Have you ever wondered how to put in little logos before your main title screen like professional game companies do, or have a pre-title cutscene to open your story with? It's surprisingly simple to do with minimal scripting knowledge! All you need to do is create what you wish to show on a new map in your game and follow the instructions below.
The core that you need to do starts by simply creating a new map to use as your pre-title sequence, whatever it may be. This is entirely up to your own creativity, as long as you remember to eventually use the "return to title" command to bring up the title screen and whatnot. Or not if you want to go completely without a title screen or have something more unique in mind, your call completely.
Next we need to tell the game to have the player start off on this map rather than the official "player starting point" that the New Game option in title screen would take us to. We can do this by adding this mini scriptlet piece down in the materials section of your script editor (where it says Insert Here) as a new script:
class Scene_Cutscene
def main
$game_player.moveto(x, y)
Graphics.frame_count = 0
If you have any common sense, it will be obvious looking over this snippet of coding what you need to add to personalize it. Replace "Map_ID" with the ID of the map you wish your player to start out on for the pre-title stuff, and "x, y" with their x/y coordinates respectively. Once you've got that all in place, go up to the SceneManager and look for this:
# * Get First Scene Class
def self.first_scene_class
$BTEST ? Scene_Battle : Scene_Title
This line of coding is what tells the game to start with the title screen, but we don't want to do that. SO! Instead of "Scene_Title", replace the line with "Scene_Cutscene". This will instead use our little scriptlet instead of the usual title script as the first scene in the game, and place the player where we have earlier designated him.
And that's actually pretty much it! As a personal recommendation, I'd suggest you start the "logo map" you're making with a parallel process event that tints the screen entirely black with as quickly as possible, then follow it with an autorun event that does whatever you're wanting your pre-title scene to do. Makes it look a lot nicer. ^^