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Finish the proverb

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Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
Okay, new game. Just post the beginning of a proverb and give it a new ending.

For example:


If at first you don't succeed, ... try and try again


If at first you don't succeed, ... kill Jared Leto.

Except make it funny, instead of stupid. You can use the same proverb someone else has used, and you can post as many versions of any proverb as you like. Go.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
The early bird always gets the...

Level 91
Sexual Deviant

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
Don't bite the hand ...

(and try to put a proverb beginning as well as the ending to this, so that we can speed things up. i.e. if you finish a proverb, start a new proverb)

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
that rubs you.

A journey of a thousand miles must start...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
after one refills the gas tank.

He who is overcome by greed...

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
gets his head chopped off by Somalian cowboys.
(I'm really not so good at this. I should make games up that I'm good at from now on)

It is always darkest before...

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
spreading the cheeks.      <.< (couldnt think of anything lol)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but....

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
my god why did you have to use a gun.

Keep your friends close and your enemies...

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
... in a tank of killer pirranhas.

Cleanliness is next to...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... in a tank of killer pirranhas.

Cleanliness is next to...

... an odd fellow named Patel. He's an inventor.

A penny saved is ...


Oh and <3 "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my god why did you have to use a gun."

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
... is the last thing that goes throught your mind as you get swallowed up by a giant gerbil.

Where there's a will....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
... There's money involved.

What you don't know...

- -

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
... will eat you on monday.

You can't make an omlette....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
without ten tons of lard

Its better to lose a battle than to...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...give up your star trek action figure collection.

Behind every great man...

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
... is a gay guy bending forward.

One man's loss is another man's...

- -

Level 91
Sexual Deviant

Keep your friends close and your enemies...

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... in the crosshairs

Discretion is the better part ...

Level 86
of having sex.

If there was no life there would be...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...chance to wreak molten death on the weakest parts of it.

A mind is a terrible thing...

Level 88
...without apple sauce  ;D

A home without a cat...

I love Firerain
Level 97
is like a cat without a home?

No one is...
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
without pants.


Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

When in doubt,...

Level 87
In my own little world...
punch a baby.

Ask not what you can do for yourself,...

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
.... else you will be squashed by a giant purple lizard.

Time is...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 87
a figment of your imagination.

What goes around...

Level 87
In my own little world...
comes around as a pile of poo and splats in your face.

Fool me once, shame on you!
Fool me twice...

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Shame on YOU!

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I love Firerain
Level 97
A Big Pila Poop.

Boxer who chews foot
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... is less likely to chew ears.

(never heard of that proverb)

A penny saved is...

Level 87
In my own little world...
is a hour wasted of your life when you start to count them up later and mess up 3 times.

Hell hath no fury like a...

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
an  angry black woman

Spoiler for:
The fear of God is the begining of knowledge, but fools despise...

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
seeing unmaried USA, state of florida, women parachute on a sunday.

If you fail....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 86
you will fed to the donkeys....

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man...

Level 91
..fail to achieve life's only ultimate goal - reaching level 99 with all equips +9 socketed with gems and stuff in a random mmorpg.

Throwing air guitars at random people is only good if....
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 87
In my own little world...
they are bleeders!

To be, or not to be, that is...

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... not a proverb  :P

When the blind leadeth the blind, ...

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
they lose at halo.

Guns don't kill people...

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
....AIDS do!

In darkness...
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
...nobody can see if you get raped.

What goes around...

Level 86
What goes around, keeps going around...

A man is known by the....

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
person he's screwing.

curiosity killed...

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
the Aztecs. They got too close to an active volcano.

Time is...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
nothing compared to Chuck Norris.

(Got this out of a fortune cookie)

If you fear nothing, than you are not man, but if you fear...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
but if you fear...

Then you are not from 4chan.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
(You forgot the proverb)

Violence is not the answer...

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Rape is.

Treat others the way...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
the way you wished some hot girl would treat you.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.

What's cool is not always what's...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member

Daft Punk Is playing at my...

(Yeah, I know, LCD Soundsystem sucks but I couldn't think of anything else)
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
local pub. He's a one man band.

Two heads are better than....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member

Is this the real life, is this just fantasy, caught in a land slide oh escape from....
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 89
under my bed.

When life gives you lemons...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
Stick them into your girlfriend.

you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
(that's not rly a proverb)
... in my pants

Once a chav always a...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
(It is if you have played Metal Gear Solid)

brit guy.

What goes around...
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 02:46:56 PM by EVAProject01 »
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
"cums" around.

Treat others...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
like you see what monsters do to girls in Hentai videos.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Keep on Baggin'
...shame on... won't get fooled again

You're never too old to...

Some friends mend.  Some friends depend.  Some friends lend.  Some friends send.  Friend.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... die young

A bird in the hand...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...prevents it from rubbing the bush.


Level 87
Shazamn bithes

A stitch in time saves....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member

"This is Madness!"

"...Madness? THIS, IS,[...]"

(300 Joke, d'oh!)

Edit: Fix'd.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 01:48:06 AM by Arrow-1 »
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...you're still the one chosen by fadark.

Waste not,...

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... live not.

A woman's place is in ... :P

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
bed, or handcuffed to it to be precise.

There's no place like...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member

Friends, Countrymen, lend me your
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
extentendible rubber cocks.

What comes around....
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
... becomes a prostitute in Boston because she adultered and caused the deaths of twenty people.

An ounce of discretion ...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
leads to 1000 milliliters, AKA The answer to my Chem homework.

All of the internet is a series of...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
a web that loves to catch pr0n.

All your base are...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
being used as the only joke from the internet not from 4chan.

Guns don't kill people...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
People kill guns.

Show me the...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member

Lucy in the sky with...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
with a pizza in her eye, is only the worst to come.

THumb up the bum...

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
With something on your lamenting.

What?! What are you doing?! We can't stop here, this is...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween

There once was a man from nantucket...

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
He once left this forum saying "Fuck it!"

Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 87
Shazamn bithes

Why do something yourself when...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
you can sell your soul to the devil and have him do it!

And the Lord said let there be...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
spontanious combustion

On the sixths day, gawd made...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

I love Firerain
Level 97
a computer.

Cat in house is better than
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
...a cat in your ass

jack be nimble jack be quick jack jump over the candle....

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

I love Firerain
Level 97
but jack burned his ass.

Jack burn ass, jack burn dog, dog burn jack
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
wtfuck? I'm not sure how to respond? Ass burn jack?

A burnt child dreads ...

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
...barbeque sauce


FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

I love Firerain
Level 97
... ;D

Wizard who crushes wand-
Arlen is hot.

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
is heby known as a douche bag

He who speaks foolish notions...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
...might be black

Sitting on a cactus is better than...
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
sitting on irockman's lap

He who has sex..
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
has gotten more than Irock.

Pimpin' aint easy...
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Unless your bitches come up easy.

Keep your friends close and your enemies...

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
In your pants.

If you like cheese, then...

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
...then you are a packers fan

Outrunning a cop is....
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
...not as important as outrunning the guy running next to you.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
shame on YOU

 Never give...
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
...a cookie to a mouse
(and if you get reference I'll give YOU a cookie)

one in the basket, two in the....

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
her pants.

(a child's book I once had maybe?)

Chuck Norris...

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
...will roundhouse kick you into space

watcha gonna do when they....

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Writer2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
come on you.

GTFO mah
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 86
I'll slob on your knob like corn on the cob
When life gives you lemons...

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
...play the game right!

Blah Blah, yadda yadda.....

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
...get a bra and do lambada.

A picture is worth 1,000 words, but a....
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Level 86
1,000 pictures is worth way more than that

speaking of bras.....