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Jesus - Man or Myth?

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Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
With this Jesus debate you can have no evidence on wether aristotle lived or not or ploto or da vinci Just because you have little evidence now a days of him living. I am just saying you can make many famouse past heroes or famous people by giving them a label as lack of evidence

Resource Maker
Level 91
I am not a Scientist... And I cuz don't follow the bible, doesn't mean I don't think there is a higher power...

The Bible & Christianity is not the only religion.

On Topic

I don't think the self pro-claimed Son of God was the Son of God... And I don't care much for the scripture of those who did buy into his claims, from the sounds of things the people that followed him had NOTHING before Jesus befriended them, people with nothing like hope... Most cults of today are made of nothing but people with Hope, large dreams and empty pockets... Same for back then.

I don't know what created space, it's anti matter and dark matter, we know very little of it, it's one of the greatest questions of all time and to answer it with God Made it, just does nothing for me... Infact it's an insult to modern thinking to pass off the creation of the universe to 3 letters GOD... Rubbish.

You want my Theory, life spawns life, no matter how small that life is, and who's to say that there is no life in anti matter or dark matter, who's to say space it's self isn't alive...??

I think there are creatures that move in different time zone to us, I think there are more dimensions than we can map... we only see in 3Dimensions, who's to say what moves or lives in those above 3 ?...

May be there is the mother of all, in a dimension far above our own... It's a nice thought, but I wouldn't picture that GOD as having a beard or sending his son to walk amoungst us as a man... It's just plain Tosh !!

In answer to the Question Jesus - Man or Myth?

He was a Man not a Myth (He did live), the only myth is him being the Son of God... If God wanted to experience all the finer things of being Mortal surely he would have wanted to experience giving birth, I am pretty sure & by that meassure God would have chossen to be born a Female... And if Jesus was the embodyment of God, then why would he have awarded himself un-humain powers...??

It's all a load of Bull Turd if you ask me !!!

Ok, one more time: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT GOD IS, I DO NOT KNOW HOW GOD DID IT. Creator is God, no matter who Creator is. An alien can't be God, because the alien was created by God as well.

Any thing that's orgin point is not the Earth is an Alien by definition of the word, if there was a GOD that would make him Alien to our Planet.

Second: I don't care about the "past Christians", simply because only a few of them were truly Christian. A true Christian would respect and tolerate others, regardless of the belief or faith. A true Christian would respect life itself, and therefore would never take a life. Then again, I repeat, I don't believe in Popes or Priests. I believe in faith, not religion.

The Templar knights used to be devoute Christians, yet they killed 1,000's... The Roman's also brought Christianity with them killing all those who wouldn't listen... Even in defending your faith still killing your fellow man.

Many people have fell under the banner of Christ.

I simply live my life within the limits of what I believe is good or wrong, just like ANYONE else.

Like the Canaibals that live in the Amazon...?  They eat other humans... To them it's not wrong... If you can do some thing should you, and if not why not ? (There is no Right and Wrong)... I mean in Catholic Religion they eat the body of Christ and drink his blood every Sunday...

Saying we have closed minds, couldn't be further from the truth, I think an Atheist has a more open mind than of a Christian you are blinded by faith... To be honest I am an Egnostic (Open to the thought of a higher power, or a faith, I just have not elected one to base my life on as none seem to fit me)... If I had to choose one it would be Buddisum, at the mo, with bits of Hindu and Muslim elements...

Buddisuim = All living things contain energy
Hindu = For there brilliant array of Gods
Muslim = For the Explaination of Demons (Djins)

I have studied many religions so by that meassure I have a larger insight... I am not blinded by religion.


Every one has the right to think as they will... nobody is right and nobody is wrong on this matter.

The heat in here needs turning down a notch... I have had some real interesting reading, apart from the mini rubbish on who said what and who started what... it's like a playground...

DS - you raised a good argueement and you being a Christian and then driffting away from that way of thinking has given you a very clear insight into this debate, it's been a pleasure reading your posts.

Blizzard -  You have also gave a good spin on things, and many of your views run along side my own.

Arwym - It's nice you have such strong elements in your own faith, but others have equally strong feelings against pinning one religion to them selves, it's a modern world... Some of the elements of the bible are not of this modern world and make the bible a good door stop, nothing more to some people.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 07:53:55 AM by landofshadows »

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Level 88
Jesus may have or may not have been the Son of God, that is your opinion to believe, and no one will change that.

However, Jesus did exist. He was documented being crucified by the Romans and by Pilate on Roman Censuses and documents, etc. Therefore we know for certain Jesus existed..

Level 91
Lol, not to start this up again, but how about some fucking sources?

Level 97
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Lol, not to start this up again, but how about some fucking sources?

I don't think it'd change your mind if we gave you 1000 sources, probably not even if we were to invent a time machine and go back in time. I gave you sources, and all you say is that Christians edited them because it is, and always has been, every Christian's agenda to deceive future generations. Even when one of those sources is an entirely negative spin on Christianity, I would assume that some ancient Christian, devious as he was, decided that at some time in the future, men will be demanding evidence for the existence of Jesus and so he decided that he would make it appear unedited by making it negative.

Anyway, this topic is dead and has been for a long time.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Finding sources to 2000 year old documents isn't an easy task, most of us can't find that girl's phone number we wrote down 2 days ago.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
Atheism can be altered just like any other books can be altered. your history books can be altered but I think the bible has more accuracy because even though it has been translated into different languages it is the same. Also not all the parts are found in one spot so the writers could not have altered them. Som of the works are letters to acual churches and not only support Christianity but moral laws and other documents relevent to the Scripture.

Level 97
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your history books can be altered but I think the bible has more accuracy because even though it has been translated into different languages it is the same.

There you have it. The Bible is more accurate than History.

Level 97
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While that was a silly thing to say on the part of cobragamer (learn grammar by the way. I don't know any good books but I am sure they are out there. Maybe a Learn English program by Rosetta Stone?), I feel I should say that in this case, there is historical evidence pointing to the existence of Jesus outside of the bible (which itself is also a legitimate historical document), and so, just to get rid of any false perception anybody reading it may take of the argument, this isn't a history vs. bible argument. It is just history.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Twisting words to make a point, kudos Halo.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
I am just saying thta you could make the arguemant that plato is not real or Da vinci or even darwin

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
WTF where did the rest of my post go??

After that, I had said

You can believe that through translation after translation after translation over hundreds and hundreds of years that the Bible kept the same meaning and interpretation every single time, or you can believe what really happened, which is the translators use their own interpretations when translating the Bible. It hasn't stayed the same.

Twisting words to make a point, kudos Halo.

Wow, way to jump on board with ataraxy. Unlike you, I don't do that.

Also: In before "macroevolution" is brought up again.

Resource Maker
Level 91
There you have it. The Bible is more accurate than History.

Err... No... The Bible can't be an accurate read... It's been re-written too many times, and can be interperated any way the reader wants... That's why you get people hating Gay people, even though God created them..?

Here's a link to the bible and different writtings of the bible:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible

Jesus was a Man... The Myth is he was the Son of God.

What Jesus was

Mary Jesus's Mum, slept or got raped by some one she didn't like (that's why she ran away from town to give birth)... Jesus was born, and she decided rather than tell him who his dad was she would tell him he came from the heavens as a gift to her... He then got slightly deluded, and turned those idea's into ideal's of gradure... It's amazing what the power of self confidence can do...

There are people alive today, faith healers and people who can perform unexplained feets... they don't claim to be the Children of God or angels else they would be pumped full of drugs and put into strieght jackets...

No wonder the killed Jesus... that's what they did to nutty people back then.

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Level 88
Wow, way to jump on board with ataraxy. Unlike you, I don't do that.

Refer me to where I stated the bible is more accurate than history. And you do love to mention me in alot of your posts I've started to notice. :roll: What Elergy is saying is that he agrees with what you said sarcastically - didn't you notice that? Unless Elergy is actually being sarcastic - in which case it isn't like me Halo.

As most people have stated the bible has been re-written heaps and the original meaning has changed due to interpretations and translations and for all we know just plain fun from whoever translates it - they probably find it some sort of a kick to make people believe what they would've just thought up in two minutes.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 09:31:54 AM by ataraxy2 »

Level 88
Actually the reason she ran away was because in those times, you were killed for having a child without being married, it's one of those weird ancient times rules (something about a woman being unfaithful).

Anyway, it's kinda getting off the point, isn't it? Wasn't the original topic, whether Jesus was a man or myth?

Level 87
^^Will Kill You^^
what are you guys trying to do? Have a flame war? Someone isn't gonna like this. These kind of subjects should be left alone. Take me for example, I never talk about it. Except for my obvious liking of voodoo gods from movies.. that's the closest thing to religon i talk about.

I am Christian, btw. Not a voodooist. though I really should learn more about it.. *hurries to wiki*

PS: If anyone want to derep me, go ahead. This is my opinion.
"It started badly, it tailed off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better — but apart from that it was excellent."

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think Jesus was a real person.

I don't think he was the Son of God.

If we could go back in time, I would take a DNA sample from him and every other male from the surrounding area's, come back to the future and prove it.

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