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Martinsgamegallery (submit resources in forums)

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I've been hosting screenies from my biggest project. http://www.martinsgamegallery.net/the_magical_war.htm

Level 91
GIMP 2.3.18 bitches!
i registered yesterday i think....will i have to register again?
Go suck a lemon! lol


Rep: +0/-0Level 92
Guess who's back

Quote from: mangadude5760
i registered yesterday i think....will i have to register again?

Hmmm... Who did you register as?

EDIT. Never mind. You haven't registered yet. Therefore you cannot log in, lol.

Level 91
GIMP 2.3.18 bitches!
okay i coundnt remember if i did or not but i'll probably join soon
Go suck a lemon! lol


Rep: +0/-0Level 92
Guess who's back
lol.. :shock:

Level 91
GIMP 2.3.18 bitches!
Go suck a lemon! lol


Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Hey, if you need a design I can make one for you, I'm pretty handy with FrontPage. ;)

Sure! When you're done, send it over via e-mail: martin.overby@martinsgamegallery.net

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
KK. It'll take a while though coz I'll be installing some scripts on it. Hope your hosts allow PHP 4.0 and MySQL 4.0 -n- up.

Yeah it does. Listen, my e-mail is fucked up, so you must host the file somwhere so i can install it.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Ok. I'm done with the design. Just have to do most of the basic coding. :)

Also, I'll set up a teaser image for the design in a bit.


I have teh teaser image. : :^^:

Mushy Poo Slushy

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Hey, Rikku, done with the layout, I'll be uploading it soon. I've packed a few scripts in there, so you'll have a news and downloads manager. Not to mention the time, day, and month displayed in the corner part of the banner. And you'll also have a shoutbox, and statistics counter. :)

Thanks. I appreciate it.

Quote from: Jiakotsume
Hey, Rikku, done with the layout, I'll be uploading it soon. I've packed a few scripts in there, so you'll have a news and downloads manager. Not to mention the time, day, and month displayed in the corner part of the banner. And you'll also have a shoutbox, and statistics counter. :)

The basic font: ADMUI3Sm

All the pages, you'll have to do yourself tho. You can handle that, right? :|

EDIT:Your Layout. :)

Alsp, for those of you that are lazy bastards. There is no PSD pack. That means that for the few theives out there, you cannot steal this layout.

Ok, the links there, how do i get them targeted for the sites? They only link to index... I'l ltry to code around.

Edit: Got it!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
lol. sorry. I was too lazy to do the rest. Let me remove the d/l.

Also, I see your shoutbox is having a little spit with the layout. Install the custom shoutboz there from Dawg Tag, and edit the size to that of the size of the area it's in, so that it fits snuggly and also looks good. ;)

Quote from: Jiakotsume
lol. sorry. I was too lazy to do the rest. Let me remove the d/l.

Also, I see your shoutbox is having a little spit with the layout. Install the custom shoutboz there from Dawg Tag, and edit the size to that of the size of the area it's in, so that it fits snuggly and also looks good. ;)

I've figured it out, and check the shoutbox now, kay?

New site upgrades: These upgrades may not be visible, but the site speed is upped a little. I noticed it took forever to load, so hopefully the only time it will take a bit of time to load is after an update, wich i has calmed down with now.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Yeh, I sent the new code in your e-mail. You can install it anytime you want.

And if you didn't get it, here:

Hey, M.O., take this CBox code. It was fixed so that it wouldn't ruin the template.

Also, reduce the size of your text and remove the 'recommended sites' tag.

<!-- BEGIN CBOX - http://www.cbox.ws -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="cbox tagboard" align="center">
<tr><td align="center">
<iframe frameborder="0" width="151" height="175" src="http://cbox.ws/box/?boxid=661379&amp;boxtag=3948&amp;sec=main" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="yes" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxmain" style="border: #FFFFFF 1px solid;" id="cboxmain"></iframe>
</td></tr><tr><td align="center">
<iframe frameborder="0" width="151" height="75" src="http://cbox.ws/box/?boxid=661379&amp;boxtag=3948&amp;sec=form" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform" style="border: #FFFFFF 1px solid; border-top: 0px;" id="cboxform"></iframe>
<!-- END CBOX -->

Seems that it rejects working...

Maybe i'm doing this too often, but i have leanred scripting, HTML and php scripting and i just released the beta version of the upgraded site!


Check it out.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Sorry, but learning to use Front Page and then editing a bit inbetween is not learning anything. =/

Also, mixing my graphics with yours is a bad idea, mainly because you have an abstract and a technical look that is in no way related to the other.

So I'm gonna set it straight.

Use mine if you want it to look good and show content.

Or write up a basic CMS script using HTML and PHP so that you can manage things easy and only show content. (If you can that is)

If you can't do that, and you don't want to use my layout, then atleast remove my images so that I can use it for my website, and get DragonFly CMS, or e107.


Quote from: Jiakotsume
Sorry, but learning to use Front Page and then editing a bit inbetween is not learning anything. =/

Also, mixing my graphics with yours is a bad idea, mainly because you have an abstract and a technical look that is in no way related to the other.

So I'm gonna set it straight.

Use mine if you want it to look good and show content.

Or write up a basic CMS script using HTML and PHP so that you can manage things easy and only show content. (If you can that is)

If you can't do that, and you don't want to use my layout, then atleast remove my images so that I can use it for my website, and get DragonFly CMS, or e107.


LOL i want your layout. It's awesome. You're a good scripter. But i need that layout i'm working on too. I'll use your layout as a news manager! I will not throw away that! And i'll do some mods on the pictures. Kay? And you are welcome to use all images on your website. I'm sharing the copyright!

Also, if you really wanna use that layout on your website, you're welcome to do so! :D I'll just make something new in that case!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
It's not that I want to use it. It's the fact that it can't go to waste. -.-'

Also, your graphics could use a bit of work. Any veteran would give you a one or a two for that banner. :(

But I'm gonna stop bugging you and work on my website seeing as this would be a good learning experience for you.