012, 05:18:58 AM
That makes sense haha xD It's true that I've been a little concerned with my numbers, but in the past I still weighed more than I wanted to, but I looked better because I had built one some muscle from Pilates, so I didn't give a damn. ;8 To everyone else, it had looked like I lost weight.

So, I guess I need to remove this feeling that numbers matter, because I keep forgetting that at that time, my numbers didn't mean anything. O.o Okay, then by looks, I wouldn't mind slimming down a bit! xD Haha, that's more spot-on~
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Gracie on December 04, 2012, 02:11:18 PM
What hope is there for someone who thinks most healthy foods tasty nasty? Like, oh god I'm going to vomit uncontrollably nasty.

I'm not overweight at all (just got over being 1 1/2 stone underweight ;w;) but all I eat nowadays is noodles and basically eating nothing but noodles, bacon and eggs can't be good for me (student diet if you were wondering) so I'm just wondering if someone who's very very particular about what they like to eat and can afford can still eat reasonably healthy.

Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 04, 2012, 02:18:53 PM
Well, eggs are a pretty good start. What do you NOT like?
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Gracie on December 04, 2012, 02:24:34 PM
Quote from: Djangonator on December 04, 2012, 02:18:53 PM
Well, eggs are a pretty good start. What do you NOT like?

Mostly things like cous-cous, nuts, most kinds of veg, lentils. Mostly veggies and things. Its not like all I do is eat meat and cheese all day but my foods mostly just the same few things over and over.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 04, 2012, 03:56:34 PM
Tastes change over time if you make an effort at it.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on December 04, 2012, 07:30:40 PM
Just to let everyone know: I'm eating a salad.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: D&P3 on December 04, 2012, 07:50:36 PM
Celery, no calories ;8
Brussel sprouts will put you off food as well.

Walking helps. I walk to school when I need to go there... just because I don't like suffocating in public transport with people who couldn't take that short walk from Flinders Street to the Arts Centre :mad:
But seriously I've noticed loss in weight just by walking 40 minutes when I need to, if I wasn't too lazy to stop there I just might be healthy ;9
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Acolyte on December 04, 2012, 09:51:56 PM
I'm starting to replace all the soda in my diet with water. It's already showing some fairly good results.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 04, 2012, 09:54:16 PM
Brussels Sprouts are amazing. If you don't like them, you're cooking them wrong!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: D&P3 on December 04, 2012, 09:59:06 PM
I'm not the one cooking em :V
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on December 04, 2012, 11:15:20 PM
Quote from: Holkeye on December 04, 2012, 09:54:16 PM
Brussels Sprouts are amazing. If you don't like them, you're cooking them wrong!
Beat me to it lol
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Gracie on December 04, 2012, 11:28:02 PM
I put sweetcorn in my noodles.

[spoiler=We're getting there]([/spoiler]
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 05, 2012, 04:41:32 AM
ewww brussel sprouts :(

but then again I eat kale, so I can't talk
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: strike on December 05, 2012, 06:00:24 AM
I sell kale!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on December 05, 2012, 06:29:31 AM
Quote from: Strike Reyhi on December 05, 2012, 06:00:24 AM
I sell kale!

that's hard to say!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Tsunokiette on December 06, 2012, 07:12:29 AM
I have trouble keeping excess fat off :/.

My problem isn't an inability to lose it. Between resistance training and supplements I can lose weight easily (I hate soda now). The problem is resisting my grandparent's cooking -_-. I live with them so...yeah. Anytime I don't eat a lumberjack's meal they think I'm turning anorexic :/ lol.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 09, 2012, 10:14:44 PM
I joined a gym today. I've reached the limits of what I can do on my own, and im looking for some guidance. Personal trainer,  activate!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Djangonator on December 09, 2012, 10:16:54 PM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on January 09, 2013, 01:30:41 PM
so question for you ladies and gents. What is the best time to workout?  If there is one.   I usually work out at night, after dinner. So usually around 7 or 8 pm.  I either go to the gym where I usually get in about an hour and 10 minutes (30 min treadmill + 5 min cool down, then 30 min stationary bike or eliptical + 5 min cool down).  Sometimes I'll use the weight lifting machines, but that is rare.   Right now I'm really focused on loosing. I have a lot to lose ;9

If I don't go to the gym, I do 50 minutes of dancing. I have a new heart rate monitor I got for Christmas, and honestly the dancing gets my heart rate up better than the gym.  My average heart rate when dancing is 162 (which is right in the middle of my target range). 

My only issue is this: once I work out I get HUNGRY.  No matter how full I was before I worked out, about an hour afterwards I am so hungry >_<  And I don't want to eat that late, so I end up snacking, and then I think "well don't snack, just eat something real"  So I eat a little bit.  It's not like I'm eating a massive amount of food at these times, but still that little bit puts me over my caloric intake for the day (set at 1400 calories per day)  and I don't like eating at 9 or 10 at night since I try to go to bed around 11:30 or so now.  I'm thinking if I moved my workout up to the middle of the day.. maybe when logan is down for his nap, that might help. I  could work out and then eat a little something and I'd have the rest of the day to work it off.

There are two problems with this: 1) I can't go to the gym any earlier. I babysit my nephews and so I go when they go home.   2) I'll still be over on calories.   

Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on January 09, 2013, 01:43:04 PM
Traditionally, morning is the best time, but some people believe that the afternoon is the best time.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on January 09, 2013, 02:17:06 PM
Maybe I'll try doing the dance workout while logan is asleep then. what about the hunger thing? Is that normal? Any tips for controlling it?
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on January 09, 2013, 02:46:39 PM
You're supposed to eat after you workout. Google "what to eat after a workout" and you'll find some good info. Anything high in protein is great. Turkey, tuna, even peanut butter, but don't go crazy with it. You need to replace the calories that you just burned. I know it sounds counter-productive, but its not. The human body is weird.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: firerain on January 10, 2013, 06:43:38 AM
i've been working out pretty extensively for the past couple of weeks because I got lazy/busy around christmas. was at the gym today doing squats, pulled my hamstring. hnnnnnnnnng
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on January 10, 2013, 11:47:21 AM
ouch!  >_<   Sir, you need to be careful!   I hope you heal soon, pulled muscles hurt ;9

I did nothing yesterday and expect to follow that trend today. On the up side I'm barely eating so it shouldn't matter too much. I hate going to see a doctor but my throat is sore and super freaking itchy and it isn't getting better. I may have to suck it up and go see one soon though >_< 
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on January 12, 2013, 12:17:14 AM
I was told that your best performance is after your afternoon glucose crash. As far as diet goes, it depends on what you want to do. For gaining weight, like muscle mass, go with lots of calories- good calories, like in fruit and simple starches. Your protien intake doesn't need to be increased, most likely, just reshuffled to 25% just before your lifts, 25% afterward, and the rest as you go. BASICS: Eat enough. Eat meat, veggies, fruit, some starch and no sugar. Water is your friend, as are carbs to jump-start your workout. Gaining mass is easier in the fall and winter.

For weight loss, you start early in the morning. Lots of cardio, MUCH water will help keep you hydrated AND feeling full. Fiber intake should increase, as important to weight loss as protien is to weight gain. The goal here is to excercise untill you sweat or 20 minutes, whichever comes last. Weight loss is easiest in the spring and summer. So I was told.

It worked for me. At the beginning of 2011 I was 260 lbs with 33% body fat. Now I'm 215 lbs with 23% body fat, and I can lift 180 lbs over my head from a sitting position.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: strike on November 09, 2014, 02:33:15 AM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: strike on November 09, 2014, 02:33:35 AM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on November 09, 2014, 05:44:55 AM
Yes, FITNESS! I'll share my progress, and encourage others to do the same! :)

I was actually planning to post here soon, since I've been working on some weight loss look better goals. This time of the year doesn't particularly help, since I have an incurable sweet tooth. I'm probably not going at it the best way, but I've managed to slim down a bit, appearance-wise (unless either Malson or myself is lying to me :mad:).

Bear with me. I'm trying. ;_;

For exercise - So far, I've been doing Pilates (twice as much as I usually do). I have a specific work out kit that has been my on-and-off go-to for years, except for the times when I'm stupid enough to stop doing them. They're great at shaping and muscle-building, but my weight number hasn't exactly changed (muscle weights more than fat and all that). So, I've still got a tummy bulge to eradicate. I can feel muscle underneath all my tummy fluff, so there's a start. B)

Another thing I'm trying is (gasp) monitoring the calories I get from drinking (soda). All in all, my sweet tea and soda consumption is scarce, compared to what it used to be. :) I've mostly cut them out. It was easier than I thought, especially since I got into a citrus green tea craze and started to drink that instead. It seems a lot healthier, but I'm sure it has its downsides, as well. I can't stop looking at all those vitamins on the label, mang.

Food is my weakness and ally. I've tried to cut back on my calories before and ended up destroying my energy. It's really hard to measure what I need when I don't exactly fit the average female's criteria for build and height, so I can't quite diet like a normal female. I usually have more luck with exercise, though I'm totally up for a few food substitutions.

I'm going to try out some of the cardio advice I've seen around here. If anyone else has some simple fat-burning exercise/etc ideas to add to the pot, I'm all ears!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on November 10, 2014, 08:26:29 PM
Good for you yuyu!

We've been practicing for a Turkey Trot. That's a 5k run on Thanksgiving if you were curious.

And the whole family is going.

So lots of resistance training since I'm pushing the jogging stroller with the 4 and 2 year old and my wife is pushing the other stroller with the new one.

Yeah, we're nuts.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on November 11, 2014, 04:38:50 AM
Hey, that sounds like a plan! The fall weather down here is absolutely amazing, so it sounds like the perfect time for a jog. B)

Maybe my sister will let me borrow her 5 and .5 year old for a turkey trot, if they have one in this part of TX. B)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on November 14, 2014, 08:38:22 PM
Do it.

But be forewarned: I have yet to run in a turkey trot with a decent t-shirt. It's like its a rule that the shirt they give out has to be terrible.

Granted, that's probably to having to put the word "turkey" on it, but you know.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Ryosis on November 21, 2014, 04:13:42 PM
Just popping in for a second to talk about my own fitness program of sorts. I've been dedicating myself over the last few months to weightlifting in an effort to build some muscle since I've always been kind of a skinny guy. Progress is slow, but it has been made, and I feel fantastic, in addition to a little stronger. :P

Current regimen consists of set days - in this case, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - as well as a day in between for rest. I also take weekends off, just to give my body more time to repair before I go back at it. So, my schedule looks something like this:


The end result is that I'm exhausted, but overall I feel really good. If anything, working out has helped me cut back on smoking, quite a bit in fact. I'm probably going to start jogging next week, for cardio reasons. That should be fun.

Alright, I'm done. I hope everyone is making progress in their own quest for physical fitness! And I apologize for the excessive formatting. :P
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on November 22, 2014, 05:26:38 AM
I envy your dedication! :) Glad to hear it's working out well (pun not intended)!

I haven't seen many results, except weighing maybe a little more. >B( That probably has a bit to do with the muscle-building and being slowed down for a few days from being sick with the flu(?). I'm still sick, but started to pick back up again! I've noticed some more shape, but I'd really like to do some fat-burning, too. ;o Instead of doing double of my shaping pilates, I've decided to do the normal amount, along with some 5-minute daily cardio exercises I dug up online. I even got Dr. Mc to join in!

I hope that'll be enough. I mean, shoot. It still makes me sweat, pant, feel the burn and all that, even if it's only a 5 minute exercise. :p
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Holkeye on December 06, 2014, 08:54:34 AM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on March 18, 2015, 06:47:36 PM
I've started to carry around a little notebook in my purse, where I will be keeping track of my spending and calories. It's already helped me out tremendously because awareness is awesome. Also, me and my dad are going to be weight-loss buddies and motivate each other - which is going to tremendously help both of us! B)

My goal for dieting is to take in about 1,500 - 1,700 calories per day. I'm probably going to aim for less than 1,500, but the interwebs seemed to like that range for me.
For exercise, I intend to work out for 25 minutes, 3-4 times per week. That's what DDP recommends. :B

Now that I'm actively writing down what I'm eating, I'm automatically making smarter decisions. I'm not even aiming for "low cal" foods, but a balance of healthy v. acceptable calories. Another cool thing that I've started doing is contemplating just HOW hungry I am before finishing or eating a meal. I never really thought about it, but getting myself into that mindset really helps. I also would like to start eating meals while I'm preoccupied. I end up eating way less when I'm doing something else, and eating MUCH slower. B) The annoying part is keeping track of calories, because it can be a little tedious. It's hard to know for sure how many calories are in unlabeled products, so I feel like I'll have to do a bit of research and estimating.

For drinks, I've been drinking out of cups with measurement lines (as well as generally drinking fewer calorie drinks, such as green tea, water and 10-cal soda lol). I love Lipton's citrus green tea! :tpg: Great source of vitamins, tastes good, and  makes a fine work out partner (apparently green tea is better than water for work outs?). Another plan I have is to start drinking a glass of water every morning, because apparently that gives you a ton of energy and is an excellent method for removing toxins from the body. Either way, it's water. Can't go wrong with H2O. B)

Finally, my #1 dieting goal is to cut out the stupidity. The only reason I gained weight in the first place was because I was stupid enough to eat out all the time. Cutting back on that is a great way to save money and spare myself the extra calories. :B

For exercise, I've been doing DDP Yoga for a little while now. I keep missing days, so my plan is to really crack down on my exercises. I also didn't follow the program pretty well and ended up doing the Energy work out most days. Eventually, I tried out the Fat Burner exercise and realized that I was doing the wimpy stuff all along. I only do the Fat Burner video now, and damn it kicks my butt. I've never had a better work out, nor sweat quite as much (unless I'm playing sports). It feels pretty great. 3-4 times a week, 25 minutes per session should kick my lazy butt into shape. I highly recommend DDP Yoga for a good exercise that covers you in sweat, but doesn't make you feel dead or sore.

On top of that, I intend to eventually make myself into a morning person. There's nothing quite like morning weather in Texas, and my neighborhood is perfect for going on walks. I'm pretty convinced that morning walks are a great way to lose a little weight, get some cardio, and wake up and energize. Walking is one of my favorite things to do anyways. :aco:

And...that's it! Dieting always scares me more than exercise, but both of them are actually pretty fun now and I already feel pretty great! :gracie: Time to acquire a hot bod.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Irock on March 18, 2015, 08:55:04 PM
Keep us updated :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on March 19, 2015, 01:22:09 AM
Quote from: irock on March 18, 2015, 08:55:04 PM
Keep us updated :)

By the way, thanks for recommending DDP Yoga! Everyone should do DDP Yoga. :drsword:
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Irock on March 19, 2015, 01:28:53 AM
I should od DDP Yoga too ;9
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on March 19, 2015, 02:09:53 AM
I imagine it's really good for men especially because the first thing you start to build is strength. :] I can't really do push ups, so I have to modify them whenever he does them, but those are fantastic for guys.

I have no problem with the flexibility stuff, though. The cool thing about DDP Yoga is that you can use it to your strengths and focus on the things that you specifically want to target. I don't really care about arm strength, so I focus more on the other stuff. B)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on April 06, 2015, 05:48:34 PM
Going to add "walking/jogging" (on my non DDP days) to my exercise plan for sure. ;o The weather was awesome the other day, so I went for a jog. I learned many things - the first being that my cardio absolutely SUCKS, and the second being that running is incredibly awesome and I forgot how good the workout from it was. And being outdoors is good for the soul. ;] Gives you time to get away from the house, think about life and enjoy nature.

Getting up and doing exercises and stuff isn't difficult for me (given that I have the time to do it)... but I still need work on the dieting half of my fitness plan. ;9 Too much of a go-getter. Not enough restraint. Guh

Anyone else doing fitness stuff right now? :) The thread is getting a little lonely. ;(
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: PhoenixFire on April 06, 2015, 08:49:22 PM
Well, it's not so much out of the ordinary for me, in that I consider it just part of my normal routine, but I do go for walks after work at least a couple nights a week, and they end up being between 2 and 3 miles total. Plus I walk from the train station to my workplace, so, you can add a quarter mile there and a quarter mile back to the station in the evening.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on April 07, 2015, 01:19:50 AM
Walking is awesome. :D I'm sure your heart is glad!

It's especially cool that you have it worked into your schedule regularly. :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: PhoenixFire on April 07, 2015, 02:08:10 AM
Yeah, it's actually kinda cool that I can count on an absolute minimum of a half mile every week day
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Slashaar on April 28, 2015, 05:24:15 AM
My routine is my job 5 days a week where in a single 8 hour shift you can lift up to (so far) a combined weight of 15,000 lbs in ammunition(30-80lb boxes of ammunition). Woooo. Actually surprised I haven't hurt myself there yet... Then every other day I go home after work and do about 3 sets of 20 benchpress (too lazy to go look and see how much i have on the bar atm), then I curl about 75lbs until I can't lift my arms anymore. Sore muscles are good muscles. :D

Fun fact: The abdominal muscles are the only muscle group that you can work everyday without needing to rest.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Acolyte on April 28, 2015, 03:48:54 PM
Just got a new stationary bike. Yeaaaaaah! ;8
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Irock on April 28, 2015, 04:31:00 PM
Quote from: Acolyte on April 28, 2015, 03:48:54 PM
Just got a new stationary bike. Yeaaaaaah! ;8
#VeryNice I have one and they're great for working out however mine is broken because it won't go anywhere but I hope yours is better. :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Slashaar on April 28, 2015, 04:54:17 PM
Darn those stationary bikes not going anywhere. Did you check the tires irock?
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on April 28, 2015, 09:46:25 PM
Quote from: irock on April 28, 2015, 04:31:00 PM
Quote from: Acolyte on April 28, 2015, 03:48:54 PM
Just got a new stationary bike. Yeaaaaaah! ;8
#VeryNice I have one and they're great for working out however mine is broken because it won't go anywhere but I hope yours is better. :)

Yeah. I told her that it was weird that her bike didn't go anywhere and her response was "It's ok" or something. People these days.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 02, 2015, 03:18:51 AM
I know I have a bad tendency to ruin/not follow through with everything I post in this thread but I started using and it's damn awesome. :tpg: It helped me set up a plan and I easily stayed in my calorie budget today. Nothing too extreme, so I'm not really tempted to cheat. If left to my own devices, I have a bad tendency to try and overdo things (followed by a burn out), so it's nice to take things slowly.

I'm also still exercising (almost) daily. It's not mega workouts, but it does help since I don't quite have time for DDP Yoga until I'm done with the fatigue from these Summer classes.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on July 02, 2015, 03:20:36 AM
You making sure to stay away from soda? I know you can do it. :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 03:36:14 AM
Huh. I lift during autumn and winter. At that time I take in around 5,000 kcal per day- and while nutrition is important, I follow the "if it fits your macros, eat it" philosophy(macros being macro nutrients, like protien and carbs). This being summer, its cutting season, cutting meaning pay attention to fat and carb intake, low wieght and hi rep, more cardio.

I HATE CARDIO. And i want a soda SO badly. But I  gotta stay somewhat fit. I weigh 275 and am at 20 % boday fatte. I'm cool with that.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 02, 2015, 04:15:02 AM
Quote from: mahou boejo on July 02, 2015, 03:20:36 AM
You making sure to stay away from soda? I know you can do it. :)

Technically, yes. :D At least, the sodas that I have intended to avoid. I have some Dr Pepper 10, but I only have the occasional glass.

Quote from: Ser EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 03:36:14 AM
Huh. I lift during autumn and winter. At that time I take in around 5,000 kcal per day- and while nutrition is important, I follow the "if it fits your macros, eat it" philosophy(macros being macro nutrients, like protien and carbs). This being summer, its cutting season, cutting meaning pay attention to fat and carb intake, low wieght and hi rep, more cardio.

I HATE CARDIO. And i want a soda SO badly. But I  gotta stay somewhat fit. I weigh 275 and am at 20 % boday fatte. I'm cool with that.

I love cardio - especially dancing! ;~;

I'm on a 1,200 budget right now (set up by myfitnesspal). According to many sources, women of my frame can consume 2,000 calories a day, which actually really surprised me and made sense. I spent my whole life wondering why I felt dead trying to diet like normal girls and constantly failed at trying to consume ~800 cals a day. My body just needs more energy to sustain itself and 1,200 cals a day actually feels like normal/healthy dieting to me. o.o Part of it was also me lying to myself because of the infamous "I'm not fat, I'm just big boned" stereotype. But I actually am big boned, and da proof is in da wrist measurements. :drsword:

If there are any of you that haven't looked into what bone structure means for your ideal calorie intake (, it really does help.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 05:06:11 AM
I am told by my nursey wife that anything under 700 kcal a day actually throws one into starvation mode, where ANY intake is metabolized more slowly. Silly girls, no wonder you all think you're cows.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Ryosis on July 02, 2015, 05:23:43 AM
Quote from: yuyu! on July 02, 2015, 04:15:02 AMIf there are any of you that haven't looked into what bone structure means for your ideal calorie intake (, it really does help.

Hm, I had no idea I had a medium frame. Good to know. :P

Anyway, I'm still sticking to my regimen. I've noticed some pretty decent gains, but I've more or less plateaued. Not that I have any real problem with that. I feel a lot better, and not just physically. I'm I'm lot more confident, that's for sure.

I've also managed to quit smoking, so that's a nice bonus on top of it all. Woo~
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 05:28:29 AM
Keep that shit up, my friend! Cigarettes are poison, plain and simple. Well done!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Slashaar on July 02, 2015, 09:19:01 AM
1 month off cigs! yay me.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 02, 2015, 11:29:45 PM
Woo! Congrats on being cig-free (or almost), guys!! :D

Quote from: Ryosis on July 02, 2015, 05:23:43 AM
Anyway, I'm still sticking to my regimen. I've noticed some pretty decent gains, but I've more or less plateaued. Not that I have any real problem with that. I feel a lot better, and not just physically. I'm I'm lot more confident, that's for sure.

You said "gains" and I was immediately like "Awwww sorry about that :(". Then I realized that "gains" can mean a good thing for men. That word in the context of weight has the plague amongst us ladies. ;9

Quote from: Ser EvilM00s on July 02, 2015, 05:06:11 AM
I am told by my nursey wife that anything under 700 kcal a day actually throws one into starvation mode, where ANY intake is metabolized more slowly. Silly girls, no wonder you all think you're cows.

I'm so bad with this calorie stuff, so I may have been off on the numbers. :B

I was off on my numbers, too... Apparently It's more like 1600 a day, not 1200. My dad made me switch to loseit instead of myfitnesspal and by time I plugged in my numbers and did more research. This thing is also the coolest weight loss calculator ever ( Use that + measuring your frame size for maximum detail. ;o

I'm done with classes after next week, so it's about time I picked up DDP Yoga again. :drsword:
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Acolyte on July 03, 2015, 12:00:44 AM
Just for the record, you're not supposed to go under 1200cal a day, but you'd have to be severely restricting your calories over a long period of time to actually go into "starvation mode".
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 03, 2015, 01:02:50 AM
Quote from: Acolyte on July 03, 2015, 12:00:44 AM
Just for the record, you're not supposed to go under 1200cal a day, but you'd have to be severely restricting your calories over a long period of time to actually go into "starvation mode".

Ahh, so I pretty seriously overestimated how much I needed to diet. :B It seems like my problem was really more along the lines of "watching what I eat" and not so much "XTREME DIET TYME". Paired with exercise, it might be silly for me to run that close to the edge, anyways. I'm so bad at this! ;____; Every time I've lost weight, it's been through exercise.

My dad is pretty much the only example I have to learn from as far as someone dieting in the house. He managed to starve his way down to starvation mode at one point and completely stopped losing weight. He got himself down 100+ lbs and then couldn't lose anymore and had to give up. Thankfully, he's back on his diet and isn't starving himself this time.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Ryosis on July 03, 2015, 04:07:46 AM
I'm kind of lazy when it comes to counting calories, in the sense that I eat a lot of carbs and protein and don't bother to count them. I'm pretty sure I average out at 2000+ a day, but I don't know for sure.

I must be doing something right, though. :P I figure if I weren't, I wouldn't be maxing out at 225 on the bench. I want to go heavier, but that's my wall right now.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Acolyte on July 03, 2015, 05:49:07 AM
If you lift, it doesn't really matter. In order to build muscle mass, you actually need a surplus of calories, so trying to eat fewer calories ends up hindering progress. I don't know a whole lot about it personally, but you could browse through r/lifting and find tons of info on what macros you should shoot for and all that.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 06, 2015, 12:24:32 AM
It looks like I'm down by 3 lbs already? ;___; Probably that initial "OMG U JUST CUT OUT SODAS AND JUNK FOOD" spike, but it still feels great. I did (purposefully) cheat a little on the holiday, but I've been super good today and every other day. :D
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Roph on July 06, 2015, 12:32:13 AM
oh hello


I'll see myself out
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Irock on July 07, 2015, 10:49:35 AM
Keep it up Roph :)
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: strike on July 07, 2015, 01:29:36 PM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on July 07, 2015, 02:49:12 PM
I recently hopped back on the move more bandwagon. I really do want to tackle this :mad:

I started watching my calories and just moving more. I've lost 8lbs in a month. I can now wrap my apron strings around me and tie them in front ^_^  Which is a big deal for me :) 

@Strike: the app is Monitor Your Weight
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on July 09, 2015, 08:31:37 AM
Huh. Okay.

I have to watch what I eat for medical reasons. I had my gallbladder removed so I cant eat a lot of fat or I get the runs, and since I'm on Ritalin (there, I said it) I have to make sure I take in just enough sugars.

See, my pancreas is scarred and it acts funny sometimes, so every once in a while ill get a whole glob of insulin all at once. Not a big deal unless I'm already a little low on carbs, from say, having amphetamines like the Ritalin in my system.

Besides, Ritalin suppresses one's appetite, like any amphetamine will do. Its great help with concentration and it happens to help with losing weight, I just have to make sure my sugar doesn't crash. Hasn't happened yet!

In other news I ran a 5k today. I didn't time it, I just wanted to get through. Wooo!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on July 09, 2015, 02:02:34 PM
Go M00s!!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on July 09, 2015, 05:20:38 PM
Quote from: Ser EvilM00s on July 09, 2015, 08:31:37 AM
Huh. Okay.

I have to watch what I eat for medical reasons. I had my gallbladder removed so I cant eat a lot of fat or I get the runs, and since I'm on Ritalin (there, I said it) I have to make sure I take in just enough sugars.

See, my pancreas is scarred and it acts funny sometimes, so every once in a while ill get a whole glob of insulin all at once. Not a big deal unless I'm already a little low on carbs, from say, having amphetamines like the Ritalin in my system.

Besides, Ritalin suppresses one's appetite, like any amphetamine will do. Its great help with concentration and it happens to help with losing weight, I just have to make sure my sugar doesn't crash. Hasn't happened yet!

In other news I ran a 5k today. I didn't time it, I just wanted to get through. Wooo!

Congrats on the 5k, M00s!!! :)

My mom also had her gallbladder removed and it seriously knocked out a ton of foods from her diet (but she's a picky eater anyways). Just recently, we found out that my older sister has gal stones. I do not envy you guys. ;9
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on July 11, 2015, 07:39:37 AM
Thank you, Jules! I had to dig pretty deep.

And yes, gallstones suck pretty bad. I might wish it on my worst enemy, if I was feeling particularly cruel at the time. Poor kid, I hope she gets through soon.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on August 05, 2015, 05:38:04 PM

Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on August 05, 2015, 06:48:58 PM
Go you!!
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: bluntsword on August 05, 2015, 07:59:26 PM
Quote from: yuyuMEAN on August 05, 2015, 05:38:04 PM


Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Irock on August 05, 2015, 08:50:36 PM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on August 05, 2015, 08:52:59 PM
I <3 u guys ;-;
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on August 07, 2015, 12:05:30 PM
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on August 07, 2015, 07:51:39 PM
Eeeeee!!! Congrats! ^_^
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Roph on August 08, 2015, 03:25:08 PM

Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on August 08, 2015, 05:28:22 PM
Great job Roph. Can you give me fashion tips? You match way more than I ever do lol ^_^

Thanks yuyu <3
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on August 08, 2015, 07:21:59 PM
Roph, you look great! *___*
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: EvilM00s on August 12, 2015, 11:23:25 AM
Going to re-up my gym membership today. The wife is coming too, as she is tired of the baby weight hanging on. I just want to be there to see my grandchildren.
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Mysticphoenix on September 03, 2015, 02:31:15 PM
I always go to the gym with one of my friends. Grab barbell --> go to the bench --> ask him to take a pic --> do bench press for 3 reps --> go home --> profits
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on November 19, 2015, 11:20:06 AM
Slow progress is still progress :ladyj:
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on November 19, 2015, 08:06:51 PM
Yay! We're rooting for you!~ ^_^

I haven't lost (or gained) anything since I started school, so I'm trying to pick up where I left off. :] I've started doing DDP Yoga every Monday/Wednesday/Friday again... I might pick back up on calorie watching again, too. :D
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: Jules on November 19, 2015, 08:13:48 PM
Thank you ^_^

I'm working on it, it took me a lifetime to learn these habits, so it'll take me a bit to unlearn them, and that's ok :)

Good luck missy! 
Title: Re: Fitness thread? Fitness thread.
Post by: yuyu! on November 19, 2015, 08:22:04 PM
I believe in you! ;~; <3