Ok, is out. I have checked through a lots of code and fixed several little glitches nobody of you even noticed. =P
Anyways, I included a few more options in the BlizzABS::Config module and I have extended the movement system. It supports now running, sneaking and jumping. Just only be careful when you set up the pixel movement so it doesn't mess with the run speed option. I wasn't able to find a solution for the speed limit in the pixel movement yet. I guess I'll have to change the entire sprite-movement-progress-on-the-screen idea and make an independant new system that can handle this. =/
Also I have checked through the bugs you guys reported. The only bug that was REALLY still there was the centering screen after teleporting. I DID fix the Attack-Defend conflict some time ago. The forced movement system should be working for the biggest part as well. I haven't encountered any problems after the last few fixes.
I guess the only things that are left are the final tweaks on the enemy AI (including their going around obstacles...), complete weapon/skill/item systems and ally AI (in this order). Since exams were last week and the next ones are about 5 weeks from now, I should start working on Blizz-ABS again to finish it already. (~_^)d I have decided that I will release version after only finalizing the enemy AI and making a manual. I'll add the other stuff later.
@Nobuu: Just make the enemy drop an item in the database. It works automatically on the map.